Giveaway: Bitter Night by Diana Pharaoh Francis *~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

I have one copy of Bitter Night by Diana Pharaoh Francis to give away to one lucky commenter, thanks to the generous folks at Book Reader Times, an urban fantasy book club I connected with on Twitter. Bitter Night is the first book in a new urban fantasy series The Horngate Witches.

Read Chapter One of Bitter Night


Once, Max dreamed of a career, a home, a loving family. Now all she wants is freedom...and revenge. A witch named Giselle transformed Max into a warrior with extraordinary strength, speed, and endurance. Bound by spellcraft, Max has no choice but to fight as Giselle's personal magic weapon — a Shadowblade — and she's lethally good at it. But her skills are about to be put to the test as they never have before....

The ancient Guardians of the earth are preparing to unleash widespread destruction on the mortal world, and they want the witches to help them. If the witches refuse, their covens will be destroyed, including Horngate, the place Max has grudgingly come to think of as home. Max thinks she can find a way to help Horngate stand against the Guardians, but doing so will mean forging dangerous alliances — including one with a rival witch's Shadowblade, who is as drawn to Max as she is to him — and standing with the witch she despises. Max will have to choose between the old life she still dreams of and the warrior she has become, and take her place on the side of right — if she survives long enough to figure out which side that is....

  1. Leave a comment about your favorite book or series based on witches.
  2. For an extra entry, spread the word about this giveaway: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. - leave a link in the comments.
  3. Leave your email with your comment ONLY IF it is NOT part of your profile.
  4. This giveaway is open to Everyone.
  5. Giveaway ends on Sunday, November 8th at 8PM CST.
  6. Bitter Night will be mailed to the winner by The Book Depository. If The Book Depository doesn’t ship to the winner’s country, Book Reader Times will ship the book to the winner.
Good Luck!


Unknown said...

My favorite book series based on witches is the Women of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong

jennsicurella at verizon dot net

Jennifer @ Reading with Tequila

Mandyfish said...

My all time favorite is Daughter of the Forest and the rest of the Sevenwaters trilogy by Juliet Marillier. So good! For tweens the novel Witch of Blackbird pond is a great gateway into the witch hunts.

I twittered about this:


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
My favorite series about witches so far is the HEX series by Linda Wisdom.
All the best,
PS - I Blogged about your post here:

Michelle Greathouse said...


I'm reading this one now. :)

Don't enter my name for this one - just showing blog appreciation.

Have a wonderful day.


Wendy said...

Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden series! Okay, so he's a wizard but hey, that's just a male witch! :)

tetewa said...

I'm enjoying Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters series!

Brooke Reviews said...

My favorite witch is Rachel Morgan in Kim Harrison's Hollow series. :D

SusiSunshine said...

I can't think of one with witches as protagonist at the moment. Or better said nothing I read in English. Is a shaman a witch if yes I take the Dark Swan series by Richelle Mead. The best of all books I read is "Das Jahrhundert der Hexen" (Century of the Witches) by Sergej and Marina Dyachenko but I'm not sure if that one was translated into English!
I tweeted the contest:

Blodeuedd said...

Cool, I jumped on the same contest and will hold it this week.

And I sure wanna read it too so here I am ;)

I twittered about it.
As for fav witches, can't say I have come across many, but I like the ones in Women of the Underworld by Kelley Armstrong

Alicia0385 said...

My fav witch series is The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison!!

Debbie's World of Books said...

I love Mercedes Lackey's Diana Tregarde series.

IceJewel said...

I don't think I'll be lucky this time, but still, can't loose an opportunity to win a book in an international contest :)

I have read only 2 books based on witches.
One is Beloved Witch:An autobiography by Ipsita Roy which I found Ok.
And the other is Nora Robert's Three Sisters Island:Dance Upon the air, which I liked.

Please enter me, icejew at gmail dot com

I have posted the contest on my sidebar

Thanks for the giveaway.

Pamk said...

Hex series by Linda Wisdom. They make me laugh.

Michelle said...

Okay, like another commenter, I loved "Daughter of the Forest" - Ireland witches are so dang cool. I also have to say the Harry Potter series just makes my day anytime so I have to list that one as well.


mmillet at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway.
my favorite witch series is Kim Harrison's The Hallows(Rachel Morgan)


Lilixtreme said...

Right now all I can think of would be the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan. That was a dramatic series, to say the least.
Tweeted about contest:
Linked to my sidebar:

Sheere said...

I really like The Otherworld Series by Yasmine Galenorn

+1 tweeted

BrigidsBlest said...

My favorite series with witches is the Diana Tregarde series by Mercedes Lackey. An oldie but a goodie.

Tweeted it:

BrigidsBlest at yahoo dot com

Barb P said...

My favorite witches series is Anya Bast's Elemental Witches series. I would love to win a copy of Bitter Night. Count me in pleeeease!

Barb P said...

OOOPPS forgot my email: THANKS

Abigail said...

My favorite witch series is Kate Daniels. She counts right? Sort of :)

Don't enter me as I have a copy heading my way already, oh and I posted this on my site.

Jenny N. said...

I think one of the few series I've read featuring witches is The Women of the Outerworld series by Kelley Armstrong.

+1 Tweeted here:


Mitz said...

Cool Conest!!!1

I'm have to say Kim Harrison the Hollows series


VampFanGirl said...

Oooo I'm lovin' this cover! Count me in!!

Let's see. My all time favorite series about witches is Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches Trilogy. My copies are so tattered from re-reads, but I love them and I can't bring myself to buy replacements.

Hugs, VFG

Asylumgirl said...

I'm gonna go with the Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice.


donnas said...

My favorite is The Hollows series by Kim Harrison.

Linked on sidebar here:

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I enjoyed Nora Roberts Donovan witch series and her Three Sisters series.

seriousreader at live dot com

buddyt said...

Ah now.

Who can forget the witches in the Hatty Potter series !

They are the ones who are probably at the forefront of eveyones mind.

Please enter me in the giveaway.



buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Ellen said...

I love the Gor series

Teresa said...

All I can think of is Harry Potter series.
And Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Underworld.
There are also some interesting witches mentioned in Patricia Briggs's books.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I haven't read many witch series yet. I have tons on my TBR list though lol I did read Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches books. And I remember really enjoying them =) Just don't ask me what they were about now lol I'll have to re-read them sometime.

-I also posted a link to this giveaway on my sidebar (

Thanks Donna!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Julie S said...

This sounds like a good book. I haven't read very many witch books but I recently read the Physick book of Deliverance Dane and it was pretty neat.

Andrea [Buried In Books] said...

I really enjoy the Sweep series.
+1 linked this giveaway on my sidebar:

Erotic Horizon said...

Tossing my hat in as well y dear...


BreiaB said...

Kim Harrison's Hollows series with Rachel Morgan.

dor said...

My fave is Harry Potter but on a tv series..I'm enjoying Eastwick witches.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Marian Perera said...

My favorite book featuring witches is Anne Bishop's Daughter of the Blood.

Thank you!


mdperera at hotmail dot com

Janicu said...

It's not a series, but I think The Changeover by Margaret Mahy is my favorite witchy book. :)

janicu [at] gmail [dot] com

CrystalGB said...

Christine Feehan's Drake sisters series is my favorite.


Jen D. said...

For me it's all about Rachel Morgan in Kim Harrison's Hollows series.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Ladytink_534 said...

I like Kim Harrison's series too but the first one that came to mind was Madelyn Alt's Bewitching series.

Emily Brown said...

The sweep series by Cate Tiernan.

D Q said...

I've been reading the HEX series by Linda Wisdom and really enjoy them.

Jackie said...

My fave witchy series "The Otherworld" is written by Yasmine Galenorn, love the 3 sisters Camille, Delilah and Menolly. My 2nd favorite is by author Anya Bast.
I have the link posted on my blog at:
I also posted on Facebook profile:
Best of luck to us all and yahoo hope I win the drawing...
Jackie B. in Central Texas

Jackie said...

forgot my email addy is

Bella said...

My favorite witches are Anya Bast's (Witch Blood, Heart, Fire).

I tweeted ( ) and posted to FB (

Thanks for the giveaway!
b42bella AT

Unknown said...

I've got to go with a classic and say Andre Norton's whole Witch World series.


LittleEagle said...

I haven't read any books about witches but I would like to start. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Mitz said...

I think it's going to be The Horngate Witches, I atteded an interview with Diana Pharaoh Francis at BBB the other day thisseries sounds like it's going to be awesome. I'd love to win Bitter Night.

I guess since I haven't read that yet I'll say Kim Harrison and her Hollows series, she pretty good.

Mitz said...

sorry, forgot to leave email


Martha Lawson said...

Anya Bast's Witch series is the best..

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Carla Ribeiro said...

Sounds great. Please count me in. :)

Beth (BBRB) said...

Anne Rice's witch series is the best.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Sue A. said...

Elemental Witches by Anya Bast!

Cherry said...

I like the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Compelling read (says the dresden addict).

Re-posted your contest at

mischivusfairy-inbox12 [at] yahoo [dot] com

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