Books Bought & Received - 8/2/09

This past week was a busy week. I went up to the University of North Texas campus in Denton with my son for the new student and parents orientation for a couple of days. We both feel better about him going to UNT now, especially my son. He was a bit nervous about going to college up there, being away from home for the first time. I'm still nervous about him driving so far away by himself all the time, it's about a 2-1/2 hour drive and a long busy highway. *a mother's shudder & cringe*

Well, without further ado here is my stash for the week.

Night Child By Jes Battis
Book 1, OSI Series
I picked this book up at my local bookstore, the Book Cellar.

Synopsis from

That’s a dead vampire, I thought. My boss dragged me out of bed at two in the morning to see a dead vampire? I might be an Occult Special Investigator for Vancouver’s Mystical Crime Lab, but a dead vampire is routine, and no reason to disturb a person’s sleep! Then I took a closer look at the body…

Tess Corday soon realizes that there is not going to be anything ordinary about this case. Not the lab results on the cause of death. Not Mia Polanski, the teenage girl living at the address found in the vamp’s pocket, who may well be in thrall to a demon. And certainly not Lucian Agrado, the necromancer who is liaison to the vampire community. Agrado is supposed to be part of the solution, but Tess suspects he might be part of the problem.

Under pressure from her boss, Tess is trying to go by the book on this one. But when Mia reaches out to her, she risks her career to help the girl. And finds herself in the middle of a paranormal conspiracy that will change her life forever.

Or possibly end it…

By Blood We Live edited by John Joseph Adams
Bought at as a Pre-Order. The synopsis sounds gruesome. Love it!
Synopsis from the back of the book

Vampires. They are the most elegant of monsters-ancient, seductive, doomed, deadly. They lurk in the shadows, at your window, in your dreams. They are beautiful as anything you've ever seen, but their flesh is cold as the grave, and their lips taste of blood. From Dracula to Twilight; from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to True Blood, many have fallen under their spell. Now acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams brings you 33 of the most haunting vampire stories of the past three decades, from some of today's most renowned authors of fantasy, science fiction, and horror.

Charming gentlemen with the manners of a prior age. Savage killing machines who surge screaming from hidden vaults. Cute little girls frozen forever in slender bodies. Long-buried loved ones who scratch at the door, begging to be let in. Nowhere is safe, not mist-shrouded Transylvania or the Italian Riviera or even a sleepy town in Maine. This is a hidden world, an eternal world, where nothing is forbidden... as long as you're willing to pay the price.

Authors in this anthology:

Kelley Armstrong
L. A. Banks
Elizabeth Bear
Neil Gaiman
Joe Hill
Stephen King
Sergei Lukyanenko
Tanith Lee
Brian Lumley
Ken Macleod
Garth Nix
Anne Rice
Lilith Saintcrow
Harry Turtledove
Catherynne M. Valente
Carrie Vaughn
David Wellington
Tad Williams
Michael A. Burstein
Barbara Roden
Nancy Kilpatrick
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Norman Partridge
Michael Marshall Smith
Nancy Holder
Jane Yolen
Gabriela Lee
Caitlin R. Kiernan
Brian Stableford
Kevin J. Anderson
Eric Van Lustbader
Bruce McAllister
Barbara Hambly


Amy C said...

Those sound like perfect books for you!

You have a local bookstore called the Book Cellar? I love that name. I would love to have my own bookshop!

Donna said...

Amy, I love going to Book Cellar, they know me and my son by name, the guy there is one the funnies people I know. He named it the Book Cellar because it is actually in the cellar of a two story building. Cellars are really rare here in Texas, which I've always thought was odd since a cellar is the perfect cover for getting away from a Tornado.

I think owning a bookstore would be a dream come true. :)

Amy C said...

Funny! I was going to ask if the book store was actually in a cellar! And that's where the owner got the name!

Me and my mom talk about having a bookstore, but I don't even know where to begin and then the fear of what if it fails, what would it do to us financially. Definitely is a dream though!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Oooh I just added By Blood We Live onto my TBR. It looks so good!

And I totally agree with you Donna, owning a bookstore would be so nice. The Book Cellar sounds so great!

P.S. That's so exciting about your son going to UNT. When does fall classes start for him. I still go to Community College and classes start soon (yuck) =)

Blodeuedd said...

Sounds like two cool books. I do want to read more anthologies, and it had Kelley Armstrong, do love her

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Those are two great books.
I've got 'em on my ToBeRead list too.
By Blood We Live has so many fantastic writers how can one NOT get it?
Thanks for sharing,
hope you post a review of both,
all the best,

Donna said...

Amy, I think starting any business would be scary. But it's a nice dream, nothing scary about dreaming. :)

Mishel, I love going to the Book Cellar, I always find something to walk out there with. Classes start for my son on August 27th. He's starting to excited about it.

Blodeuedd, I'm starting to get into anthologies more myself. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a good quick story plus I think it's a good way to discover new authors.

RKCharron, I agree, there are a lot fantastic authors in By Blood We Live so I couldn't pass it up. Especially the horror aspect of it, yum!

Lea said...

You always showcase such interesting literature Donna..

I do like UF/horror too and these books sound way great!

Thank you for sharing!

Best to you.

Michelle Greathouse said...


I have Night Child on my 'tbr' shelf. :) I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.


Donna said...

Thank Lea! I'm a big fan of horror, especially if it involves vamps.

Michelle, I've seen a few good reviews on Jes Battis' books, plus the books sound interesting so when I spotted the first book I figured I'd give it go.

Donna said...

Hey Chris good eye! I keep thinking the cover looked familiar, I think your right.

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