Author News, Interesting Tidbits and More – 11-11-09

Author News & Stuff:


The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay

Kelly Gay says that the second Charlie Madigan novel will be titled The Darkest Edge of Dawn (Aug. 31, 2010). The Better Part of Darkness, Kelly’s debut novel in this series, will release on November 24, 2009. I just finished reading The Better Part of Darkness, my review will be up next week. Kelly landed herself on my must read list with this one. Yeah, I enjoyed it that much.

Larissa Ione announced that she will be writing a paranormal novella in an anthology with Jacquelyn Frank that will be due for publication sometime in 2011.

Georgia McBride announced St. Martin’s Press “New Adult” Contest: Sponsored by #YAlitchat. If your an aspiring YA author, here’s your chance. St. Martin’s Press is out looking for “great, new, cutting edge fiction with protagonists who are slightly older than traditional YA and can appeal to a younger adult audience.”

Steamed by Katie MacAlister

Katie MacAlister is having a giveaway for several ARCs of Steamed (February 2, 2010), her new Steampunk novel.

Excerpts/Chapters/Free Reads:

Ann Aguirre posted an excerpt to Skin Tight (June 1, 2010), the second book in her new Skin series published under Ava Gray.

Rachel Caine post a sample chapter for Kiss of Death, the next Morganville Vampires book. She also post a free short short Grudge, it’s Sam’s story.

Kimberly Frost posted a Reader’s Guide for her book Would-Be Witch, the first book in her Southern Witch Series.

Heart Of Darkness by Gena Showalter Gena Showalter posted an excerpt to The Darkest Angel: A Lords of the Underworld tale. An iron-willed demon assassin, the angel Lysander has never known lust—until he meets Bianka. Spawned from the bloodline of Lucifer, the beautiful but deadly Harpy is determined to lead the pure-hearted Lysander into temptation…

Nalini Singh posted an excerpt to Bonds of Justice, a Psy-Changeling book due out in July 2010.

Rachel Vincent posted a mini excerpt of My Soul to Save, the second book in her Soul Screamers series.

New Covers:

LoverMine Lover Mine (April 27, 2010) the eighth book in J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, was posted around the blogosphere by Babbling about Books and More, Dark Faerie Tales, Lovin’ Me Some Romance, Michelle’s Book Review Blog, Smexy Books, and Writings of a Wicked Book Addict. Yeah, this series is that popular!

The book blurb is from Goodreads.

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - vampire warriors, defenders of their race... John Matthew has been through his vampire transition and taken to the life of the Brotherhood with a vengeance, but he still can't shake the nightmare of his past and is unsure of his future as a warrior hero. He's made a promise to honour the Brotherhood and their fight with the slayers at all costs, until the love of his life is kidnapped and he is forced to make a choice that could change his life and the Brotherhood's forever...

Succubi-Like-It-Hot posted the new cover for Succubi Like It Hot (January 19, 2010) from Jill Myles's The Succubus Diaries. The first book in this series, Gentlemen Prefer Succubi releases on December 29, 2009.

The book blurb is from Simon and Schuster.


With a hot new figure, her dream job as an archaeologist, and two gorgeous boyfriends to scratch her seductive Itch -- an angel and a vampire -- Jackie Brighton is totally getting the hang of life as a succubus. Then she accidentally knocks the pizza guy unconscious with her touch. Great -- she's cursed. After striking a deal to get the curse lifted by a crafty demon, Jackie and her best friend Remy take a road trip to deliver a cryptic message to the nation's oldest succubus. Unfortunately, neither of her jealous lovers is talking to Jackie right now, and due to the curse, she's desperate to get her Itch scratched very soon. Their journey gets weirder with every mile -- demonic possession, a charming stalker, a cryptic warning -- and when they get to New Orleans, Jackie discovers a dangerous catch to her supernatural bargain. Someone wants her dead -- again. Can a brainy vixen in a miniskirt outsmart the forces of evil?

DarklyLuminous Babbling About Books and More post the new cover for The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker (April 27, 2010), the second book in the Strangely Beautiful series by Leanna Renee Hieber.

Book blurb from Leanna Renee Hieber’s web site.

With radiant, snow white skin and hair, Percy Parker was a beacon for Fate. True love had found her, in the tempestuous form of Professor Alexi Rychman. But her mythic destiny was not complete. Accompanying the ghosts with which she alone could converse, new and terrifying omens loomed. A war was coming, a desperate ploy of a spectral host. Victorian London would be overrun.  Yet, Percy kept faith. Within the mighty bastion of Athens Academy, alongside The Guard whose magic shielded mortals from the agents of the Underworld, she counted herself among friends. Wreathed in hallowed fire, they would stand together, no matter what dreams or nightmares—may come.

Interviews/Guest Blogging:

Interesting Tidbits:

I have a post up on what everyone's preference is for book reviews and it includes a poll. If you haven't voted please go by and cast your vote on whether you prefer short or long reviews or no preference. I'm really interested in what the outcome will be.

All Things Urban Fantasy has a new feature up: 2nd Opinion Review. In Abigail’s own words: I often disagree with reviews of particular books, sometimes even from reviewers who I usually agree with.  I know that some of you have disagreed with some of my previous reviews and I’d like to give you the opportunity to offer a 2nd Opinion Review. – Things could get interesting over there!

Odd Shots has a Are You A Psy Or a Changeling? Quiz up. I took it and apparently I’m a changeling. *sigh*

Dragon Age Origins Ann Aguirre has setup a new blog The Dragon Age Blog: Writers getting their geek on. Looks like Ann, Larissa Ione, Jill Myles, Michele Lee, Ilona Andrews, Brad Galloway and Moira Rogers (Bree and Donna) are all blogging over there about their newest gaming obsession: Dragon Age Origins. I think this must be the hot game of the moment because my son and his friends are also playing it. He talks of nothing else.

Comic Books Improve Early Childhood Literacy: The Telegraph reports that Professor Carol Tilley, a professor of library and information science at the University of Illinois, says that comics are just as sophisticated as other forms of reading, children benefit from reading them at least as much as they do from reading other kinds of books, and that there is evidence that comics increase children's vocabulary and instill a love of reading. – I find this real interesting especially since I use to hide the comics my dad bought from my mom. She swore up and down they were bad for me. [Slashdot]

Kindle for PC – You can now read Kindle books on your pc. Cool thing about it, it’s free and no Kindle required. The downside you can’t lay down with your pc or laptop and snuggle with it, like you can with a book or an ereader. [Lifehacker]

Giveaways Around the Virtual World:

As always, I hope you find a new a book or an author that you've not heard of before listed here. Good Luck! The ongoing contest list is on my blog's sidebar.


MrsMixx said...

I love the new covers! I've added all of them on my TBR-list...I have to read the last books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series so i'm reading for Lover Mine! I just love this cover.

Blodeuedd said...

Awesome post as always :D
Much to do

Erotic Horizon said...

Once again you rock with these update post...

On the Kindle - I understand that Amazon is providing free conversion of other formatted text to kindle format for free - so you could buy your books anywhere and Amazon will convert them for free and you can still read them on your kindle....

I did see that telegraph article -probably why my son rates the comic more highly than the regular books I buy him..

Looking forward to your Kelly Gay post - I will be getting that one...


Ellz said...

Great post. I love these. It must take forever to compile the info!

Chris said...

Wait, you would've preferred to be Psy over Changeling?!

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna :)
Thanks for the great update post. Thank you for taking the time to post all those links! Thank you also for including me in the giveaways.
All the best,

Mandi said...

Love the new Leanna Renee Hieber cover!! And of course Lover Mine :)

VampFanGirl said...

Donna! Girl, hats off to you. I can only imagine the time it takes not only to find all this information but to compile the info along with the links for your posts. You're amazing and you've become my link hub. ;)

And thank you for the interview/giveaway & cover alert pimpage. I'm a bit sad that my time has come to an end with Denise. She's an absolute sweetheart.

So, I'm dying for MacAlister's STEAMED. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming steampunk series. I'm ready for something new. Also, I gotta read this Skin series by Ava Gray. I bought the first in the series the other day. Looks super good and I'll definitely be checking out her site.

I loved Nalini's excerpt but I have to admit, it's Indigo's story that I'm dying for. Well that and ARCHANGEL'S KISS. That's by far my most anticipated read of next year.

Well, I think I've rambled on enough. LOL! Have a great night!

Hugs, VFG

Abigail said...

Another ridiculously useful post. Thanks for the links!

Donna said...

Caroline - A gorgeous book cover has added to my TBR many a time.

Blodeuedd - Yeah, a lot here today. Hope you find something worth your while. :)

EH - that's a smart move on Amazon's part about the free conversions to their format.

Elnice - it does take some time but not as much as it use to. Tags have become my best helper for these posts.

Chris - I haven't read any of the Psy-Changeling books. I have bought them and plan on reading soon. So being a Changeling is bad, huh? But that's what the quiz told me I was. ;)

RKCharron - You're welcome! Glad to link your contest. :)

Mandi - Same here, I love the color red!

VFG - Steamed looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to it myself. I love the cover for it. You can ramble on over here anytime!

Abigail - You're welcome! and Thank you :)

Alexia561 said...

I'm not sure where you find out all of this info, but thank you so much for posting this! Didn't know that the new Black Daggar Brotherhood was about John Michael, but I had hoped! And so many new books to add to my wishlist!

Thank you again! You're awesome! :)

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