New Releases, Author News & More - 10/13/09

New Releases: If you have a book review for one of new releases listed here, link it in comments and I will be happy to add it to this post.

It looks like most everyone has already read Hush, Hush, going by the huge list of reviews I found. Wow!

October 13, 2009

Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole & Gena Showlater
-Reviewed by

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
-Reviewed by

Flesh and Fire by Laura Anne Gilman
Book 1, The Vineart War Series
-Reviewed by

Shadowfae by Erica Hayes
Book 1, The Shadowfae Chronicles
-Reviewed by

Dracula The Un-Dead by Dacre Stoker, Ian Holt
-Reviewed by

The Midnight Guardian by Sarah Jane Stratford
-Reviewed by

Author News:
If you are wanting detailed reporting on author and book news, you should check out and Literary Escapism. I think these two websites are the best author blog reporters around the blogosphere. 
Interesting Tidbits:
  • VampChix has a great list of vampire new releases for the month October.
  • Speaking of vampires, check out this baby fang pacifier I found over at Geekologie. For $7 it's all yours and it's available at I guess baby can have his own set of teeth for Halloween. Too funny!
  • Juno release a free Halloween ebook treat, Scary Fairies: Four Fearful Tales of the Fey.
    The Child That Went With the Fairies by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    The Adventure of Cherry of Zennor by Robert Hunt
    Ethna the Bride by Lady Francesca Speranza Wilde
    Tamlane and Tam Lin by John Joseph and Anonymous
  • All Things Urban Fantasy has a great character profile on Mercy Thompson from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series.
  • If you live in or near Pittsburgh, PA and haunted houses are your thing, you may want check out The Scarehouse. This year's theme is Steampunk. I wish I lived close enough to go, it looks like it would be a blast.

Giveaways Around the Virtual World: As always, I hope you find a new a book or an author that you've not heard of before listed here. Good Luck! The ongoing contest list is on my blog's sidebar.


Leontine said...

I am so looking forward to the arrival of my copies of Shadowfae en Deep Kiss Of Winter!! Okay, let's be honest here...I'm a junkie in front of my mailbox hoping to get me fix today with the arrival of these two books ;)

Going to nose through all the other tempting links you've put in this post Donna, as always, thank you!

Blodeuedd said...

A lot to read and watch as usual :)
I do appreciate these posts.
Thanks Donna

Mandi said...

Would love to get my hands on Shadowfae!

I didn't realize Deep Kiss of Winter was HB...not sure if I will get it right away since I don't read G. Showalter.

Thanks for my contest mention :)

Lea said...

Wow, awesome post full of great links Donna! Thank you for all your time.

I won Hush, Hush, at Teddyree's blog maybe I'll forego the review given so many already have expressed their thoughts. I'm looking forward to the read though!

Have a good day!

Chris said...

Wow. So much going on! Thanks for the mention.

I would love to see a baby actually using that nook...

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Great summary!

Thanks for the link love.

Michelle Greathouse said...


Great post. :) I can't wait to get my hands on Shadowfae.


Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Thanks so much for putting this all together! Lots going on.

bloggeratf said...

I wish my giveaway this week was signed, but if it was there is no way I would be giving it away!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the great post today.
Thank you for taking the time to include all those links.
All the best,

VampFanGirl said...

Oooh! I can't wait for SHADOWFAE!!!!

Thanks for all the info! As usual, I'm in total awe.

;) VFG

MrsMixx said...

*grins* i gave in and ordered Shadowfae yesterday! iiiiiii can't wait to get it

Tynga said...

Thanks for the link =)

Anonymous said...

As always, I adore these comprehensive posts of yours. So much info!

Also, thank you for including my review for Laura Anne Gilman's novel. :)

Janicu said...

Wow, Hush Hush has a lot of review buzz!

Smokinhotbooks said...

I just ran out and got my copy of Deep Kiss of Winter. I am beyond excited. The Shadowfae book sounds interesting. Great post!

Abigail said...

Thanks for including me in your fabulous post!

Donna said...

Leontine - Same here, I'm just waiting for mine to come in the mail. :)

Blodeuedd - You're welcome!

Mandi - I thought it was going to be in tradeback format I didn't realize it was hardback either. Oh, well, my copy will be here tomorrow. :)

Lea - Hey, why not throw your voice out there for Hush, Hush too. The more the merrier, right?

Chris - No kidding! I'd like to see that too. Probably be a hoot to see.

Jessica - Anytime!

Michelle G - I've been wanting to read Shadowfae ever since I read the short story prologue and chapter one. I hope it turns out good.

Patti - You're welcome. :)

Donna said...

Alec - Oh, yeah, same here - keep the signed copies. They are too precious;)

RKCharron - Happy to do it. :)

VampFanGirl & pattepoilue - I'm want to read Shadowfae so bad too. The mailman is going to think I'm stalking him. LOL!

Tynga - You're welcome!

TJ - Glad to do it. :)

Janicu - When I ran the search for Hush, Hush I was shocked at how many popped up. Quite a few mixed reviews too.

KC - My copy for Deep Kiss of Winter will be here mañana via the super duper UPS man.

Abigail - You're welcome. Great post you did on Ms. Mercy Thompson, had to share it. :)

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