Putting my blog on hiatus is something I've been contemplating for several months now and things have reached a point where I have to make a decision. A very hard decision. I have come to the sad decision to hang up my blogging gloves for awhile. Over the last several months my desire to blog has slowly been ebbing away, my blogging mojo has disappeared. There are many reasons, both good and bad, for why I’ve started feeling this way but I don’t want this post to be rant. Regardless of the reasons why, the end result is that I just want to be a reader for awhile. Maybe after some time off I'll feel refreshed or maybe I won't. Either way I need to put this blog on hiatus indefinitely.
Like I said this hiatus has been a very difficult decision for me to make because mainly this blog has been an outlet for me to shout out to world about books. I have loved voicing my thoughts and excitements over books, and this blog has let me do just that. Blogging has also introduced me to people all over the world who love reading as much as I do. There are so many book peeps I want to say thank you to and mention but this sad post would go on forever if I tried. So, I'll keep it short and give a shout out to the following bloggers who have had the most impact on my blogging. Thank you:
A Buckeye Girl Reads, Anna's Book Blog, Book Addict, Book girl of Mur-y-Castell, Closetwriter, E.H. on Books and More, Leontine's Book Realm, Lily's Bookshelf, Lovin' Me Some Romance, Michelle's Book Review Blog, mis(h)takes, My Blog 2.0, Romance Book Wyrm and Smokin' Hot Books are some of the most sincere book bloggers I met. If you haven't visited them before, head over and introduce yourself. They are just terrific book peeps and you can expect nothing but completely honest and unfiltered love for books at these blogs.
All Things Urban Fantasy – Abigail compiles a weekly roundup around the blogosphere on giveaways centered mainly around Urban Fantasy and YA on Wednesdays. She also has monthly post on new releases that she keeps updated.
Dark Faerie Tales – Angela’s my go-to-blogger for new and upcoming books. She has the knack for find these books months in advance of release.
Literary Escapism – Jackie posts regularly on the happenings in and around the book world, her blog is where it's at for finding what's happening and where.
SciFiGuy.Ca – Doug has a great Urban Fantasy Weekend post and conducts some of the most interesting author interviews.
Stumbling Over Chaos – Chris has a Thursday Linkity post that always has a ton of information mainly about book but includes a little of everything and she is one of the most friendly blogger I've met.
I'll still be around from time to time visiting you all because I’m not going to let the friendships I’ve made this past year fade away. And if any of you hang out at Goodreads, please come and friend me at Goodreads. Goodreads makes it so easy to stay in touch and have quick chat session outside of blogging.
A huge thank you to every one of you who are reading this post, for the fun times and opening my eyes up to new worlds in books. Take care and may your reading adventures take you to wonderful, exciting new worlds.
Best wishes,
Hi Donna...
Thanks for the nice words. I love your blog so I'm definitely gonna miss your posts. I sure know what you mean about being "just a reader", the blog can take a lot out of your reading time. I hope you eventually come back.
I've missed you these last few weeks and if I could I would give you a bear hug right now Donna! A reader we are first and foremost, and I hope, and wish it with all my heart, that you've got some awesome reading time ahead of you! I'm glad you're not completely going away though and you bet we'll keep I touch via goodreads...may my updates be filled with notifications of what you've read, liked, loved and hated!! Take care girl (((hugs)))
You are so sweet to take the time to mention our blogs. :)
I will miss your posts - but I can completely understand. You need to do what is best for you right now. :)
I hope you will stop in from time to time - and I hope you will stay on FB - just to let us know how you are and what you are reading. :)
I can understand what you mean about being just a reader. I have noticed that since I started blogging - I read differently - almost like I am picking the book apart instead of just enjoying. :)
I wish you all the best.
I think most of us can completely understand your decision, and you have to do what's best for you. I've loved reading your blog, and if you ever decide to come back, we'll all be here waiting for you! :)
This surprised me - I always saw you as tireless! I hope you are still around and say hi even if you don't continue to blog. *hugs*. Hope everything is well too.
Donna, will miss you girl. Don't stay away forever but take as much time as you need and soak up all those books you've been wanting to get to but just haven't had the time.
Totally understand... but I hope this doesn't mean you aren't going to be on twitter.
*sobs uncontrollably* Who is going to tell me the latest releases?
I understand the mojo loss, I think for most of us book bloggers we started to blog to share our love of good books but once you start to accept reviews it can become tiresome b/c you end up spending more time blogging than reading.
Donna you are awesome, your blog is awesome and I will miss you this much ::opens arms as wide as can go::
P.S.Please god tell me you are not going off of Goodreads and twitter. There is only so much I can loose in one day.
I will miss this blog so much!!! I understand your reasons..and I hope you enjoy your reading time and your family!!!
You will be missed! :)
Hi everyone! You're making feel so sad. :( But I know this is something I need to do. I still plan on visit you guys. Your terrific, and this is the reason why it was so hard to make my decision.
Hi Donna - I hope this has a lot to do with your husband being home more *dirty wink*. I'm going to miss your reviews and release posts but completely understand your need to have a real life. (and I'm so touched that you mentioned me - your blog has been an example of where I'd eventually like mine to be) Good Luck!!!
I am gonna miss you for sure. You are such a nice person, a great blogger and you always read such cool books.
But I will still see you around, and I think a blogging break is a good idea if you feel like this.
Have fun reading for the fun of it
Donna, I am so going to miss your posts! Your reviews were always insightful & full of heart. I also loved your new release Tuesdays-even if they made mt.tbr that much bigger!
I know you've been struggling with this for awhile and it can't be an easy decision to make. Just know you'll be missed, and I hope to see you post every now and then. :) Thanks for your support of my blog-you comments always mean a lot & I plan on stalking you on Goodreads and Twitter. :)
*hug* Gonna miss your voice, Donna! You've been such an integral part of my book blogging experience, it's going to feel a little odd to not be dropping by your place. If you ever want to blog a little, without reopening your blog, let me know - I'd be happy to have you do a guest post. (I'd have to add a cat picture to it, though, or we'd have a riot on our hands. Trust me.)
And thank you for your sweet words. I've really enjoyed getting to know you through comments and emails and I hope you'll still be around in that fashion.
Donna, have an awesome "vacation"--just relax and enjoy your reading for a while. Everyone will still be here when get you mojo back!
Donna! (((GIANT HUGS)))
My only wish is that I had found your blog sooner. Sigh...
Thank you always for the weekly releases and giveaway posts that had to have taken oodles of time compiling. For all the giveaway pimpage you did for my blog -HUGS! For the chance to read and review a book on your blog - HUGE HUGS!!!
I second KC's request, please tell me you aren't quiting GoodReads??!!
Oh gawds, I can't believe you're leaving but I get it, I've even felt the same sometimes.
Don't be a stranger. (((HUGS AGAIN)))
xo, Ashley
It is always sad to see a fellow blogger go... Hope that maybe you find your blogging mojo again in the future... We will still be here when and if you return.
Hi Donna,
thank you for all the posts where I could find books for my wife.
Sometimes you have to make decisions like this one.
I did something similar recently. I left the blog which I contributed for ten months and since tweeks I have my own blog.
Google reader will tell me when you are back again.
But as you said Goodreads is a great place to meet.
Have a great time and ENJOY READING!
Wow it won't be the same without your blog - you do an AMAZING job of shouting out your book love, giving new releaes, sharing what's going on in blogland. But you gotta do what you gotta do. We'll miss you, but I'm glad you'll still be around. Though I'm the world's worst blog hopper, your's was on my "follow" list.
Good luck with everything, and I hope you enjoy some really awesome books!
You'll still be on Twitter, right???
Well this sucks. I actually like this blog. I think we should make you stay, although I haven't figured out how to execute that yet. Hmmm...Although, I didn't get a mention...I know that you secretly love my blog and that you didn't want to offend the others...:P So, I won't hold it against you...We can use the excuse that mine is a new blog.
All joking aside, I understand why you want to take a break. Life outside the blogverse can be demanding...also you want to be a reader more than a reviewer...that is how I feel at times. But if I don't blog and voice my opinions online, my husband ends up hearing them...and that can be a bad thing. I will miss this blog. I think you did a wonderful job with it. I hope that you will visit often...Best wishes and enjoy your reading.
Oh, Donna, I'm so selfishly sad to hear that you have decided to put your blog on hiatus indefinitely, but of course I completely understand the need to prioritize your time with your family and other interests and demands. I don't blog daily for those same reasons and sometimes neglect my blog for weeks at a time. I wish you the best and will miss your presence. xoxo
You have such an eloquent voice and a wonderful blog, please know we are all going to miss you terribly. But, as Anna said, I too know what it is like to want to be just a reader, sometimes the online life really does take over the off line life. lol
As Chris indicated, anytime you would like to do a guest blog, please give a shout out and the doors are open at Tori's closet any time. *g*
Enjoy your family, your summer and I hope we chat online soon, be it in an e-mail, or a Tweet, will be thrilled to hear from you.
Lastly thankyou for mentioning closetwriter, that is just so very thoughtful of you. I feel just the same about Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings.
Warmest Regards
Gonna miss your wonderful posts, get some rest and hope to see you back soon.
I haven't been following your blog for long but, I've enjoyed your reviews and posts very much. I wish you nothing but the best!
Aww sorry to see you go, don't forget to stop by once in awhile or drop off an email :)
You'll be missed! Hope to see you soon.
Hi Donna
I can't muster my usual enthusiasm, lol, I'm gonna miss you. You're my go to site for all things paranormal and urban fantasy. I know if you give something a top rating, that I'm going to love it too. You're one of the reasons I started attempting to write myself.
But I certainly understand where you're coming from, blogging can become a second full time job. Online life begins to take on a presences and pretty soon, you're wondering how you're going to get everything done. I've started slowing down blogging and reading much more, and I'm happier for it.
Thanks for mentioning my blog, I always hope my reviews are unbiased and let the reader know how I feel, regardless if the author or publisher sent me the book, or if I bought the book. And if you ever feel the need, let me know, a guest post is but a shout away, it would be a pleasure to have you. You have an excellent voice and it rings true.
I'll keep up with you on Goodreads, Twitter, and I can always email you right?
Man, I'm really going to miss you, but maybe after a bit, you'll find the absentee mojo and be able to get back into the swing. Maybe. No pressure though, lol. If you need anything, let me know and enjoy the time with your husband and have a great summer!
Dottie :)
I hope you're still going to be around the blogosphere a bit. I like you!
You and your posts will be very dearly missed!
Your presence will be missed and I hope your blogging mojo comes back! I went through the same thing last year and let my blog slide for a few months. Thankfully, my mojo came back and my readers stuck with me. :) I hope to see you around the blog-o-sphere Donna.
May you enjoy many happy hours of reading to fuel your blogging muse.
Aww, I'm so sad to see you go! I've been lurking around your blog for months now, and you were one of the bloggers that inspired me to keep working on mine, and eventually make something of it. Hopefully that will happen someday, lol.
I hope you enjoy your break, and come back to us soon!!
Hugs, and all the best!
Donna it has been nice to chat with you what little we have, maybe look at it this way if you do not have to put so much work into your own site maybe you can have more fun being the lurker and commenter on others now as time permits. We will all sincerely miss your lovely posts and reviews and contest interviews however your life with your family is first, no ifs ands or buts always your family is your priority and I for one am glad that you are getting the chance to spend more time with yours!!!
See you around the blogosphere lady and take care and when you are ready we will all be waiting for you!!!
jackie b central texas
Take care. We will miss you. I hope you find your enjoyment again :).
Donna, We understand this was a hard decision for you to make, but you have to do what is best for you. I will miss your blog but hope in time you may decide to come back to blogging.
Best of luck in your life and remember we will be here for you.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I've been a lurker for a long time. Enjoyed your posts. Well, the important thing is to enjoy your life, so just go out there and get the joy back. Have fun and thanks for the posts that I've enjoyed (and others have enjoyed!)
I'm going to miss you Donna. The passion you have for books and reading shows, and you will definitely be missed. Take care, and I wish you all the best. *hugs*
You are one of my favorite bloggers and I will sincerely miss you and your reviews! I've highly enjoyed reading your blog, you will be sorely missed. I completely understand your decision and will you well. I do hope you decide to come back, but I'll understand and support you either way. Thank you so much for the kind words and all of your support. You have been an inspiration to me, as well as a friend. Please keep in touch via email, twitter and goodreads. I'd love to stay in touch on facebook as well (if you would, let me know and I'll send you an invite). I hope you are able to enjoy this time with your family as well as yourself! I love you girl! :)
Ok that should be wish you well instead of will you well! ;)
So very sad to hear this Donna, but I totally understand needing to take a step back and refresh. You take good care of you. xoxo
Donna, you'll be missed!
Thanks for doing such an excellent job. Your hard work was always clearly visible in the quality of your blog.
I'll see ya on Twitter! ^_^
Donna - will miss you.. perhaps the mojo will resurface?
Any how hope to see you on goodreads and twitter :)
Cheers my dear!
Donna - I will miss you... You have a ways of summing up things just so right..
But I understand completely - never more so than since I have been ill.. Sometimes we have to redefine our priorities..
I'll have you on email - so not goodbye, Just hanging up your spurs for awhile...
Take care hon..
Sending you a HUGE virtual hug, Donna.
I can understand how this would've been a terribly difficult decision, and I will miss you!! I love reading your posts in my Google Reader. :)
But I'll look forward to staying in touch on Goodreads. And Twitter? *hugs*
Sometimes a breath of fresh air is what we need.
I have been following your posts via email since Dec/January. I am very new to the blogging world but am honored I could read your blog posts for these few months.
Enjoy your reads!=)
Donna I love your blog and I have found some great books via your reviews. I can totally understand why you need a break *HUGS*.
You are such a great blogger and I absolutely love what you've done with it. I understand how blogging can lose its appeal. I have nothing but love and respect for you and I'm just so happy that you're staying on goodreads. If you were totally leaving I'd have to bust down and cry lol
You are such a sweet person and I've enjoyed reading your posts and reviews this past year! I look to you when I need to add more books onto my collosal reading pile!! I'll miss your posts immensely. But you'll still be around, which I'm so thankful for. BIG HUGS TO YOU DONNA! I'll see you on goodreads =]
P.S. THank you for the kind words...I totally got all warm and toasty inside!!
Donna, We'll miss you in the blogosphere. Your blog was one of the firsts that I really feel in love with. Come back if/when you can :)
Hi Donna, I've recently discovered your blog and I'm sorry to hear of this. I'll miss you and your reviews. And we do need a break now and then. :)
Donna! We'll miss you! But, I totally understand returning to your first love, reading. You have to follow your heart. Good for you!
Wow! You guys are all so sweet and terrific. Thank you! I've been trying email those I can through the comments but I couldn't reach all of you. So I'll say here, a big thanks and hug to all. You are all the best!!!
Sorry to hear that you've lost your mojo, but totally understand. Hope you can relax and enjoy being a reader for a bit instead of a "reviewer." Will see you on Goodreads!
Happy reading! *hugs*
I'm glad you're taking a break. I completely understand where you're coming from and know you'll be back.
Keep in touch on GoodReads, Twitter or Gmail.
Also, if there's a book you cannot keep your opinions to yourself about, you're always welcome to Guest Review at PR.
Take care.
Hi--I just wanted to say thanks for your generosity in pointing us to other blogs that we can follow during your hiatus. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and wish you happy reading!
Donna, I'm incredibly sad to hear this! Still, your first obligation is to take care of yourself and if blogging is something that creates more stress than not, then you made the right choice.
You're always welcome at Book Love Affair and if you ever need anything, just let me know via email: spiffyish at hotmail dot com
Oh Donna, Oh Donna :P It's that song again!
I can totally relate to your need to take a break. I've been there on and off for almost a year now. I still haven't found my blogging or reading groove though. Nothing like it used to be. But I do miss all of you and your post made me smile. You are such an awesome person and I hope to see you around still...here, there, anywhere!
Sorry I missed this in all the craziness of my own move.
Enjoy the reading. And if you decide to blog again give a shout-out. :)
Hopefully this doesn't mean you won't tweet.
Hi, Donna, if it's a chore, it's time to take a break. You can always come back and you can do it a different way. Blogs can evolve and change.
Best wishes to you and hope you enjoy reading for reading's sake!
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