Giveaway: ARC of The Midnight Guardian by Sarah Jane Stratford *~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

I just posted my review of The Midnight Guardian by Sarah Jane Stratford, which just released last week and I’m giving away my advanced reader copy that I received from St. Martin’s Press to a lucky winner.

Here are a couple of other reviewers’ thoughts on The Midnight Guardian:

Lush, dark and very sexy -- an addictive blend of history and horror."
-- Tony Perrottet, author of Pagan Holiday and Napoleon's Privates

"A ripping adventure, a thrilling chase, not too much blood and gore, and well-realized characters make for an impressive first novel."


  1. Leave a comment with the title of your favorite vampire book or series.
  2. Leave your email with your comment if it is NOT part of your profile.
  3. This giveaway is open to the US & Canada only. No PO boxes please.
  4. Giveaway ends on Thursday, October 29th at 10PM CST.

Good Luck!


Scott Romanski said...

Hmmmmm......So far it's Anne Rice's seris...but i'm about to start several of the current ones, so fav might change

OfficiallyMRS said...

I think it would have to be the Blue Bloods Series by Melissa De La Cruz because she has such a different view of vampires. And they are very fun reads. Thanks so much for hosting this contest!! I am going to be doing a contest for a signed copy of the first book in Melissa's series sometime this week on if you haven't read them yet!!!

Nicole said...

It's very hard to pick a favorite vampire book/series because I love so many. When I was much younger, I loved The Vampire Diaries and now I'm enjoying the TV show. I'm in the middle of The Historian and am liking it too. The Midnight Guardian sounds like one that could be a favorite since it takes place during WWII which is a time period I'm interested in.

Dark Faerie Tales said...

This is a great contest. I really want to read this book. I'm going to go with E.E. Knight's The Vampire Earth series.

Zia said...

I have so many Vampire series I love, I'll go with The Morganville Vampire series.


donnas said...

Its hard to pick one. Chloe Neill's new series, Chicagoland Vampires is great. So is the Sookie series and the Queen Betsy series. Ok I really cant pick just one. But The Midnight Guardian sounds great.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are a few, but my fave is the BDB. No surprise there, I'm sure! LOL.

((Actually, now that I look at the previous comments, I guess it is. I'm surprised.))

live experiment (at) aol (dot) com

Logan said...

Thanks for the voracious & tenacious work! My favorite vampire novel would have to be George R.R. Martin's Fevre Dream.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Favorite is..... The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. It's the newest YA series I've read and it was fab. I also just LOVED Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill, which was awesome.

I'm also a HUGE J.R. Ward fan so the BDB series is also a favorite of mine. Yikes, I guess I just have way too many vampire favorites!

bookreviewsbyjess (@)

Anonymous said...

My favorite Vampire Story is Sunshine by Robin McKinley...its just different and creepy..;D


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win THE MIDNIGHT GUARDIAN.
My favorite vampire novel or series?
By author...
Anne Rice
P.N. Elrod
Fred Saberhagen
Richelle Mead
All the best,

Ellz said...

Leave a comment with the title of your favorite vampire book or series. My favorite series is Charlaine Harris's Sookie series. I have read tons, but this one always sticks in my brain. It could be becasuse I read so many of them. I do also love Chloe Neill, KRaye, MJD and several YA authors.

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Jamie said...

My newest favorite would have to be The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. They are awesome!!

Wicked Walker said...

It is really hard to pick just one LOL I am currently reading Some Girls Bite/Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill and I am REALLY enjoying it so I would have to say that is definitely a fav. A stand-by fav is the Sookie Stackhouse series.

stacy.walker03 AT

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Oh my favorite vampire series is Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. As for my modern fave, it would probably be J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. I love all sorts of vampires, but these 2 groups really stick with me.

This is a great contest, and I'd love to win!

My email is already posted on my profile :)

Thanks so much for the great contest, and good luck to everyone who has entered!

Nikki in Niagara said...

My favourite vampire series is The Saga of Darren Shan (aka Cirque du Freak). My favourite vampire book is Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice.

My email is in my profile

Julie S said...

currently, I'm addicted to the True Blood show, so the Sookie Stackhouse series is my current favorite, but its so hard to pick.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love vampires!! I'll say at the moment the Sookie Stackhouse books are my favorite. Nice contest thanks!!

elaing8 said...

One of my favorite series is The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine.

tetewa said...

My favorite vampire series right now is Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire series!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I've had my eye on this one for a while now =)

One of my favorite vamp series has got to be L.A. Banks' Vampire Huntress Legend. I'm not a re-reader as you know, Donna, but this series is definitely worth a second go around =)

Thanks for the kind giveaway!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

kalynnick said...

I have to say Twilight sagas is my favorite vampire series.

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Chris said...

I'm kinda fond of the very twisted vampire hero in Immortality Is the Suck by A.M. Riley. :)

No need to enter me! :)

limecello said...

Hmm... favorite vampire hero? I love Rhage from JR Ward's BDB series. I just do. Otherwise I normally go for "lighter" books like Erin McCarthy's Vegas Vampires series.

Unknown said...

I think one of my favourite vampire books was They Thirst by Robert R. McCammon.


cfisher1504 said...

I love so many vamp series but
here are some of my favs..
Sookie...Anita Blake and the Night Huntress.
cfisher1504 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

JR Wards's Brotherhood series

Anonymous said...

Undeniably J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series! I love her unique writing style and hot alpha male vampires.

Becca said...

Please enter me! I'd love to read this. My favorite vampire book? Hmmm... Well, I really liked I Am Legend by Richard Matheson but I also really liked the recent book The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro.


Unknown said...

I think I'm going to go with I Am Legend, but only because I haven't read a lot of vampire books...I've seen lots of vampire movies, though.


Sophia (FV) said...

I like Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series and JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. Actually there is a long list of favorites :)

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

What a great giveaway. I have to go with a classic and say Interview with a Vampire.


Brenda Hyde said...

I love J.R. Ward, but Bones and Cat are my favorite vamp couple. So, I'll go with Jeaniene Frosts' Night Huntress series as my fav:)

Ashley said...

Please enter me, thanks!

Truthfully, the only vampire series I've ever read was Twilight... and that's such a cliche answer. However, a vampire book I really want to read is Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side. :)

Linda Henderson said...

My favorite vampire series is The Calling by Caridad Pineiro.

seriousreader at live dot com

Unknown said...

That's a difficult question to answer, because mood plays a massive role is what kind of vampires I want at any given time. For classic vampires, I would have to say that The Vampire Lestat remains my favourite vampire book (it's less angsty than Interview with the Vampire). For a more modern take on vampires, it is probably The Vampire Shrink by Lynda Hilburn. I'm really looking forward to reading the next in that series.

Mardel said...

My favorite series right now is more of a mix of vampires, fairies and witches- Suzanne McLeod's books. They are great. two out and one coming out. It's a great series.

wanda sissle at yahoo dot com

Asylumgirl said...

Currently, the Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine is my favorite.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

The Vampire Academy series is my favorite

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Amanda Makepeace said...

One of my favorites is still Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. More recently though I've become enchanted with the Sookie Stackhouse series. :-)

Thanks for a great giveaway!


Unknown said...

I love the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz.

Monica Corwin said...

My fave is definitely the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward


I linked your giveaway to my contest page on:

J. Lee said...

I love Twilight ;D


Josef13 said...

My goodness there are so many vampire series that I love (Katie Macalister's 'Dark Ones', Vampire Academy, BDB, Carpathians, Midnight Breed, Morganville, Night Huntress, Twilight), and even some that only have a little bit of vampires in them but I still love the world setup and mythology of their vampires (Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Cassandra Clare). But if I had to pick a favorite right at this moment that was a primarily-vampire series I would pick Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series. I have been re-reading the series since season two has ended, and it is stuck in my head. I love 'em all!! :)

makotolightning (at) hotmail (dot) com


taraSG said...

If I had to chose one, I'd guess I'd say the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost :)

Tara SG

Martha Lawson said...

I'd have to say Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series or Sherrilyn Kenyons books..

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Joann Temple said...

I haven't read any Vampire books, so this would be my first taste into that genre. I am excited about the opportunity.

Joann Temple

MarionG said...

Hi I love vampire books. Have read many. My favorite, Twilight series, although there are many others that are favs too. Would love to read this. Cheers. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com

Rebecca N. said...

The first one that comes to mind is Anne Rice :)

imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires I just LOVE these books!!!

Thanks for this chance to win Midnight Guardian!!! :o)

Smiles, Shawna

Aimee said...

Anne Rice's series is one of my favorite. Thanks for the great giveaway!


Anonymous said...

That's a tough question cause there are so many great one's out there. As I am reading Colleen Gleason's "Gardella Chronicles" right now I guess that's my favorite or maybe JR Ward's "Brotherhood"(which I just finished) or maybe PC Cast's "House of Night". AHHH! too many, too many!

Alicia0385 said...

Thats easy.. The BDB by JR Ward!!


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