May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
Cynthia Eden is celebrating the release of Midnight Master (June 30, 2009), the final book in her Midnight trilogy, with a contest, 30 Days of Demons. There will be tons of prizes. Head over to her blog for the details.

May undefined
May undefined
By Donna
The winner of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre using
RANDOM.ORG's List Randomizer is:
Jake L
Jake L please send an email to fantasydreamersramblings @ gmail . com (remember no spaces) with your mailing address, put BLUE DIABLO in the subject line and I will get your book to you ASAP. The winner will have 7 days to contact me or another winner will be picked.
The winner of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre using
RANDOM.ORG's List Randomizer is:
Jake L
There were 18 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Jake L
- S.M.D.
- booklover1335
- Jo
- gaby317
- Valorie
- chris
- I Heart Book Gossip
- nightdweller20
- Valerie
- CrystalGB
- S.M.D.
- gaby317
- Dawn M.
- S.M.D.
- Belinda M
- Kytaira
- S.M.D.
Timestamp: 2009-05-31 14:56:00 UTC
Thank you to everyone for entering the contest!!!!
Blue Diablo,
contest winner
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
Cue in the music...Closing Time by Semisonic "Closing time - time for you to go out, go out into the world..." Every time I hear the words "Last Call", since I first heard the song Closing Time, I hear those lyrics in my head.
O.k. back to the topic of the giveaway for a copy of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre. The giveaway ends tonight at midnight CST. Click here to enter. What are you waiting for?
O.k. back to the topic of the giveaway for a copy of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre. The giveaway ends tonight at midnight CST. Click here to enter. What are you waiting for?
Ann Aguirre,
Blue Diablo,
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
I just want to say, "Man! I wish I could have gone to BEA!!!!" But New York City is so far away from Texas. Oh, yeah, and that one tiny thing called money. #@%^%!
Warning Bell! My contest for a copy of Ann Aguirre's Blue Diablo ends this Saturday at midnight CST.
Author News:
I got a blog award! Thank you, Mandi at Smexy Books, for giving me this sweet award. This award is to be given to new blogs and blogging buddies, that I are new to me. I have recently met the following bloggers, who I think are just neato, I would like to pass this along to:
Jo at Ink & Paper
Pam at Bookalicio.us
Warning Bell! My contest for a copy of Ann Aguirre's Blue Diablo ends this Saturday at midnight CST.
Author News:
- Good News! C.L. Wilson has been contracted to write three more books for the Fading Lands series. She said that means Bel, Gaelen and another yet unknown character from the series, will
get their own books. She will also be writing a fourth book called the The Winter King, which will have a different setting, world and characters from the Fading Lands.
- Jaye Wells has created a different kind of book trailer for Red-Headed Stepchild, you need to check out: A Heart-Warming Plea from Sabina Kane
- More good news, Chloe Neill has announced that there will be a book three and four in the Chicagoland Vampires series.
- Ann Aguirre gave a raving review of Sins & Shadows by Lyn Bendict.
- Even more happy news, Anya Bast has announced a two-book deal to continuing her upcoming Dark Magick series.
- Lurv a la Mode has a review of Sister of the Dead by Barb and J.C. Hendee. This is one of my most favorite books.
- Fantasy Book News & Reviews has review on The Immortal Prince by Jennifer Fallon.
- Dear Author has an interesting blog post this week, 10 Author Online Promotional Dont's, some of these could be applied personally to those who aren't authors also.
- Mulluane over at Dragons, Heroe and Wizards, posted this on Twitter (be prepared to laugh your booty off!): How to Lie about Books by Jason Henninger.
- Fantasy Book Critic posted a video "Gollancz Authors: Men versus Women", featuring authors: Jaine Fenn, Alex Bell, Suzanne McLeod, Joe Abercrombie, Richard Morgan and Alastair Reynolds, discussing men and women authors' different approaches to writing. Very Funny.
- Babbling about Books, and More has a review up for Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr. This review had me breaking down and buying Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange, so I could read this book.
- SF Signal is giving away 3 copies of Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine. Deadline to enter is June 1st, midnight CT.
- Deadline Dame Kaz is giving away signed copies of Ill Wind and Heat Stroke, the first two books in Rachel Caine’s Weather Wardens series. Deadline to enter is end of the day on May 30th.
- Rachel Vincent is giving away a copy of My Soul to Take, deadline to enter is midnight on May 30th.
- BSC Reviews is giving away a signed, limited edition copy of Objects of Worship by Claude Lalumiere.
- Blood of the Muse is giving away a signed copy of Eve of Darkness. Deadline to enter is June 7th, midnight PST.
- Bree and Donna, the writing duo that represents Moira Rogers, is giving away an eARC of Sanctuary Lost by Moira Rogers. Deadline to enter is before June 1st.
- Fantasy Cafe is giving away five copies of The Wolverine Files by Mike W. Barr. Deadline to enter is June 4th.
- Literary Escapism is giving away 3 copies of Worst Nightmares by Shane Briant. Deadline to enter is June 2nd.
- Author Toni Andrews is hosting contest to launch the third book in Mercy Hollings series, Cry Mercy. She is giving away is a SIGG aluminum water bottle and signed copies of the first two books in the Mercy Hollings series, Beg for Mercy and Angel of Mercy. Deadline to enter is May 31st.
- SciFiChick.com is giving away a copy of the anthology Swordplay, edited by Denise Little. Deadline to enter is July 3rd.
- The Book Smugglers has a book review and giveaway of Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey. Five copies will be given away and deadline is May 31st, midnight PST.

Jo at Ink & Paper
Pam at Bookalicio.us
blog awards,
book reviews,
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
There is talk of remaking the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. From The Hollywood Reporter:
"Buffy" creator Joss Whedon isn't involved and it's not set up at a studio, but Roy Lee and Doug Davison of Vertigo Entertainment are working with original movie director Fran Rubel Kuzui and her husband, Kaz Kuzui, on what is being labeled a remake or relaunch, but not a sequel or prequel.I'm thinking, they are going to have a real tough road ahead of them without Joss Whedon and some very big shoes to fill. What do you think of a remake of Buffy? Would you go see it? Do you think they can pull it off without Joss Whedon?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
movie remake
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.
--Joseph Campbell
As I approach the gates of heaven;
St. Peter I will tell;
One more soldier reporting sir;
I've served my time in hell.
--Mark Anthony Gresswell
When we say "War is over if you want it," we mean that if everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set, we'd have peace.
--John Lennon
Memorial Day
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
Interesting Interviews & Reviews:
Movies on the Horizon:
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes looks like it might be good with a lot of dark humor. I had seen the preview for it, yesterday at the movie theater. It is being directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Rachel McAdams. The movie is to premiere on November 20, 2009.
Blood: The Last Vampire
When I first seen the trailer for Blood: The Last Vampire, my first thought was "Oh, please let this movie play here in the US!" It will show here in the US, in July 2009. YESSS!
From the Sony website:
- At The Magic District, Diana Rowland interviews Sarah Wendell, one of the co-authors of Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches’ Guide to Romance Novels by Candy Tan & Sarah Wendell.
- Interesting post at Books on the Brain asking: Are you a skimmer or a reader? when reading blog posts.
- Nicely done review on Black and White by Jackie Kessler and Kaitlin Kitteredge at Preternatural Reviews.
- Check out the new book cover for Kelly Gay's new book The Better Part of Darkness.
- Love Romance Passion has 16 Ways to Read More Books.
- Have you been wondering just exactly what is steampunk? Check out Janicu's Book Blog.
- Smexy Books has the run down on the J.R. Ward's Lover Avenged Chat Transcript.
- Looking for a book that your pre-teen/teen will want to read, check out this book review and interview on Doc Wilde and the Frogs of Doom by Tim Byrd at Old Bat's Belfry.
- Amberkatze's Book Blog has an author interview and contest with Vicki Pettersson, the giveaway is an ARC of City of Souls.
- Monthly giveaway at Amberkatze's Book Blog is a copy of Strange Angels.
- Lots of giveaways for The Wolverine Files by Mike W. Barr:
- BSC - 5 Copies
- Blood of the Muse - 5 Copies
- Fantasy Literature News & Interviews - 5 Copies
- Graeme's Fantasy Book Review - 5 Copies
- BSC - 5 Copies
- BSC is giving away 5 copies of The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan.
- SciFiGuy.ca is giving away an ARC of Intertwined by Gena Showalter.
- Yankee Romance Reviewers is giving away 5 copies of One Deadly Sin by Annie Solomon.
- The World in a Satin Bag is having a massive giveaway celebrating their 1000th blog post.
- J. Kaye's Book Blog is going to have 22 Days of 22 audio books giveaways.
Cindy Pon, author of Silver Phoenix is having a super giveaway, a signed copy of Silver Phoenix and your choice of either an original framed painting by her or $100 gift card to the book store of your choice. The more people who enter the contest, the more prizes Cindy Pon will be offered up.
- Added after posting: Almost forgot my own giveaway here on Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings! Click here for details on winning a copy of Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre.
Movies on the Horizon:
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes looks like it might be good with a lot of dark humor. I had seen the preview for it, yesterday at the movie theater. It is being directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Rachel McAdams. The movie is to premiere on November 20, 2009.
Blood: The Last Vampire
When I first seen the trailer for Blood: The Last Vampire, my first thought was "Oh, please let this movie play here in the US!" It will show here in the US, in July 2009. YESSS!
From the Sony website:
From a Producer of Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE, based on the cult hit series. Demons have infested the earth. And only one warrior stands between the dark and the light: Saya, a half-human, half-vampire samurai who preys on those who feast on human blood. Joining forces with the shadowy society known as the Council, Saya is dispatched to an American military base, where an intense series of swordfights leads her to the deadliest vampire of all. And now after 400 years, Saya's final hunt is about to begin.
author interviews,
book reviews,
May undefined
May undefined
By Donna

The noble and magical aelven were riven by war when a rogue clan embraced a forbidden source of magic: the drinking of blood. In the bitter fighting that ensued, the vampiric Clan Darkshore were cast out of the aelven and driven across the Ebon Mountains. Stripped of their various clan colors, they were thenceforth known only as “alben,” hated and shunned. An uneasy peace now holds over the land, but it is whispered that Shalár, the beautiful and bloodthirsty queen of the alben, is readying a surprise attack to win back all that was lost–and none can say where or when she will strike.
The fate of the clans will depend on two young aelven lovers, Eliani and Turisan, who are blessed with a legendary gift: the fabled power of mindspeech. But this ability comes with great risks. Time is running out as the alben mount their attack–and their ultimate betrayal.
The Betrayal is a romantic fantasy told from three main point of views, Eliani, Turisan and Shalár. They live in a world where the aelven are the dominate race but divided. The aelven consider themselves to be a race of good elves, who rule their world by trying to do no harm and staying inline with nature. The alben are elves who have gone against the aelven creed by drinking the blood of kobalen. The kobalen are primative, hairy man-like creatures with questionable intelligence. The aelven do not consider the alben to be part of their aelven race anymore, ever since the Bitter wars, which was caused by the blood drinking.
Eliani hasn't been so lucky in the love department, so when she discovers the gift of mindspeech with Turisan, she is very hesitant and scared about accepting it and the love Turisan has to offer. The road to acceptance for Eliani is littered with ghosts from her past, so Turisan has many obstacles in his way while he tries to convince Eliani of his love for her. But Eliani has to decide quick, because the use of mindspeech could be the deciding factor of who will be the victor, if her people have to go to war.
Shalár, the queen of the alben, wants to reclaim the land, Fireshore, that was lost to her clan during the Bitter wars. She has been plotting to bring Fireshore and prosperity back to her dwindling clan, that begins to unfold unbeknown to the aelven. Shalár can be a fierce ruler and at the same time a compassionate soul.
The book cover for The Betrayal caught my attention at the bookstore but I didn't buy it then. Later that same day, I read a review on it at Romance Book Wyrm, which got me very interested. So, I ordered it online and I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed reading The Betrayal, it reminded me of the Dragonlance worlds but with much more romance mixed in. The storyline moves along at a good pace, Pati Nagle keeps your interest peaked as you turn each page. You'll find yourself wondering just whose side are you on, the Aelven or the Alben.
The Betrayal is the first book in the Aelven series, the second book Heart of the Exiled is due out late spring/early summer of 2010 according to Pati Nagle's web site. There is a map, cast of characters, a glossary and more on the Aelven web site, good references while reading the book.
Read the first two chapters of The Betrayal
Buy The Betrayal
Book Reviews on other blogs:
Fantasy Literature
Romance Book Wyrm
Pati Nagle,
Romantic Fantasy,
The Betrayal,
vampire elves
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
S.J. Day has asked through her blog and Twitter for others to help spread the word that The Marked series is not a trilogy. Apparently there some published reports out in the wild, stating that The Marked series is a trilogy.
On S.J. Day's website in the FAQs section, question #1 plainly states that The Marked series was never planned as a trilogy. And over in the Media Kit section the press release for Eve of Darkness says in the first paragraph:
I guess someone didn't do their research. :(
On S.J. Day's website in the FAQs section, question #1 plainly states that The Marked series was never planned as a trilogy. And over in the Media Kit section the press release for Eve of Darkness says in the first paragraph:
Beloved author S.J. Day's action-packed Eve of Darkness (A Tor Urban Fantasy Mass Market Original, $6.99; On Sale April 28, 2009) launches the consecutive month releases of the first three books in the new Marked series.
I guess someone didn't do their research. :(
Marked series,
S.J. Day
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
Here is a new trailer on The Vampire Diaries on CW, adapted from L.J. Smith's books by the same name. It looks it might pretty good, I'm planning on giving it a try. Maybe it'll break my non-TV watching habit that I've gotten into since the writers' strike.
Premiering this fall on Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT on the CW.
Premiering this fall on Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT on the CW.
L.J. Smith,
The Vampire Diaries,
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
I noticed the other day, surfing Amazon.com, that the Sookie Stackhouse Series is getting revamped with new book covers and reissued. Looks like they are doing a tie-in with True Blood HBO series with these. The new covers have a Young Adult book cover feel to them. I could only find the first six in the series with new covers and I couldn't find any other information about them. So, I'm not sure if they are going to revamp all of the book covers in the series or just the first six.
Before I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse Series, I had seen these books at the book store but never bothered to pick them up because of the covers. Now, if the books had the new covers, way back when, I would've picked them up sooner. True Blood, the HBO series, brought my attention to this series, when it premiered last fall. Of course, now I'm hooked on this series, books and HBO shows, line and sinker.
As an aside, if I had been blogging before January of this year, I would've know this was a good series. Thankfully I came out of my hidy-hole and ventured onto the intrawebs after hours. Being a web developer as my profession, when I got off work, I would avoid the computer like the plague. Something changed/clicked last December, don't remember what it was. Just glad it did.
The old book covers did grow me as I read the series but I do like the new ones. What do you think about the new covers? Do you like them?
Book covers are from Amazon.com
Before I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse Series, I had seen these books at the book store but never bothered to pick them up because of the covers. Now, if the books had the new covers, way back when, I would've picked them up sooner. True Blood, the HBO series, brought my attention to this series, when it premiered last fall. Of course, now I'm hooked on this series, books and HBO shows, line and sinker.
As an aside, if I had been blogging before January of this year, I would've know this was a good series. Thankfully I came out of my hidy-hole and ventured onto the intrawebs after hours. Being a web developer as my profession, when I got off work, I would avoid the computer like the plague. Something changed/clicked last December, don't remember what it was. Just glad it did.
The old book covers did grow me as I read the series but I do like the new ones. What do you think about the new covers? Do you like them?
New Covers | Old Covers |
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Book covers are from Amazon.com
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
~*~*~*~*~*~* This contest is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Why did I pick Blue Diablo? Chance, one of the main characters, is half Korean, just like me. *big grin* And this book was such a pleasure to read I want to share it with someone, APAHM gives me the perfect opportunity to do it.
Contest Rules:
1. Contest ends on Saturday, May 30th at midnight CST.
2. Winner will be picked by a randomizer and announced on Sunday, May 31st.
2. Winner will be picked by a randomizer and announced on Sunday, May 31st.
3. You will need to check back to see if you have won. A new winner will be picked, if the prize is not claimed within 7 days.
4. Contest is open to U.S. & Canada residents only.
How to Enter:
For each entry, please post in a separate comment - makes it easier to count ;-)
1. Pick one of the following and tell me:
- the name of your favorite Asian movie
- the name of your favorite Asian actor/actress
- why you want to read Blue Diablo
- the name of your favorite Asian movie
- the name of your favorite Asian actor/actress
- why you want to read Blue Diablo
Optional - worth 1 extra entry each:
2. Spread the word about this contest by tweeting it on Twitter using the follow tweet:
RT @FantasyDreamer: Win a copy of BLUE DIABLO by Ann Aguirre - APAHM Giveaway http://tinyurl.com/odfy5e
Come back here, in a new comment, post you did this.
RT @FantasyDreamer: Win a copy of BLUE DIABLO by Ann Aguirre - APAHM Giveaway http://tinyurl.com/odfy5e
Come back here, in a new comment, post you did this.
3. Spread the word about this contest, where ever it is appropriate, in as many places as you want. Come back here, in a new comment for each of the places you spread the word, post a link that I can verify.
Good Luck!
Book Blurb:
Right now, I’m a redhead. I’ve been blonde and brunette as the situation requires, though an unscheduled color change usually means relocating in the middle of the night. So far, I’m doing well here. Nobody knows what I’m running from. And I’d like to keep it that way…
Eighteen months ago, Corine Solomon crossed the border to Mexico City, fleeing her past, her lover, and her “gift”. Corine, a handler, can touch something and know its history—and sometimes, its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing—and that’s why people never stop trying to find her. People like her ex, Chance…
Chance, whose uncanny luck has led him to her doorstep, needs her help. Someone dear to them both has gone missing in Laredo, Texas, and the only hope of finding her is through Corine’s gift. But their search may prove dangerous as the trail leads them into a strange dark world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies—and black magic…
Ann Aguirre,
Asian Pacific Heritage Month,
Blue Diablo,
May undefined
May undefined
By Donna
Congratulations to the winner of Eve of Darkness...
Kitten22Please send me an email with your name and mailing address to fantasydreamersramblings [at] gmail [dot] com and I will have your book mail to you.
Thank you everyone for entering the giveaway and your great responses! Remember another giveaway will be announced later today.
contest winner,
Eve of Darkness
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna

Right now, Amazon.com has the just released Green Day mp3 album, 21st Century Breakdown on sale for $4.99. That is a price you can't beat. Yeah, I bought it. This sweet tip came from Jeff over at Fantasy Book News & Reviews via Twitter: @bossfan2000.
I'm a bit of a horror movie nut, so I thought I would share this movie trailer on H2. H2 (Halloween 2), directed by Rob Zombie, will be out on August 28th of this year. It looks to be pretty scary as far as horror movies go! I'm not sure I will go out to see it but the movie does look promising.
A friend mine has started a blog novel on a fictional web geek persona, The Adventures of Pacir Staquetrane. Um, not sure how to pronounce the name though. He is a bit of a comedian in his own right. If you have a moment, check it out for a good laugh.
Wow, there are a ton of author contests running across the blogoshere this week. Check them and the blogger contests out below, maybe one of us will get lucky. *wiggling eyebrows*
Chloe Neil is have a Chicagoland Vampires Scavenger Hunt! The winner with the most correct, timely answers will receive a Cadogan House gift pack, featuring cool Chicago-related and Chicagoland Vampires-related items, including: a Chicago guide book that includes Merit's own notes, a Cadogan House mousepad and a SIGNED copy of SOME GIRLS BITE. Entries must be received by midnight on Friday, May 29th.

Jeanne Stein is giving away a bag of goodies over at the Biting Edge. All you have to do is name your favorite hero. Two winners will be picked on Thursday, May 21st.
Caitlin Kittredge is giving away ARCs of STREET MAGIC, HUNTRESS Anthology and WITCH CRAFT, Nocturne City Book 4. Not sure when this one ends.

Jeaniene Frost is giving away a signed ARC copy of Vicki Pettersson's fourth book in the Sign of the Zodiac series, CITY OF SOULS, which comes out on June 30th. The contest ends on Friday, May 22nd, at 11:59 pm, EDT.
Yasmine Galenorn is having a Demon Mistress Elevator Chat Contest for a $10 Amazon Online CG, three winners will be picked. The contest ends on Tuesday, May 19th, at midnight PST.

Suzanne McLeod is giving away the complete season 1 of Blood Ties DVD (Region 2 Format) and your choice of either a signed copy of THE SWEET SCENT OF BLOOD or a signed proof of THE COLD KISS OF DEATH. The contest ends Thursday, May 21st.
Rachel Caine is having an awesome contest. She is giving away to 4 Grand Prize Winners:
- A custom Morganville High School letter jacket (yes, a real one, only the school is made up!) There's even a custom Morganville High School Vipers logo on the back!
- A custom Morganville High School class ring!
- A custom Morganville High School yearbook containing a short original story from Rachel Caine
- A signed copy of CARPE CORPUS.

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin' News & Reviews is giving away a copy of SKIN TRADEe by Laurell K. Hamilton. A winner will be picked by Friday, June 5th. While you are there check out a couple of other contests going.
J. Kaye’s Book Blog is have some raffles for books and audio books during the months of May and June, head over there to find out the details.
Bitten By Books is a having a month long birthday celebration over at their place during the month of May - I'm sure everyone knows, since that is a favorite hang for a lot us book readers (^_^). Tons of prizes, guest interviews and fun polls.
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna

In a world where being of mixed-blood is a major liability, Sabina doesn’t really fit in. And being an assassin – the only profession fit for an outcast – doesn’t help matters. But she’s never brought her work home. Until now.
Her latest mission is uncomfortably complex, and threatens the fragile peace between the vampire and mage races. As Sabina scrambles to figure out which side she’s on, she uncovers a tangled political web, some nasty facts about her family and some unexpected new talents. Any of these things could be worryingly life-changing, but together, they could be fatal …
This time, it’s personal.
Sabina has a standoffish, tough chick attitude with the moves to back it up. Since she was born, Sabina has had to prove herself to the vampire race, especially the vampire leader whose her grandmother, all because her mother was a vampire and her father was mage, a forbidden union of races. Sabina is starting to get real tired of proving herself and finds herself doubting some of her latest missions' objectives. Two other-world men vie for her attention, one is a low-keyed, sexy mage and the other a high octane, sexually charged, mixed-blooded vampire/demon. Throw in several vamps, a few demons, a faery here and there, and some magic, what Sabina gets is her life going from troublesome to mind blowing complicated, real fast.
Red-Headed Stepchild (Sabina Kane, Book 1) is the debut urban fantasy novel by Jaye Wells. I have wanted to read this book every since I was introduced to this book and the author in another blog (I wish I could remember whose blog it was, so I can give credit). This book did not disappoint. I laughed so hard in several places while reading this book, my husband thought I was loosing my mind. Ms. Wells has a very sharp, sense of humor that mixes well into the dark underside world of vampires, faeries, demons and mages. This book was a pleasure to read and moved at very fast, easy pace.
The author's website states there will be at least three books in the Sabina Kane series and there is a short story on Sabina's early years in Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2, Edited by Trisha Telep, available on September 21, 2009. I'll be waiting in line for the next Sabina Kane book.
Other Reviews:
Amberkatze's Book Blog
Bitten By Books
Darque Reviews
Fantasy Book Critic
Fantasy Debut
Graeme's Fantasy Book Reviews
Ink and Paper
Book Review,
Jaye Wells,
Red-Headed Stepchild,
Urban Fantasy,
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna

Caldwell, NY, has long been the battleground for the battleground for the vampires and their enemies, the Lessening Society. It’s also where Rehvenge has staked out his turf as a drug lord and notorious nightclub that caters to the rich and heavily armed. His shadowy reputation is exactly why he’s approached to kill Wrath, the Blind King, and leader of the Brotherhood.
Rehvenge has always kept his distance from the Brotherhood, even though his sister is married to a member. Because he’s a sympath, his identity is a deadly secret- the revelation of which will result in his banishment to a colony for sociopaths. And as plots within and outside the Brotherhood take their toll against Rehvenge, he turns to the only source of light in a darkening world- Elhena, a vampire untouched by the corruption that has its hold on him- and the only thing standing between him and eternal destruction.
Lover Avenged is the seventh book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood (BDB) series by J.R. Ward. I was looking forward to reading this book and I was so not disappointed. This story is definitely one about polar opposites attracted to each other. As I read this book, I kept wondering how J.R. would spin this story into a satisfactory HEA, because I couldn't see how that would happen with odds stacked so high against Rehvenge and Elhena. The story flows smoothly with the right amounts of passion, mystery, action and the dark elements that make up the BDB world.
As with the previous books in this series, there are other story lines within the book. You'll read more on John Matthew and Xhex, Wrath and Beth, and Tohr with his unwanted side-kick, Lassiter. Lash, the part vampire/part Lesser, is back stirring up trouble, in a spoiled, college frat boy sort of way. Lash, I think, is making the Lessers' part of the series more interesting than it had been in the past. There are also minor appearances by the rest of the shitkicker wearing, leather clad BDB gang throughout the book. The end leaves you with a cliff hanger, so you definitely will
If you haven't read this series yet, you will need to read the other books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series before you read this book. This series needs to be read in the following order:
1. Dark Lover - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
2. Lover Eternal - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
3. Lover Awakened - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
4. Lover Revealed - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
5. Lover Unbound - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
6. Lover Enshrined - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
7. Lover Avenged at Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble
Other Reviews:
Anna's Book Blog
Darque Reviews
Fang-tastic Books
Smexy Books
The Way I See It
Book Review,
J.R. Ward,
Lover Avenged,
paranormal romance,
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
Lara Adrian, author of the Midnight Breed series, is giving away Kiss of Midnight, the first book in the series, as a free eBook download. The sixth book, Ashes of Midnight releases on May 26th. If you were planning on starting this series, now would be a good time and save a little money.
From the back cover of Kiss of Midnight:
He watches her from across the crowded dance club, a sensual black-haired stranger who stirs Gabrielle's deepest fantasies. But nothing about this night--or this man--is what it seems. For when Gabrielle witnesses a murder outside the club, reality shifts into something dark and deadly. In that shattering instant she is thrust into a realm she never knew existed--a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and a blood war is set to ignite.
Lucan Thorne despises the violence carried out by his lawless brethren. A vampire himself, Lucan is a Breed warrior, sworn to protect his kind--and the unwitting humans existing alongside them--from the mounting threat of the Rogues. Lucan cannot risk binding himself to a mortal woman, but when Gabrielle is targeted by his enemies, he has no choice but to bring her into the dark underworld he commands.
Here, in the arms of the Breed's formidable leader, Gabrielle will confront an extraordinary destiny of danger, seduction, and the darkest pleasures of all...
From the back cover of Kiss of Midnight:
He watches her from across the crowded dance club, a sensual black-haired stranger who stirs Gabrielle's deepest fantasies. But nothing about this night--or this man--is what it seems. For when Gabrielle witnesses a murder outside the club, reality shifts into something dark and deadly. In that shattering instant she is thrust into a realm she never knew existed--a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and a blood war is set to ignite.
Lucan Thorne despises the violence carried out by his lawless brethren. A vampire himself, Lucan is a Breed warrior, sworn to protect his kind--and the unwitting humans existing alongside them--from the mounting threat of the Rogues. Lucan cannot risk binding himself to a mortal woman, but when Gabrielle is targeted by his enemies, he has no choice but to bring her into the dark underworld he commands.
Here, in the arms of the Breed's formidable leader, Gabrielle will confront an extraordinary destiny of danger, seduction, and the darkest pleasures of all...
free ebook,
Lara Adrian,
Midnight Breed series
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
~*~*~*~*~*~* This contest is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Why did I pick Eve of Darkness? Well, I have a couple of reasons. For one, the book's author and main character Eve, are of Japanese heritage. The other reason, I wanted to pick a book that was recent and within the genres I read. Since Eve of Darkness is an Urban Fantasy and, I had recently read and loved it, made this book a perfect pick.
There will be another book giveaway in celebration of APAHM later this month, so be sure come back.
Contest Rules:
1. Contest ends on Saturday, May 16th at midnight CST.
2. Winner will be picked by a randomizer and announced on Sunday, May 17th.
2. Winner will be picked by a randomizer and announced on Sunday, May 17th.
3. You will need to check back to see if you have won. A new winner will be picked, if the prize is not claimed within 7 days.
4. Contest is open to U.S. & Canada residents only.
How to Enter:
For each entry, please post in a separate comment - makes it easier to count ;-)
1. Tell me what Asian influences you have experienced or like. It can be anything you can think of such food, art, clothing, etc. Or tell me why you want to read Eve of Darkness.
Optional - worth 1 extra entry each:
2. Spread the word about this contest by tweeting it on Twitter. Be sure include my Twitter ID @FantasyDreamer, so I can see it. Come back here, in a new comment, post you did this.
3. Spread the word about this contest, where ever it is appropriate, in as many places as you want. Come back here, in a new comment for each of the places you spread the word, post a link that I can verify.
Good Luck!
Book Blurb:
Cursed by God, hunted by demons, desired by Cain and Abel... All in a day's work.
For Evangeline Hollis, a long-ago fling with a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks just became a disaster of biblical proportions. One night with a leather-clad man of mystery has led to a divine punishment: the Mark of Cain.
Thrust into a world where sinners are drafted to kill demons, Eve knows her learning curve must be short. A longtime agnostic, she begrudgingly maneuvers through a celestial bureaucracy where she is a valuable but ill-treated pawn. She's also become the latest point of contention in the oldest case of sibling rivalry in history...
But she'll worry about all that later. Right now she's more concerned with learning to kill while staying alive. And saving the soul she'd never quite believed she had.
Asian Pacific Heritage Month,
Eve of Darkness,
S. J. Day
May 2009
May 2009
By Donna
MGMT (The Management) is made up of two band members Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden. MGMT is an American alternative rock band with a techno sound out of New York. I love their music! The Oracular Spectacular album is one of those that practically every song on it is a good one. Check out there website, real fun in a dizzy kinda way.
Kings of Leon is another American alternative rock band made up of family members going by the their middle names. They hail from the South and are based in Nashville, Tennessee. Kings of Leon say their religious upbringing is their biggest influence on their music. This band has an awesome sound, if you haven't checked them, please do. Rollings Stone had a feature article in the April 30th issue, on the group with some pretty interest tidbits, you can check out the highlights here.
The Band:
Caleb Followill - lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Jared Followill - bass
Matthew Followill - lead guitar
Nathan Followill - drums
Sex On Fire
Vampire Weekend is an American Indie rock band also from New York. Their name Vampire Weekend is intriguing, isn't it? The band's name came from a small film made by the lead singer Ezra Koenig's with the same name. I haven't bought the album but the song Oxford Comma has caught my attention.
The Band:
Ezra, Rostam, Christopher, and Chris
Kings of Leon is another American alternative rock band made up of family members going by the their middle names. They hail from the South and are based in Nashville, Tennessee. Kings of Leon say their religious upbringing is their biggest influence on their music. This band has an awesome sound, if you haven't checked them, please do. Rollings Stone had a feature article in the April 30th issue, on the group with some pretty interest tidbits, you can check out the highlights here.
The Band:
Caleb Followill - lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Jared Followill - bass
Matthew Followill - lead guitar
Nathan Followill - drums
Sex On Fire
Vampire Weekend is an American Indie rock band also from New York. Their name Vampire Weekend is intriguing, isn't it? The band's name came from a small film made by the lead singer Ezra Koenig's with the same name. I haven't bought the album but the song Oxford Comma has caught my attention.
The Band:
Ezra, Rostam, Christopher, and Chris
Kings of Leon,
Oxford Comma,
Sex on Fire,
Vampire Weekend
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