Well, I kept saying I wasn't going to get an eReader, even posted about why I wouldn't, several months back. I have finally broken down and bought an eReader. I have finally crossed over to the Darkside. And you know what? I like it. Okay, I've only had it a little over 24 hours but what I've seen on it so far, I like. Really like. It is so different viewing an ebook on the Sony Reader vs the computer. No comparison. The Sony Reader wins hands down.
This is how it happened, one day on Twitter I was complaining about needing to get an eReader because I had ebooks I wanted to read but hadn't since I don't like reading for long periods of time on my laptop. Not to mention cumbersome. You can't lay on your side or hang off the bed at angle and read with a laptop like you can with a book. Plus, I get a bit nausea when I read on the laptop for a long time, kinda like reading in the car for some people. My problem was I didn't want to spent the $$ on an eReader plus I didn't think there would be much of a viewing difference from eReader to computer. Heck, you could buy a netbook for what the name brand eReaders are costing right now. I just couldn't justify the money and was afraid to spent that kind of money, just to find out I didn't like the eReader just the same as reading on a computer. Jeff over at Fantasy Book News & Reviews saw my tweet and offered to sell me his Sony Reader PRS-505, that he had only used for about two months. Jeff had just gotten an iPhone and decided to use it as an eReader. He also said prior to that he was using his iTouch as an eReader. He made an offer I couldn't refuse.
Will the Sony Reader replace my compulsive-book-buying habit of real, paper books? Nope. I love my paper books with their beautiful covers and new book smell, even old books smell good. And nothing beats the feeling of walking out of a store with a book, oh, alright a bag full of books or when the delivery guy leaves a box of books on your door step. Some things are just priceless and irreplaceable, real books are one of those things. Books are my comfort zone.
I am happy to say I was wrong about the eReader. It's almost like reading a real book. Plus, I can deal with reading on an eReader after being on a computer or two at work all day and no nausea. I owe Jeff a huge THANK YOU! Now, all the ebooks I have been stock piling are loaded up on my Sony Reader and I'm ready to Rock 'n Roll!

Hi :)
I've been debating about getting an ereader too. I read ebooks on a computer screen like you used too and wondered at the difference.
You've convinced me.
I think I'll wait till next year though when the price drops some more.
Love from Canada
Thanks for sharing
Awesome!! I love my ereader. I use it for all those e-published books out there. SO many of them I would not have read if it weren't for the ereader. I just can't sit and read at the laptop for that long.
But like you said, I could not give up my print books. I need to buy them.
Congrats on your new purchase! I like reading books on my iPod Touch. Mmm. color. :)
Ah yes, the old analogy "Never Say Never"... ;)
However, in this case I think you will be pleased you broke your vow.
I too will never give up my print books but do love my e-reader. It allows versatility and access to books I wouldn't otherwise have read. There are so many now published in e-book format that I don't think we will ever see in print. :)
Hmmm. I've vowed never to sign on to Twitter... We'll see. lol
Have a great weekend Donna.
I LOVE my Sony Reader.... I am addicted and it is a plus since the e-books a little cheaper it gives me a good excuse to by more ;-)
welcome to the dark side - hon and i am glad you are loving it..
I would be lost without my Fitzoy and i am still cringing at the price i paid for it ... but it was so worth it for all the reason you mentioned...
Hi RkCharron - I really had my feet stuck in the mud about getting an eReader but I'm so glad I have one now. Let me tell ya, the relief on the eyes - nice!
Hi Amy C - I love getting paper books! The feeling of just having them, that song "Hooked on a Feeling" comes to mind. :)
Hi Shadows - Psst, my hubby gave me his iTouch the other day because he got himself an iPhone. Maybe I'll check it out for ebook usage. But I will say, I let the size of the Sony Reader screen vs the iTouch.
Hi Lea - Twitter, hmm...think of all the fun we are having out there with book discussions. Real time book talk. Just think on it. ;)
Hi Book Junkie - I haven't really paid attention to prices of books vs ebooks but I'm sure I'll get to know where the ebook bargains are. Yep, that's what I need, just another excuse to buy a book. Kewl!!
Hi E.H. - Ooo, you named yours! I like that, hmm, need to go ponder some names. *grins*
Congrats, I would love an ereader but as it seems Germany isn't ready for this invention. I heard a few rumors about plans to bring them on the German market. I can't wait for that to finally happen...In the moment I read all the ebooks on my HTC Touch Diamond. Would be great to have a bigger display. But I would accept an IPhone as well ;-)
Have a nice weekend!
ooo, pretty. Yeah I have the same reasons you did for not getting one; mostly my cheapness and the fact I do have a little netbook I can use. So now all I need is some lovely soul on twitter to sell their one to me for a good price. *looks around hopefully*.. nothing.
I have ereader on my Iphone and I love it! Check out fictionwise.com. that's where I get all my ebooks - some are very cheap!
I too continue to buy books, but now I only buy the ones that I want to have and keep. Ebooks allow me to read authors that I normally would not have picked up before.
Anyway - well to our side!
Glad you are enjoying it! Also forgot to tell you I like the new site design. Makes mine look way boring. Maybe I need to start browsing for some blogger widgets to spruce my blog up a bit.
Hi SusiSunshine - I didn't know Germany didn't have eReaders available over there. Someone needs to get after Sony or another company with a stick, to fix that quick.
Hi Janicu - I lucked out, didn't I? Sometimes whiny pays off. LOL!
Hi Debbie - Thanks for the tip on fictionwise.com. I need to start figuring out where I can get ebooks for the best price.
Hi Jeff - Yes, I owe you many a thanks! I am very happy with it. My husband keeps asking "So, have you worn it out yet?" LOL!
Thank you on the blog compliment, I really appreciate it coming from another web developer. :)
I love mine more than I thought I would:) I want to name mine too! Can't think of anything good yet;)
Hi Mandi - Fun! Let me know what you name yours. I'm still thinking about it.
I love paper books.
However, I have shelves and shelves of books, so my ereader really saves space. I still buy all my favorite must-have authors in print form, but I find ebooks let me take more risks on unknown writers without having to drop a lot of money (or deal with loss of bookshelf space).
Fair warning, though. If you have the misfortune of getting a horrible book, DON'T chuck your ereader at the wall! That's an expensive habit. ^_^
Hi Keith - LOL! I can honestly say I have never gotten so mad at a book, that I threw it. Guess I've been lucky so far. I'll keep your advise in mind for if and when I do come across a book that gets me angry enough to throw it. But then again, I probably won't remember at the moment of anger. ;)
Haha you totally make me laugh Donna.
I have really contemplated getting an eReader. I can't sit at a computer and read an eBook. It drives me nuts. I still do it though.
I didn't know whether to shoot of a really expensive Kindle and have access to all the books through Amazon. Or do a Sony eReader. I think I'll cave in and get a Sony because I really don't want to come up with 400ish dollars for a Kindle.
Besides I'm like you, I love love LOVE my paper books.
But I want to save trees too lol
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