New Book Releases for Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Fantasy – November 3, 2009

If you have a book review for one of new releases listed here, link it in comments and I will be happy to add it to this post. Or if I missed a book please let me know so I can add it.

November 3, 2009  

A Highlander Christmas
by Cindy Miles, Dawn Halliday, Sopie Renwick
Paranormal Romance

A festive anthology featuring three all-new stories, three sexy Scotsmen, and a magical holiday setting.

An enchanting trio of paranormal Christmas stories:

Dawn Halliday's Winter Heat...Lost in a blizzard, a young woman casts a spell over the brooding Highland warrior who rescues her.

Cindy Miles's A Christmas Spirit...A museum curator's tour of a Scottish castle leads to an unexpected encounter with a dead-sexy spirit.

Sophie Renwick's Yuletide Enchantment...Passion blooms between an anxious bride-to-be and a dark, sensual stranger from another world.

- Reviewed By


An Enchanted Season by Nalini Singh, Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, and Jean Johnson
Paranormal Romance

From a shape-shifting leopardess who wants a pack-mate to be her soulmate, to a snowstorm that brings a surprise gift, these four tales will stir readers' spirits in all the right places.

- Reviewed by


Elegy Beach by Steven R. Boyett
Sequel to Ariel
Post-apocalyptic Fantasy

Thirty years ago the lights went out, the airplanes fell, the cars went still, the cities all went dark. The laws humanity had always known were replaced by new laws that could only be called magic. The world has changed forever. Or has it?

In a small community on the California coast are Fred Garey and his friend Yan, both born after the Change. Yan dreams of doing something so big his name will live on forever. He thinks he's found it-a way to reverse the Change. But Fred fears the repercussions of such drastic, irreversible steps.

- Reviewed by


Finding The Lost by Shannon K. Butcher
Book 2, The Sentinel Wars
Paranormal Romance

Sentinel warrior Paul has been searching for centuries for a woman like Andra. To find her, he strikes a bargain with a bloodhunter that could cost him his life. Now, his desire for Andra threatens to destroy his much-needed control. Against her wishes, Andra agrees to join Paul on a journey fraught with danger- and leading directly to the Synestryn who victimized her family eight years ago.

- Reviewed by


Fade Out by Rachel Caine
Book 7, Morganville Vampires Series
Young Adult Urban Fantasy

Without the evil vampire Bishop ruling over the town of Morganville, the resident vampires have made major concessions to the human population. With their newfound freedoms, Claire Danvers and her friends are almost starting to feel comfortable again...

Now Claire can actually concentrate on her studies, and her friend Eve joins the local theatre company. But when one of Eve's castmates goes missing after starting work on a short documentary, Eve suspects the worst. Claire and Eve soon realize that this film project, whose subject is the vampires themselves, is a whole lot bigger-and way more dangerous-than anyone suspected.

- Reviewed by


The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine
2-in-1 Edition that includes the first Morganville books: Glass Houses and The Dead Girls' Dance
Young Adult Urban Fantasy

The first two novels in the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampires series together for the first time in a new trade paperback edition.

Morganville is a small college town in the heart of Texas—not a place that exactly screams “hotbed of creatures of the night.” But college freshman Claire Danvers is about to discover why, in Morganville, you should never, ever stay out after dark…

Glass Houses
College freshman Claire Danvers moves off campus and into an old house in the small town of Morganville. Her new roommates have her back when the town’s deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood…

The Dead Girls’ Dance
Claire may have a great roommate and a new boyfriend, but when she’s invited to the Dead Girls’ Dance all hell breaks loose—literally. Because this time, the living and the dead are ready to tear up the night…


Winter Kiss by Deborah Cooke
Book 4, Dragonfire Series
Paranormal Romance

millennia, the shape-shifting dragon warriors known as the Pyr have commanded the four elements and guarded the earth's treasures. But now the final reckoning between the Pyr and the dreaded slayers is about to begin...

The mysterious Dragon's Blood Elixir gives immortality to Magnus, the Pyr's greatest enemy, and his minions-so it must be destroyed. Outcast from the Pyr because of his own dangerous impulses, Delaney will do anything to vanquish Magnus-and vows to complete a mission which will either redeem him or end his suffering.

But his plans don't take into account his sudden firestorm-or the hot- tempered Ginger Sinclair. The firestorm reforms Delaney closer to his old self. And when Ginger learns about Delaney's scheme, she cannot resist a strong man with a noble agenda.

- Reviewed by


Wild Blue Under by Judi Fennell
Book 2, Mer Series
Paranormal Romance

The underwater kingdom is his as soon as he claims his queen…
Rod Tritone has the looks and charm to snag any queen he wants for his Mer kingdom, but unfortunately, it's not up to him. As fate would have it, the one woman destined to rule with him is terrified of water…

She lives in land-locked Kansas and has no idea she's a princess…
Valerie Dumere thinks Rod is gorgeous and irresistible—but why does he keep insisting she has another side to herself that only he can show her?

Somehow, Rod has to prove to her who she really is. But when she finds out the truth, will she ever forgive him?

- Reviewed by


Skin Game by Ava Gray
Book 1, Skin Series
Paranormal Romance/Romantic Suspense

Kyra's a con woman and a thief who can steal her target's strongest skill. But when she becomes the target of a hit man, she won't be able to hide from the passion that engulfs them.

- Reviewed by


Apocalypse Happens by Lori Handeland
Book 3, Phoenix Chronicles
Urban Fantasy

Elizabeth Phoenix is one of a select few with the power to battle those who have escaped from the darkest level of hell—demons bent on destroying humanity and reclaiming earth once and for all.  Liz is determined to stop yet another Doomsday. But this time, it’s going to be more difficult than ever because someone she thought was dead isn’t dead anymore…and is bound and determined to destroy Liz and everyone she loves in the upcoming Apocalypse.

Liz has arrived in Los Angeles to ferret out a nest of varcolacs: half human, half dragon creatures who crave the destruction of the sun and moon. But before she can prevent the kind of eclipse that would bring the world to an end, Liz must mine the depths of her own heart. She and her former lover Jimmy Sanducci have some personal demons to battle—and there’s always her mentor, the Navajo shaman Sawyer. Is he on their side or isn’t he? In the end, the three of them must find a way to fight together…or perish alone.

- Reviewed by


Darkness Unleashed by Alexandra Ivy
Book 5, Guardians of Eternity Series
Paranormal Romance

A scarred recluse, Jagr makes no secret of his disdain for others' company. But now, as a member of Chicago's powerful vampire clan, he has certain obligations to fulfill. The latest: track down a missing were pureblood and return her to her sister. The problem: Regan Garrett has no intention of complying. And though Jagr agreed not to harm an inch of this stubborn female's distractingly tempting body, he'll gladly kiss her into submission, awakening an urge he hasn't felt in years. Hell, in centuries...Regan vowed never to be at the mercy of another man. That goes double for arrogant, steel-muscled vampires with eyes of ice. All Regan wants is revenge against those who imprisoned her. She doesn't need an ally. She certainly doesn't need a mate. But soon Regan will have to choose - between a lust for vengeance, and a passion as dark and dangerous as the night...


Shifting Plains by Jean Johnson
Fantasy Romance

Centuries before the time of the Sons of Destiny, a female shapeshifter became the leader of the people of the Shifting Plains...

Tava Ell Var never really knew her mother, but she did know her tragic fate at the hands of a band of cruel shapeshifters-a history set down by Tava's father as a warning about life on the Shifting Plains. But after her father is murdered, Tava encounters a Shifterai warband fighting to rid the Plains of the terrorizing bandits

Shifterai leader Kodan Sin Siin is sympathetic to Tava's suffering, but he's determined to bring the wary young woman to the Plains. Because he knows her secret: She, like he and his men, is a shapeshifter. Once she joins them, he knows that she will see for herself the true fate that awaits her on the Plains, and most of all, lose her fear of his people. And, in time, he knows she will find her place is in their fight-and by his side.


Born of Fire by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Book 2, League Series
Futuristic Fantasy

In a universe where assassins make the law, everyone lives in fear—except for Syn. Born of an illicit scandal that once rocked a dynasty, he always knew how to survive on the bloodthirsty streets. But that was then, and the future is now…

Syn was raised as a tech-thief until his livelihood uncovered a truth that could end his life. He tried to destroy the evidence, and has been on the run ever since. Now trained as an assassin, he allows no one to threaten him. Ever. He is the darkness that swallows his enemies whole.

Shahara Dagan is the best bounty hunter in the universe. When Syn comes back on the radar, she’s the only one who can bring him to justice. There’s only one problem: Syn is a close family friend who’s helped out the Dagans countless times. But if she saves him, both of their lives will be on the line. Is Syn’s protection worth the risk? The only hope Shahara has is to find the evidence he buried long ago. Now it’s kill or be killed—and they, the predators, have just become the hunted…


The Silver Mage by Katharine Kerr
Book 4, Silver Wyrm

The Horsekin are assembling along Prince Dar's northern border, and the Deverry alliance simply does not have the men and resources to prevent their enemies from moving into the wilderness areas known as the Ghostlands. But suddenly, the Dwrgi folk and the dragons come to Dar's aid, tipping the balance in their favor and offering Dar's people a chance to defeat the Horsekin once and for all.


Me and My Shadow by Katie MacAlister
Book 3, Silver Dragons Series
Urban Fantasy

May Northcott is at the end of her tether. Her demon boss has moved in and is making life hell. Her scorching hot dragon lover seems to think everything can be solved with a fiery kiss. And worse still, she's being shadowed by her ditsy twin sister -- a naiad who simply can't seem to stay out of trouble. The arrival of a nearly-dead man on May's doorstep could be the final spark that sets light to their tinder-box world. And with dragon war imminent, it's looking increasingly like it will be up to May (and her watery shadow) to stop it before the fire consumes them all, and their lives end up in smoke ...

- Reviewed by


Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
Fantasy Romance

Anluan has been crippled since childhood, part of a curse that has besieged his family and his home of Whistling Tor. But when the young scribe Caitrin is retained to sort through family documents, she brings about unexpected changes in the household, casting a hopeful light against the despairing shadows.

But to truly free Anluan's burdened soul, Caitrin must unravel the web of sorcery woven by his ancestors before it claims his life-and their love...

- Reviewed by


Magic in the Shadows by Devon Monk
Book 3, Allie Beckstrom Series
Urban Fantasy

Allison Beckstrom's magic has taken its toll on her, physically marking her and erasing her memories-including those of the man she supposedly loves. But lost memories aren't the only things preying on Allie's thoughts.

Her late father, the prominent businessman-and sorcerer-Daniel Beckstrom, has somehow channeled himself into her very mind. With the help of The Authority, a secret organization of magic users, she hopes to gain better control over her own abilities-and find a way to deal with her father...

- Reviewed by


Heart Change by Robin Owens
Book 8, Heart Book Series
Fantasy/Futuristic Romance

Signet D'Marigold's lonely life is shaken when a prophet reveals she is a catalyst for change. But to accept her new life-and the charge of the noble child Avellana-means embracing a danger that may be fatal for them both. Especially when Signet's attraction to her new bodyguard signals a secret enemy sworn to destroy them.

- Reviewed by


Thief Of Light by Denise Rossetti
Book 2, Four-Sided Pentacle
Paranormal Romance

In the subtropical city of Caracole, Erik the Golden is widely known as irresistible-his Voice an instrument of incredible pleasure. But the Voice is a curse as much as a blessing, for once Erik used it to steal a soul, and now he must pay.

Pruella Takimori McGuire is the business manager for the beautiful courtesans of the Garden of Nocturnal Delights. She deals in numbers, not Magick, and when Erik turns his charms in her direction, she sees only vanity, not a golden gift. If Erik cannot use his power to win Prue's heart, how can he truly possess her?

And all the while, a far darker power corrupts the foundations of Caracole-the Necromancer, who feasts on souls. When the Necromancer's hired assassin kidnaps Prue, Erik must harness his air Magick to recover the woman he has come to love more than life itself.

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Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh
Book 7, Psy-Changelings Series
Paranormal Romance

Dev Santos finds a woman with amnesia—and all she can remember is that she's dangerous. Stripped of her memories by a shadowy oppressor and programmed to kill, Katya's only hope is Dev. But he could very well be her next target.

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Crimson by Jordan Summers
Book 3, Dead World Series
Urban Fantasy

On the run from their enemies, hunted by the law they once dedicated their lives to, werewolves Morgan Hunter and Gina “Red” Santiago have no choice -- they must enter the outlaw territories in order to disappear completely from society. With only themselves to trust, they must somehow navigate this “No Man’s Land” full of outlawed Others and dangerous nomadic tribes.

Losing themselves in this arid wasteland would be easy, but Morgan and Red know that the only way they can regain their life together is by turning the tables on the man who is hunting them -- destroying his plans to rule the united territories once and for all.


Finch by Jeff VanderMeer

In Finch, mysterious underground inhabitants known as the gray caps have reconquered the failed fantasy state Ambergris and put it under martial law. They have disbanded House Hoegbotton and are controlling the human inhabitants with strange addictive drugs, internment in camps, and random acts of terror. The rebel resistance is scattered, and the gray caps are using human labor to build two strange towers. Against this backdrop, John Finch, who lives alone with a cat and a lizard, must solve an impossible double murder for his gray cap masters while trying to make contact with the rebels. Nothing is as it seems as Finch and his disintegrating partner Wyte negotiate their way through a landscape of spies, rebels, and deception. Trapped by his job and the city, Finch is about to come face to face with a series of mysteries that will change him and Ambergris forever.

- Reviewed by

*About comes from unless otherwise stated.


Enchanted by Books said...

Great list Donna! I love when you post these. :)

Blodeuedd said...

Wow, great release week :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna :)
Thank you for the great list.
I was wondering how did you put the writing beside the picture. I've just started blogging and I can't figure out how to make it look as good as yours.
All the best,

Chris said...

How did I not realize today was such a big release day?!

Michelle Greathouse said...


I have Finding the Lost and Winter Kiss on the shelf. :)

I am looking forward to Shifting Plains and Blaze of Memory.

Have a great day.


Ellz said...

Great post. There are some amazing titles coming out!

Unknown said...

OMG, so many great books to buy... my bookshelves are creaking! Thanks for the great post, as usual :)

Smokinhotbooks said...

So many great release today. Woot on Kenyon's Born of Fire, Ava Gray's Skin Game, and Shannon K. Butcher's Finding the Lost.

MrsMixx said...

Ugh i forgot to order Blaze Of Memory *head slap*
I'm reading Skin Game and already got my copy of Fade out =) Yay
I've been looking at Ariel and Elegy Beach online for a while, i'm tempted but i shall resist until the TBR-pile is tamed (one can hope)
Great post Donna, love these posts!

Donna said...

RachaelfromNJ - Thanks! :)

Blodeuedd - Yes, it was a good size new release week. A lot to choose from.

RKCharron - I sent you a tweet about this layout. :)

Chris - Are you checking the wallet now? *grins*

Michelle G - I'm going to start Singh and Cooke, I hope soon.

elnice - Yep, I'm in agreement.

Book Chick City - You're welcome! We probably will need cinder blocks to keep the shelves supported. Or use the books themselves through balance. ;)

KC - I'm really interested in the League novels, they look exciting.

Pattepoilue - The reviews make Skin Game look really good, it's on my must read list. Same here on Boyette.


i eagerly await many of the reviews from the list!

Erotic Horizon said...

WoW ..Donna..

Thanks for this list - I see some of my favourite authors there...

I am so going to enjoy this release day...

Thanks again..


Abigail said...

Great roundup. I'm looking forward to Magic in the Shadows by Devon Monk

Erotic Horizon said...

I forgot my witches series...

I have to go with "Lives of the Mayfair Witches" - Anne Rice...

definitely one of the better Witches book series I have read...


Anonymous said...

I reviewed Skin Game and Calico Reaction had a great Elegy Beach review.

Kimberly Swan said...

Another big release day! I'll have a few more of these up later in the week. There are a few I haven't heard about too, thanks for the info! :)

Donna said...

HODGEPODGESPV - Same here, most I just want to read. :)

EH - There is a lot to pick from on this list.

Abgail - I have the first book in this series but I haven't read it yet.

EH- I think you meant to post that last comment on the Bitter Night post. ;)

TJ - Oops! I did a search through my reader but yours didn't come up, strange. I will add it promptly. Thanks for the link to Calico Reaction on Elegy Beach.

Kimberly - I'll keep an eye for them and add them here. And you're welcome.

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

It's always dangerous coming here when you do a release post. I am so far behind with Deborah Cooke's books, it's not funny! I'm bookmarking this page for later. :)

Donna said...

Colette - I haven't even started reading Deborah's Dragonfire series yet. So your ahead of me. Oh, I really like the cover of Winter Kiss. A lot. :)

VampFanGirl said...

AHHHHHHH NALINI SINGH!!!! So exicted to read this one!!! Ehem...can you tell I'm a fan? ;)

So many awesomoe releases this week. I'm a fan of Jordan Summers and Denise Rossetti's THIEF OF LIGHT was a fun read. I'm really enjoying her Four-Sided Pentacle series. Oh hey, thanks for the review pimpage!!

I'm really drawn to Lori Handeland's green monster. I haven't read anything by her before but this cover is singing to me.

I just picked up SKIN GAME the other day. Lots of good reviews for it and I can't wait to find the time to dive in.

Sigh...Sophie's contribution to A HIGHLANDER CHRISTMAS was amazing! Her first full length novel in the Immortals of Annwyn can't come soon enough!!

Thanks for the heads up on all these great releases Donna! You Rock!

Hugs, VFG

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