Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a fun and spooky Halloween!
Stay and be safe.



wolves are howling...

“Listen to them: the children of the night. What sweet music they make.”

-Vlad Dracula (Dracula)











REMINDER: My giveaway for a copy of Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur ends tomorrow night at 10 PM CST. Open to Everyone. 

The Midnight Guardian Winner!

Congratulations to the
The Midnight Guardian Winner!

Giveaway Comment/Question: Tell me the title of your favorite vampire book or series.

makeart (Judging a Book by it's Color) Said, “One of my favorites is still Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. More recently though I've become enchanted with the Sookie Stackhouse series. :-)”

Thank you everyone for stopping by and entering the giveaway. I enjoyed reading everyone’s answers, they gave me a good idea of which vampire books/series I need to move up in my TBR pile.

The winner has been notified by email. makeart, please send me an email with your street mailing address if you did not receive my email. My email is located at the top of my blog, click on the Contact Me link.

The Midnight Guardian by Sarah Jane Stratford - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository US | The Book Depository UK

Author News, Interesting Tidbits and More – 10-28-09

Author News:

Chloe Neill has posted the covers for the UK version of Some Girls Bite (03-11-10 UK) and Twice Bitten (Book 3, Chicagoland Vampires). I like the US version of Some Girls Bite more than the UK version and I think Twice Bitten rocks!

SomeGirlsBiteUK Twice_Bitten.final


saltwaterwitch Chris Howard has put up the PDF version of Saltwater Witch, the first six chapters plus extras. Saltwater Witch is an online graphic novel based on Chris’s fantasy novel Seaborn.



wickedDread Central.com announced: “And another "young adult" series of books is being readied for the big screen  treatment: Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié's Wicked, which encompasses five installments entitled "Witch," "Curse," "Legacy," "Spellbound," and "Resurrection."

The news just came down via THR that sibling scribes Aaron and Matthew Benay have sold a pitch to DreamWorks based on Wicked. The Benays will build the script from the first two books in the series. DreamWorks co-president of production Mark Sourian preemptively grabbed the adaptation for mid-six figures and optioned the rest of the series. The Gotham Group's Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Lindsay Williams, and Michael Prevett are producing.”


defeat-the-darkness Alexis Morgan posted the cover to Defeat the Darkness, book six in the Paladin series:
An immortal warrior hardened by a battle that nearly cost him his life discovers a woman who can heal his heart and wounded soul in Alexis Morgan’s sizzling new Paladin adventure

Hard-eyed and hard-bodied, Hunter Fitzsimon isn’t what Tate Justice expected in a tenant for the apartment above her garage. Terse and intensely private, Hunter’s mission is to protect a narrow stretch of the barrier between Earth and Kalithia against the Paladins’ ruthless enemies —a job much easier done without his sexy landlady nosing around. So when she follows him into the woods late one night, he decides to teach Tate a lesson with a passionate kiss that brings her to her knees . . . and unexpectedly ignites a red-hot desire deep within his soul. But the warrior’s dark and dangerous world is no place for his fiery lover. Does possessing Tate mean turning his back on his brethren . . . or will Hunter forsake the woman of his dreams for the harsh duty that’s all he’s ever known?


Carrie Vaughn has announced that she just signed a contract for three more books, and a short story in her Kitty Norville series.

wells-peellerflier for signing Nicole Peeler and Jaye Wells will in Shreveport on November 7 for a joint signing at the local Barnes & Noble: Jaye Wells and Nicole Peeler Present Vampires V. Selkies. Jaye announced as Shreveport Smackdown on The League of Reluctant Adults blog. Hhmm, Looks like there might be some excitement happening that night. Looks like fun!


Interesting Tidbits:

Smexy Books has a really good post up about ebook sharing. Mandi talks about what she thinks about it and sharing all books in general. Interesting thoughts and ideas there.

Grasping for the Wind has posted about an essay written by Bill Ward called “Writing Book Reviews - How and Why” that I thought had some great tips and ideas. As a reviewer of books, I’m always on the lookout for tips on being a better book reviewer.

Abduzeedo posted some gorgeous Tarantino's movie posters. I like this one in particular. I think it has something to do with the flag, hanging so bright and limp. It just reeks of something sinister.


Here's a heads up on some super savings on ebooks from Harlequin’s Paranormal Romance Blog:  “eHarlequin.com and the eHarlequin eBook Store are getting into the Paranormal Party spirit, too, with a great sale! From now until October 31st, you can save 35% on paranormal romance and fantasy novels in our Moonlight Madness sale. Snap up books by favorite authors like Gena Showalter, Rachel Vincent, Jennifer Armintrout, Heather Graham, P.C. Cast, and more… or you could try something new like a paranormal Blaze or Spice book. And pssst…come back to eHarlequin.com on Halloween for a one day sale!”


I found this on Suvudu’s blog and for some reason every time I look at this picture I bust out laughing. I love it! Gotta love the seriousness of Wesley Snipes as Blade.

Suvudu: The Twilight I Would Watch


Giveaways Around the Virtual World: As always, I hope you find a new a book or an author that you've not heard of before listed here. Good Luck! The ongoing contest list is on my blog's sidebar.

I have two giveaways going right now here on Fantasy Dreamer’s Ramblings:
- One is for my ARC of The Midnight Guardian by Sarah Jane Stratford, which ends tomorrow night at 10PM CST, click here for the details.

- The other is for a copy of Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur and this one ends on Sunday, November 1st at 10PM CST, click here for the details.

New Book Releases for Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and SFF - October 27, 2009

Format Change: I’m going to start only posting the new releases on Tuesdays and post the news, contest and other tidbits on Wednesdays. This will help me out time-wise plus I can list all of the cool stuff posted from Tuesday Release Day.

New Releases: If you have a book review for one of new releases listed here, link it in comments and I will be happy to add it to this post. Or if I missed a book please let me know so I can add it.

October 27, 2009 – Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance & SFF New Book Releases

Never After - Anthology by Laurell K. Hamilton, Sharon Shinn, Yasmine Galenorn, Marjorie M. Liu
Genre: Paranormal Romance

The bonds of love...
The bonds of matrimony...
The bonds between husband and wife...
Let's face it—some bonds are made to be broken.
Here, for the first time ever, are four stories from today's most provocative authors that take the classic idea of the "faerie tale wedding" and give it a swift kick in the bustle.



Child of Darkness by Jennifer Armintrout
Book 2, Light World/Dark World Series
Genre: Fantasy

Public alliances secret lovers.
Once upon a time yet to come, creatures of myth and fairy tale gained entry to the human realm and were expelled with extreme prejudice. Banished Underground, they carved out two kingdoms: the Lightworld of the Fae and their kin, and the Darkworld of demons, werewolves and their ilk. But the boundaries between these Worlds and the Upworld are about to be redrawn...in blood.

At a Lightworld royal gala, Queene Ayla announces the betrothal of her daughter, Cerridwen, to a high-ranking councilor. Though strategically brilliant, the engagement comes as a shock to Cerridwen especially. Infuriated by her mother s high-handedness, ignorant of her own true origins, she flees the court leaving herself vulnerable to those who would see the Lightworld destroyed. Amid burgeoning unrest, desperate desires become divided loyalties and terrifying mercenaries lurk in the shadowy space between rebellion and anarchy.

Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur
Book 8, Riley Jensen Guardian Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy

In the darkness, demons come out to play . . .
and someone must bring their sins to light.

Part vampire, part werewolf, Riley Jenson knows what can happen when vamps don’t play well with others. But she’s never seen anything like this: a series of brutal murders surrounding the latest hot spot for vampire-human hookups—and the victims aren’t just killed, they’re beheaded. Now Riley is launching into action, toying with a seductive—and highly suspicious—club owner, and finding herself in the middle of another mystery: women being killed one by one, without a trace of violence.

For Riley, solving multiple cases—in a world going mad with human and vampire passions—would have been tough enough. Instead she has two jealous lovers on her hands: Kye Murphy, the amber-eyed werewolf who makes Riley’s wolf blood howl—and Quinn, the cool, elegant vamp who has over a thousand years’ experience at fulfilling women’s desires. While she’s busy juggling these two sexy beasts, Riley’s detective work takes a stunningly violent turn. Finding a murderer is now a matter of life and death. Especially since the killer has long since found her . . .

-Reviewed by


By the Mountain Bound by Elizabeth Bear
Genre: Fantasy

For five hundred years the immortal Children of the Light, einherjar and valkyrie, have lived together in the North of Valdyrgard. They were born out of the Sea, each with a shining crystal sword in his or her hand; they are Angels of Light created in the formation of a new world.  But three have come before them, from the death-throes of the old world, Midgard: the world-girdling Serpent, Bearer of Burdens;  the Wolf Fenris, eater of the Sun, who now takes the form of an einherjar; and his demon sister, stealer of souls.

The Children spend their days feasting, fighting, hunting, and guarding their human charges. But one dreadful day a woman is washed up from the sea, a Lady who is no mortal, though she is not valkyrie either. Thus begins the breaking of the Children of the Light, the tarnishing of their power, and the death of Valdyrgard.

By the Mountain Bound is a prequel to Elizabeth Bear’s highly acclaimed All the Windwracked Stars, and tells the painful tale of love and betrayal, sorcery and battle, that led up to the day when Muire was left alone in the snow at the end of the world.


Possess Me at Midnight by Shayla Black
Book 3, Doomsday Brethren Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance

As a mysterious dark cloud drains the life of her beloved brother, Doomsday Brethren leader Bram, Sabelle Rion can think of little else. Still, every time she meets Ice Rykard's intense green gaze, her body aches with need for the sexy warrior. Their attraction is explosive, incredible — and forbidden. As dangerous as he is unpredictable, Ice is her brother's sworn enemy. But as Bram weakens, a more sinister force is gaining power.

Evil Mathias and his ruthless Anarki army are on a bloodthirsty hunt for the Doomsday Diary. Sabelle must guard the potent book with her life — and Ice vows to protect the beautiful witch with his. Duty demands that Sabelle deny her lover's fiery call of possession and mate with a man who can sway the magical Council against the impending rebellion. With the fate of magickind hanging in the balance, will she forsake the burning desires she can't ignore or turn her back on her people for the courageous man she can't resist?

-Reviewed by


Tempted by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Book 6, House of Night Series
Genre: YA Fantasy

Zoey needs a break after some serious excitement. Sadly, the House of Night school for vampyres doesn't feature breaks on its curriculum - even for a High Priestess in training and her gang. Plus juggling three guys is no stress reliever, especially when one is a sexy Warrior so into protecting Zoey that he's sensing her emotions. Wider stresses lurk too, and the dark force in Tulsa's tunnels is spreading. Could Stevie Rae be responsible for more than a group of misfit fledglings? And Aphrodite's visions warn Zoey to stay away from the immortal Kalona and his dark allure - but they also show that only Zoey can stop him. She's not exactly keen to meet up, but if Zoey doesn't go to Kalona he'll exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. She just has to find the courage to do what's necessary, or everything that's important to her will be destroyed


Indigo Springs by A.M. Dellamonica
Genre: Fantasy

Indigo Springs is a sleepy town where things seem pretty normal . . . until Astrid’s father dies and she moves into his house. She discovers that for many years her father had been accessing the magic that flowed, literally, in a blue stream beneath the earth, leaking into his house. When she starts to use the liquid "vitagua" to enchant everyday items, the results seem innocent enough: a “’chanted” watch becomes a charm that means you're always in the right place at the right time; a “’chanted” pendant enables the wearer to convince anyone of anything . . .

But as events in Indigo Springs unfold and the true potential of vitagua is revealed, Astrid and her friends unwittingly embark on a journey fraught with power, change, and a future too devastating to contemplate. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends as Astrid discovers secrets from her shrouded childhood that will lead her to a destiny stranger than she could have imagined . . .


Bitter Night by Diana Pharaoh Francis
Book 1, Horngate Witches Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Once, Max dreamed of a career, a home, a loving family. Now all she wants is freedom...and revenge. A witch named Giselle transformed Max into a warrior with extraordinary strength, speed, and endurance. Bound by spellcraft, Max has no choice but to fight as Giselle's personal magic weapon — a Shadowblade — and she's lethally good at it. But her skills are about to be put to the test as they never have before....

The ancient Guardians of the earth are preparing to unleash widespread destruction on the mortal world, and they want the witches to help them. If the witches refuse, their covens will be destroyed, including Horngate, the place Max has grudgingly come to think of as home. Max thinks she can find a way to help Horngate stand against the Guardians, but doing so will mean forging dangerous alliances — including one with a rival witch's Shadowblade, who is as drawn to Max as she is to him — and standing with the witch she despises. Max will have to choose between the old life she still dreams of and the warrior she has become, and take her place on the side of right — if she survives long enough to figure out which side that is....

-Reviewed by


Silent Night, Haunted Night by Terri Garey
Book 4, Nicki Styx Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance

All I haunt for christmas is you . . .

Joe Bascombe is no stranger to desire, but when a sexy spirit begins haunting his dreams, he finds himself ensnared by dark passions. What he doesn't realize is that the devious demon and her two sisters, otherwise known as the Three Fates, are out to teach the woman he loves a lesson . . .

Unwilling psychic Nicki Styx survived a near-death experience to find herself able to see and hear the dead, but she only has eyes for Joe. Together they've conquered evil spirits, saved lost souls, and beaten back the Devil himself, but they're about to learn that there are more things in Heaven and Hell than they ever imagined. As far as Nicki is concerned, Joe is the man of her dreams, but now they're at the mercy of the creature who's invaded his.

It'll be a Christmas to remember . . . and it could be Joe and Nicki's last.

-Reviewed by


Candle in the Storm by Morgan Howell
Book 2, The Shadowed Path Series
Genre: Fantasy

The malign shadow of the Devourer has darkened the land, extinguishing life and hope. The followers of the benevolent goddess Karm are hunted mercilessly and cut down by an army of bewitched slayers led by Lord Bahl, the Devourer’s flesh-and-blood incarnation. Only two people stand in the way of an apocalyptic bloodbath that will literally bring hell to earth: a man and a woman linked by a love as strong as it is unlikely–Honus, a grim-faced warrior dedicated to Karm, and Yim, a beautiful former slave with the divine power to stop Lord Bahl.

But that power will prove a terrible curse as Yim is called upon to make a costly sacrifice–a sacrifice that will not only put her love for Honus to the test but call into question her very faith. As the evil storm descends, can the flame of hope endure?

The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
Genre: Fantasy

Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle, looms. And mankind is not ready.

The final volume of the Wheel of Time, A Memory of Light, was partially written by Robert Jordan before his untimely passing in 2007. Brandon Sanderson, New York Times bestselling author of the Mistborn books, was chosen by Jordan’s editor---his wife, Harriet McDougal---to complete the final book. The scope and size of the volume was such that it could not be contained in a single book, and so Tor proudly presents The Gathering Storm as the first of three novels that will make up A Memory of Light. This short sequence will complete the struggle against the Shadow, bringing to a close a journey begun almost twenty years ago and marking the conclusion of the Wheel of Time, the preeminent fantasy epic of our era.

In this epic novel, Robert Jordan’s international bestselling series begins its dramatic conclusion. Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, struggles to unite a fractured network of kingdoms and alliances in preparation for the Last Battle. As he attempts to halt the Seanchan encroachment northward---wishing he could form at least a temporary truce with the invaders---his allies watch in terror the shadow that seems to be growing within the heart of the Dragon Reborn himself.

Egwene al’Vere, the Amyrlin Seat of the rebel Aes Sedai, is a captive of the White Tower and subject to the whims of their tyrannical leader. As days tick toward the Seanchan attack she knows is imminent, Egwene works to hold together the disparate factions of Aes Sedai while providing leadership in the face of increasing uncertainty and despair. Her fight will prove the mettle of the Aes Sedai, and her conflict will decide the future of the White Tower---and possibly the world itself.

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

-Reviewed By


Tainted by Julie Kenner
Book 1, The Blood Lily Chronicles
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Lily Carlyle has lied, cheated, and stolen her way through life.

But in death, she'll really get to be bad...

When her little sister is brutalized, a vengeful Lily determines to exact her own justice. She succeeds at the cost of her own life, but as she lies dying, she is given a second chance. Lily can earn her way into Paradise by becoming an assassin for the forces of good.

It's the job Lily believes she can really get into-but she doesn't realize that she may not be able to get out.

-Reviewed by


Blood Kin by Maria Lima
Book 3, Blood Lines Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy

The perils of power...

Keira Kelly has come into her full powers, and they are frighteningly strong, creating a distance between her and her human friends in her beloved Rio Seco. It is time to obey her great-great-grandmother Gigi's orders and rejoin her family in northwest Canada, where Keira can learn to handle her dangerous new skills. She'll have friends with her every step of the way -- her shapeshifter brother Tucker, his beloved Niko, and, to Keira's dismay, her cousin on her mother's side, Daffyd ap Geraint, the Sidhe prince who suddenly appeared in her life and now refuses to leave -- but her vampire lover Adam has insisted on staying in Texas. And while there are certainly perks to being Family, such as a private Learjet for the flight to Canada and a fabulous penthouse condo overlooking Vancouver, there are threats looming that nobody, not even Gigi, anticipated. Keira's Sidhe inheritance from her mother is far more important than anyone ever realized, and the fate of the Family may depend upon what she does next....

Soul Magic

Soul Magic by Jennifer Lyon
Genre: Paranormal Romance

When an ancient pact is broken, powerful witches who once used their magic to help humanity become the twisted playthings of demons, and the mortal men who once protected the sorceresses become witch hunters, cursed with the longing to spill the witches’ blood: an irresistible craving that will cost witches their lives and witch hunters their souls.

The Wing Slayer Hunters fight this curse, guarding innocent witches until the urge to harm them grows too strong–then they must kill their own. Wing Slayer Sutton West has always honored that vow. His own father killed himself rather than go rogue. But now Sutton is tempted as never before by Carla Fisk, a brilliant psychologist and dynamic witch whose twin sister, Keri, was murdered by rogues.

Bound by blood and passion, Carla and Sutton dare not succumb to their deadly attraction. Yet when a mysterious rogue named Styx joins forces with the demon Asmodeus, witch and hunter have no choice but to work together. For Keri’s immortal soul is at stake–and with it, balanced on a knife-edge, is the fate of humanity itself.

-Reviewed by


Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler
Book 1, Jane True Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Living in small town Rockabill, Maine, Jane True always knew she didn't quite fit in with so-called normal society. During her nightly, clandestine swim in the freezing winter ocean, a grisly find leads Jane to startling revelations about her heritage: she is only half-human.

Now, Jane must enter a world filled with supernatural creatures alternatively terrifying, beautiful, and deadly- all of which perfectly describe her new "friend," Ryu, a gorgeous and powerful vampire.

It is a world where nothing can be taken for granted: a dog can heal with a lick; spirits bag your groceries; and whatever you do, never-ever-rub the genie's lamp.

If you loveSookie Stackhouse, then you'll want to dive into Nicole Peeler's enchanting debut novel.

-Reviewed by


Howling Legion by Marcus Pelegrimas
Book 2, Skinners Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy

No one said fighting monsters was going to be easy . . .

You can't see them, but they're here: hiding in the pools of shadow outside a Chicago burger joint . . . wreaking havoc in Kansas City . . . feeding in sleazy "blood brothels" that cater to humans who itch to get bitten.

Cole was designing video games when he learned the truth—that foul creatures of the night lust for our blood . . . and our world. Now he's a "Skinner," a member of an ancient secret society of warriors entrusted with keeping the terror at bay. Monsters once chained to the wilderness are suddenly free and descending, razor claws ripping, on the unsuspecting city. No one knows what's coming—but Cole and his seductive partner, Paige, will be the first to dive into the meat grinder.


Sins of the Flesh by Caridad Pineiro
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Caterina Shaw's days are numbered. Her only chance for survival is a highly experimental gene treatment-a risk she willingly takes. But now Caterina barely recognizes herself. She has new, terrifying powers, an exotic, arresting body-and she's been accused of a savage murder, sending her on the run.

Mick Carrera is a mercenary and an expert at capturing elusive, clever prey. Yet the woman he's hunting down is far from the vicious killer he's been told to expect: Caterina is wounded, vulnerable, and a startling mystery of medical science. Even more, she's a beautiful woman whose innocent sensuality tempts Mick to show her exactly how thrilling pleasure can be. The heat that builds between them is irresistible, but surrendering to it could kill them both . . . for a dangerous group is plotting its next move using Caterina as its deadly pawn.

-Reviewed by


Night of Demons by Tony Richards
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Centuries ago, the Salem witches founded the village of Raine's Landing, then cloaked it in magic to hide it from sight. Many of their descendants still practice the supernatural arts—and no one who lives here can ever leave.

Now evil has breached its boundaries once again . . .

A serial killer with a corrupt and twisted soul, Cornelius Hanlon has freely entered Raine's Landing, undeterred by the ancient magical safeguards. And when he chooses the town's oldest adept as his first victim, the maniac inadvertently gains possession of a powerful "gift" more terrible than anything he could have sadistically dreamed.

Ex-town cop Ross Devries and his Harley-riding sometime-partner, Cassandra Mallory, have no supernatural abilities. But they are the last line of defense in this village of secrets and shadows—facing a psychopath who now wields the power to bend the living and the dead to his will.

-Reviewed by


Sanctuary's Price by Moira Rogers
Book 3, Red Rock Pass Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance

He’s only been surviving. Her magic can show him how to live.

After a decade under a corrupt alpha’s thumb, Dylan Gennaro is still reeling from the changes in his life: a new home, a new alpha, a pack at war. Even normal things like an ending relationship. Still, when he’s asked to work with an outcast witch, he agrees without hesitation. Maybe by protecting her, he’ll rediscover his own inner strength. If, indeed, it exists.

Sasha Wallace lost her mentor in a vicious attack that left her scarred in spirit as well as body. While she-s grateful for the refuge offered by the Red Rock alpha, it’s tough living with the pack-s suspicion. Even though-or maybe because-she’s willing to use her powers to help them fight their war. Except for Dylan. When she’s finally free to find a new home, he-ll be the only one she regrets leaving behind.

Their attraction is a balm to their wounded hearts, until their journey for knowledge brings them face to face with a terrifying vampire. Neither has the strength for this fight-but if they can let go of their pasts and trust each other, they might just be able to do it. Together.

Warning: Contains dangerous magical binding spells, a flannel-wearing vampire lumberjack, paranormal road-trip hijinks and a quietly brilliant werewolf willing to defy his society and his past to protect the witch he loves.

-Reviewed by


Dark Stranger by Susan Sizemore
Book 8, Primes Universe Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance

A twist of fate made Zoe Pappas heir to the Byzant throne. Bound by duty and devotion to keep the Empire safe, Zoe is captured while on a secret diplomatic mission and sent to an underground prisoner-of-war camp. In this strange, shadowy place, residents are governed by fellow inmate General Matthias "Doc" Raven, whose powerful magnetism rouses an urgent desire in Zoe. But the intensity of her attraction is matched by her surprise at discovering that Doc has a secret of his own: he is a vampire.

Zoe's presence puts everyone in the camp in danger. Doc knows it, and knows too that Zoe's royal status makes it impossible for her to bond with a vampire. The only way to save her is to help her escape, and lose her forever. But some fires are impossible to quench, even when following your heart is the ultimate taboo....

Queen of Song and Souls by C.L. Wilson
Book 4, Tairen Soul Series
Genre: Fantasy

The first deadly battles of the new Mage Wars have been fought, and victory has been won at a terrible price. As the toll of an unfulfilled matebond and the torment of war begins tips Rain towards madness, Ellysetta knows if she cannot find a way to defeat the darkness growing inside her and complete the truemate bond, Rain will die and she will become the prophesied monster Vadim Maur uses to destroy the Fey and enslave the World.

-Reviewed by

Review: Queen of Song and Souls by C.L. Wilson

Queen of Song and Souls by C.L. Wilson
Book 4, Tairen Soul series
Genres: Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Year: 2009 (October 27, 2009)
Format: Paperback, 384 pages
ISBN-10: 08439-6060-4 (Leisure Books)
Reason for Reading: ARC submitted for review

From the back cover:

Only together could their souls be complete.

Only together could they survive.

Only together could they unlock the secrets of the past and unleash their greatest magic.

As war rages all around them, and the evil mages of Eld stand on the brink of triumph, Rain and Ellysetta must learn to trust completely in their love and in themselves, and embrace a forbidden power that will either destroy their world or save it.

My Ramblings:

Queen of Song and Souls is the exciting fourth book in the Tairen Souls series by C.L. Wilson. In my opinion, due to complex world created by C.L. Wilson, this series needs to be read in order starting with Lord of the Fading Lands, thus experiencing this series to it's fullest.

C.L. Wilson elegantly throws us back in the world of Fey in the prologue where the King of Sword and Sky ended. From there we follow Ellysetta and Rain as they travel across the lands trying to create alliances with the Celierians, Elves and Danae, to help fight the war against the evil Mages of Eld. They have come to realize that Vadim Maur and the Mages have been preparing for this war far longer than they suspected. They know the only way they can win this war is to combine the Fey forces with all of the other races against the dark magic of the Eld. But these alliances are tenuous at best, due to the intrigues of politics between the different races. Unfortunately, during this dark time of war, they can’t afford any weaknesses or doubts.

As Ellysetta and Rain travel, self discoveries are made about themselves, questions are answered and new mysteries are revealed. Ellysetta is also plagued by horrible nightmares and the anxiety of baring four mage marks made by evil High Mage Vadim Maur. And Rain tries to hide from Ellysetta that the bonding madness has started and that it is advancing fast because of the fighting on the bloody battlefields. In addition to the tremendous worry of the war, they are both distress from the inability to complete their truemate bond; completing the bond will keep Rain from descending into madness and save Ellysetta and her powers from being controlled by the evil Vadim Maur.

Queen of Song and Souls contains all the elements that makes a perfect and terrific read for me: a complex and creative fantasy world, edged with darkness; a romantically, poignant love story; edge of your seat suspense; and truly evil and vile bad guys. C.L. Wilson combines all of these elements elegantly with her beautiful prose. I honestly don’t have one complaint about this book. Not one. As this series has progressed, each book just keeps getting better than the last.

I experienced such a wide range of emotions reading this book that by the time I was finished with it, I was emotional exhausted, in a good way. While I was reading my emotions ranged from being anxious, angry, happy, a deep sadness, surprised, thoughtful, and worried. In the end, I was left with a strong sense of forbidding. I’m happy to say we get some long awaited answers but new questions take the place of the old ones. All in all, Queen of Song and Souls is going down as my favorite read for this year, hands down.

Queen of Song and Souls is not to be missed, it sets the stage for the next and final book in this series. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the conclusion to Ellysetta and Rain’s story in Tairen Soul this coming year.

My Rating: Perfect!

Read an excerpt of Queen of Song and Souls

Where you can find C.L. Wilson: Web Site | Blog | Twitter

The Tairen Soul Series:

  1. Lord of the Fading Lands
  2. Lady of Light and Shadows
  3. King of Sword and Sky
  4. Queen of Song and Souls
  5. Tairen Soul – TBD

Other Reviews:

Review: Tainted by Julie Kenner

Tainted by Julie Kenner
Book 1, The Blood Lily Chronicles
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Year: 2009 (10/27/2009)
Format: Paperback, 320 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-441-01784-3 (Ace)
Reason for Reading: ARC submitted for review

From the back cover:

Lily Carlyle has never been a good girl. She's lied, cheated and stolen, but she did it all to protect her younger sister. To keep food on the table after their mother died. She'd made a promise, after all. A promise to take care of her sister. To keep the family together. And that's a promise she's determined to keep.

Even to the death...

When her younger sister is brutally attacked, a vengeful Lily determines to exact her own justice on the monster responsible. She succeeds—at the cost of her own life. As she lies dying, she is given a second chance: Though what she has done is evil, she can earn her way into Paradise by fighting for the forces of good.

Lily agrees...

...and wakes in the body of Alice Purdue—a Boston barmaid who has more than a little familiarity with the battle raging between the light and the darkness. Each side is mustering their forces for all-out war—and Lily is going to become an assassin for the light.

It's a job she believes she can really get into—but she doesn't realize that she may not be able to get out...

My Ramblings:

Do you think the difference between good and evil is as simple as black and white? Well think again. Lily finds out that she can be good by being bad as an assassin for God. After Lily kills her sister’s attacker in cold-blood, she is given a second chance to redeem herself and wakes up in Alice Purdue’s body. Working for the light as a demon assassin, her job is to prevent the ninth gate to Hell from being opened by demons. But Lily’s new life has her wondering if she’s strong enough to the keep the ninth gate from opening? What happened to Alice Purdue, now that Lily is occupying her body? Will her sister be able to cope without her there to help her?

Tainted was an enjoyable read from Lily’s point of view, and it moves at a brisk pace with it’s eclectic cast of characters and their fun and clever dialogue. Lily is sassy, head strong with street smarts and resilient in her role as the God’s assassin. I found myself easily liking Lily and her attitude towards her new life.

Everyone from her new friend Gracie to her supernatural guide Clarence, tell Lily to stay away from Deacon Camphire. Deacon is a dark mystery to Lily and she doesn’t know if she can trust him but she does know she has a strong attraction to him. And he to her. While Tainted is light on the romance, there is plenty of sizzling tension between Lily and Deacon.

“She’s mine.” he said, pushing my partner aside with little more than a glance. His arms slid around me, his hands on my lower back pulling me close as my body tingled from the electric storm surrounding this force of nature.

“I’m not yours,” I protested, but I stayed in his arms nonetheless, tempting fate and testing the limits to my newfound sensual allure, not mention my self-control.

He took his hand from my back long enough to hook a finger under my chin and tilt my head up. A smug grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Maybe not,” he said with a cocky grin. “But you want to be.”

Tainted is the first book in the new dark urban fantasy series, The Blood Lily Chronicles by Julie Kenner. Tainted is well written, full of mystery and action, saturated with sexual tension and has turns in the plot that you won’t see coming. This book is a must for urban fantasy readers who like their reads to be suspenseful, with a dark, fast moving setting and a sassy, street smart heroine.

I’m looking forward to release of Torn next month because the ending of Tainted left me with more questions then answers.

My Rating: Really Liked It

Read an excerpt of Tainted.

Where you can find Julie Kenner: Web Site | BlogFacebook | Twitter

The Blood Lily Chronicles:

  1. Tainted
  2. Torn
  3. Turned

Other Reviews:

Lenore : Noogies Winners!

Congratulations to the
Lenore : Noogies Winners!

Giveaway Comment/Question: Tell me about Lenore Comics or tell me what book you think would make a good comic.

Winners and their answers:

Heidi V Said, “I used to use a Lenora avatar in a forum she was just so darn cute! I always wanted to read Death Bed to see what her pets had to say about her always killing her them.”

Janicu (Janicu’s Book Blog) Said, “I think Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere would be a good GN. IS IT in GN form somewhere?” [Answer: Yes. Here’s the Neverwhere graphic novel to Amazon.com.]

Jen D. Said, “I think Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series would make a really good comic.”

The winners have been notified by email. Winners, please send me an email with your street mailing address if you did not receive my email. My email is located at the top of my blog, click on the Contact Me link.

Lenore : Noogies Color Edition by Roman Dirge - Amazon.com | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository US | The Book Depository UK

Category: 4 comments

I’m having a Blogging Dilemma

I use to read about three to five books a week. Now I’m down to about a book a week and this has been really bothering me. Plus I keep buying books but when I look at my bookshelves, I feel a little depressed because of all the unread books I see there. And I’ve actually started feeling guilty when I buy a new book because of all of the unread books on my shelves. Also, I’ve found myself leaving comments around the blogosphere like, “I’ve bought this one and I hope to read it soon.”, when I use to read books as soon as they were published.

rubik-cubeYour probably wondering what has slowed down my reading, right? Well it’s blogging. I love blogging and I started it because of my love of reading but for the past several months, blogging has slowed down my reading. A lot. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy blogging and visiting everyone’s blog, and I feel guilty when I don’t. Also, I’ve met many new book friends through blogging and it’s introduced me to many new authors and books that I feel I would’ve otherwise missed out on. But I work full time and I still have a family that depends on me in the evenings after work. So in the evenings after everything has settled down, I can either read or go blog hopping and/or write up a blog post. I’ve been trying to do it all, and have experienced a serious lack of sleep because of it. I’ve come to the realization, that I just can’t do it all.

And I also feel like I’m doing more of my living in the online world instead of going out and experience it because of the need to be tied to my laptop. I’ve actually stopped working out and taking my dog for walks to get to the settled down part of the evening quicker. And maybe the house isn’t as clean as it use to be. I want to do these things again and I’m sure a cleaner house would benefit everyone.

Some of you may think I sound whiny or selfish, maybe both. But you know what? I can’t help it, I’m just not happy with the state of things right now. Because, being book readers yourselves, would you be happy? The thoughts of the holidays coming up have actually made me feel a little panicky because I really don’t know how I will be able to keep up with everything. Maybe I’m just putting too much pressure on myself, but I’ve always given most anything I do, my 100%.

All the above has brought me to a blogging dilemma. I’ve been trying to find a comfortable groove in the bloggers-dilemma blogging world but I have yet to find it. So, I’ve actually been thinking of hanging up this blog and just be a casual blog reader while hanging out on Goodreads and Twitter, and let them be my medium into to the book world. Because I do realize when it comes down to it, I’m just a reader.

But on the other hand, I don’t want to give up my blog. I have a Catch-22.

What I’m asking here, how do you do keep up with the blogging world and have a life outside of it?

Surely, I’m not the first person to have this dilemma in the blogging world. Right?

This is not a farewell, I just thought I’d post this question out here to see what everyone else thought or if anyone had any suggestions. I have a couple of reviews I still need to post and a few other blog obligations before I make any decisions.

Funny, the song by The Clash comes to mind, Should I Stay or Should I go?

Category: 62 comments

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