Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles - Choice Giveaway - UPDATED

~*~*~*~*~*~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

The Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles is one of my favorite series. Don't you just love the covers on these books? I do, I think they are some the best covers to be found. Yep, Jeanne C. Stein is on my auto-buy list with this series. I roared through this series in less than a week, I loved the action and fast pace set in these books. Anna Strong is one of my beloved kick-ass heroines that I love to read about. So with the new release of Retribution coming up, I would like to share the series with two lucky commenters, possibly get you hooked as well or just further your addiction:

UPDATE!!: Jeanne C. Stein has offered to giveaway additional two books and for all the winners, book cover magnets!!! Now there will be 4 winners total!!!
Two commenters will win Retribution, release date August 25th.
Two commenters will win their pick from the first 4 books in this series.

The Becoming
Book 1
The Becoming
Blood Drive
Book 2
Blood Drive
The Watcher
Book 3
The Watcher
Book 4
Book 5

The Giveaway:
  • Tell me in the comments which book cover you like best and which book you would like to win.
  • If your email is NOT part of your blogger account please leave it in the comments.
  • Open to everyone! Winners in the US will get their book from and those outside the US will get their book from The Book Depository. Two of the winners will get their books from Jeanne C. Stein. Everyone will receive book cover magnets.
  • Giveaway ends on Tuesday, August 25th at 10PM CST.


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thanks for a great contest.
If I won I'd love Book One: THE BECOMING because I haven't read this series yet.
I like the cover for Book Four the best.
All the best,
twitter: @RKCharron

Wendy said...

For some unknown reason, after reading Blood Drive, I discontinue the series and for the life of me, I can't remember why! It's not like I didn't like it, which I did. Anna's a great character and the story was great! So I don't know..

But thanks for letting it come to my attention (and for the contest!) I will definitely be checking out the rest of the books in the series. :)

Valorie said...

If I win, I'd like to read Book 1: The Becoming because I have never read any of the series before and it is best to start at book one.

Though I love the cover to Book 2: Blood Drive the best.


Pam P said...

Another reader told me I should get hooked on this series, so I need them all - would pick the first then, The Becoming. Like The Legacy cover best.

buddyt said...

I have not read any of the series so if I win I would prefer the 1st book The Becoming.

I like all the covers and don't really have a favourite but lets say that of The Becoming just for luck :)

I am outside the US


Patricia Altner said...

Hi Donna

No need to enter my name in the contest. Just wanted to say I agree completely. This is one of the best series going.

Michelle Greathouse said...


What a wonderful giveaway. :)

I like the first cover the best - the Becoming, because of the crossbow. The cover is what drew me to pick up the first book. I've read the first 3 in the series and enjoyed them.

I would love the 4th book - Legacy.

kweenmg at yahoo dot com

Amy C said...

Hi Donna,

No need to enter me, I just wanted to comment on the covers. I think they are wonderful! I love how these series maintain a theme throughout!

BreiaB said...

I like the cover for book 5 best. If I win I would like book 5.

Chris said...

I love the cover of Blood Drive. Probably because of the large black "kitty" on the cover. ;)

Blodeuedd said...

Great contest :D
Hm, I think I will go with book 1, lovely covers and I like that crossbow. But I do like book 4 too.

I would love to read book 1 since I have not tried this series...or actually heard about it.

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

Heather Long said...

I like all the covers. I'd be interested in book one because I've been curious about the series for a while. This would be a great way to get started!


Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

I like the cover to book 5 the best, not sure why. It looks like the covers are getting brighter as she goes along, maybe highlighting her journey from resistance to acceptance of her situation?

Would love to win book 5. Thanks!

pspinney AT cox DOT net

Brooke Reviews said...

I really like the cover for Retribution...that orange is really stand out for me. She looks super awesome with the gun too. :)


Mandi said...

Great Contest!!

I would like to win The Becoming because I have not read this series, but I think I like book 5 cover the best:)

Marnie said...

I haven't read this series so I would choose book one as the one I want.

My favorite cover would be The Legacy.

Leontine said...

Hi Donna, I'm gonna pimp your contest at my sidebar of blog :D Second I love the second cover; BLOOD DRIVE. I love the color scheme and the dynamic between woman and panther, very mysterious and intriguing!

Which book I would want to win, since I'm a newbie to this series; Bk 1 THE BECOMING.

And Donna, what a fantastic way to share your love for this series : )

The Lovely Reader said...

Oh, I like the cover for Legacy the best. It stands out with the colors.
I would like the win the first book, The Becoming, since I haven't read the series and this would be a great way to get started!

Thanks for the contest!
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Maija said...

All covers are too awesome, but I'd probably pick the second and the third one as the prettiest. I like the colors...
I'd like to win the first part, because this series is a new to me.

Lilixtreme said...

Legacy is definitely my favorite cover, but as for which one I'd like to win would be The Becoming because I haven't started this series yet and would like to! Sounds addicting! ;)

tetewa said...

This would be a new series for me so I would like to receive The Becoming. My favorite cover is Blood Drive!

Nikki in Niagara said...

The Watcher is my favourite cover. I just love the colours! But if I won, I'd like Book 1 because I haven't read any of the books in this series yet!

Roni Loren said...

I have not read this series so book 1 would be my pick. I like the cover of the third book the best. Thanks for the contest! fictiongroupie(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Best cover I think is Book 4. I would like to win The Becoming as I haven't read any of this series, so I would like to start at the beginning. Thanks for such a great contest and for opening it to everyone :) .

CrystalGB said...

I have not read this series. So, if I won I would choose the first book in the series. I like the Legacy cover best.


The Scarf Princess said...

Though I love the muted and dreamy look of The Watcher, I definitely want to win The Becoming since I haven't started reading this series yet. Yes, I know, shame on me.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

SusiSunshine said...

Great contest!
I think my fav is Retribution! I like the colors and it just looks great. I would like to win the first book cuz I never read a book of this series but it sounds quite interessting.

Aliens said...

My favorite cover is the one for Legacy. And I would like to win Retribution, My second pick would be the becoming.

Jamie said...

I love the cover of #4 the best because the colors just pop and make me notice it. I would love to win #1 because I haven't read this series but it sounds awesome!!

Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

My favorite cover would have to be Legacy. It's so eye catching! I would definitely pick it up if I saw it in the store. And if I won, I'd like the first one, "The Becoming" so I could start the series.

Morning Glow
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win "The Becoming" because it is the first one and I haven't read any of them yet. That also happens to be the cover I like best!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Pearl said...

I would love to win the first book as I too am new to the series!

As for the covers do I really have to choose just one?? They are all so purty!! Especially LEGACY and RETRIBUTION but if I must I choose LEGACY.

mbarten72 (at) upcmail (dot) com

Christine said...

Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win one of these books! I would love to win a copy of the first book, The Becoming so I could get on board with this series! After much debating, I think that's also my favorite book cover. I may change my mind in an hour, though--they're all awesome.

Anonymous said...

I like book cover number 4. However I'd like to win the first book. I've never read this series.

sensitivemuse at gmail dot com

Smokinhotbooks said...

This is like Sophies Choice for me, so hard to pick just one cover.

Immdiately I noticed Book 5 Cover. Orange is great web color IMO, but what really drew me in, was from far away with squinty eyes, the gun looked like a hair dryer. And just like that I was instantly hooked. Plus the others did not showcase her awesomely ripped right bicep muscle. Muscle envy over here

donnas said...

What a great series. I like the cover for Blood Drive best, although since they are all so good it was mainly a choice of color usage.

I would love to win Retribution.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Unknown said...

I like all the covers, but I think Blood Drive just edges its way out as my favourite cover. I haven't read of these yet, but they sound good, so I would like to win Book 1.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Beth (BBRB) said...

I like Book 5's cover best, and I'd like to win Book 1.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Cathy M said...

Retribution is my favorite cover and the book I would love to read.


MrsMixx said...

I love these covers, because each new book cover gives us a more and more precise view of Anna. At first she's just a shadow and in the last book Retribution we can see her face clearly. I've always thought that was because Anna was growing up as a vampire and got more confident with her identity. Of course i might be a bit into extrapolation lol Love these books

Still my favorite book cover would be Retribution ,i love the colors, the pose, i can't wait to read it!

And if i could choose a book to win that would be Retribution (because i can't wait to read it!!!)


Beth said...

The cover I like best is Blood Drive. I have been wanting to start this series for a while now. So I would request The Becoming.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Marissa said...

This blog hopping thing is so not good for my wishlist, I never heard of these series before! I like the cover of the second book the best, because the woman is actually dressed decent and I like cats! Since this series is new to me I would like to win the first book.

Unknown said...

Hey Donna -
I would love to read the first in the series if I win. What a great giveaway! I like the Watcher cover the best.
I have a link for this contest on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I like all of the book covers, but if I had to pick one, it would be for the second in the series. If I win, I would like the first book as I have not started this series.


Anonymous said...

If I win, I would like the first book in the series, The Becoming, because I have not read the series.

I like the cover for book #3 best.


Tez Miller said...

I like the Retribution cover best - Anna's hair isn't strangely vertical hair ;-) (Okay, it wasn't vertical on the Legacy cover, but the others... ;-) )

Would like to win Retribution, please. No cover magnets, though - I think I have the full set, so keep those for someone else ;-)

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked contest. Thanks for the introduction of a series I haven't read. All the covers are awesome. I think the first one is my favorite. I tend to like dark haired heroines. There is just something haunting about the hidden face aspect.

I would also choose the first book if I won. What better way to be introduced to a series than start with the first book. Thanks again for the opportunity! Indigo

Vickie said...

I think the cover for THE BECOMING will always be my favorite. Anna just looks sort of confused, but so tough.

VWinship at aol dot com

jeanette8042 said...

I like the cover of Legacy but I would want The Becoming since I've never read this series.

Kainani said...

I like the cover for book 1 because of the crossbow. If I win I would like book 1.

Thanks for the fun contest.

Pissenlit said...

I like the cover of Retribution best! Since this series is on my TBR list but I haven't gotten around to picking it up yet(doh!), I'd like to win book 1, The Becoming.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I've had my eye on this series for a while now! I just love the covers and I totally agree that they are definitely some of the best to be found =)

I think my favorite would be The Watcher! Although Legacy is closely behind that one. I like them all to tell you the truth!!

If I could pick it would of course be The Becoming. I don't know why I haven't started this series yet because I added them to my wishlist a while ago. Definite shame on me!!

Thanks so much Donna for this giveaway and to Jeanne for being so awesome!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

catss99 said...

I'd like "the becoming" but Legacy has the coolest cover:-)


Anonymous said...

I want to win The Becoming. I like the Retribution cover the best--the main character's face is clearer.


5elementknitr said...

All the covers are great! I'd choose book one as this is a new series to me.

Lori said...

I have been wanting to read this series!
If I won I would want book one and I like the cover of book four the best.


Anne said...

My favorite cover is #5, Retribution. If I win, #1 choice is Retribution, #2 is Legacy.

Danni said...

Really cool contest :) If I won I'd like book 1 because I haven't read this series yet, but I really like the cover for Blood Drive.

Jenny N. said...

Wow great contest. I have not read this series yet so I would like to win Book 1.

The covers all look really nice and I love the colors of each one. I think my fav. book cover is Book 2 "Blood Drive".


Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Lets see I love the last on the best I just can't stop looking at the colors Just Amazing!!!

I would like the 1st book if I were to win Thanks so much Shawna ;o)

Carolyn Crane said...

Okay, I'm just under the wire! I usually only enter contests for books I'm really want to read and will likely have stuff to say about, and these Anna Strong chronicles are moving into that category - everyone seems to love them. Where have I been? Okay, the questions: I think she looks coolest and strongest in cover 5, but I MUST begin with book 1.

throuthehaze said...

i think i am in time...I like the cover of #2 the best but I would love to win #1
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

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