I am excited to have Nancy Holder here today as my guest. Nancy’s latest book Possessions released this past September and Resurrections, the fifth book in her Wicked series, was released this past July. Today, Nancy’s here to talk about these books and her other writings.
Also, as an added bonus today, Nancy has generously offered to giveaway five of her books and a tin of Wicked mints to one lucky commenter. Details at the end of this post.
A big Welcome to Nancy Holder!
Tell us about your YA series Wicked, Possessions and your writings based in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Smallville TV series.
I had already actually written a detailed proposal and received a 4-book contract for WICKED before Debbie came on board. Debbie had been my student at the Maui Writers Conference and her talent and creativity shone in everything she wrote. I asked her to be my co-author on the series and we got to work. It was such a joy to collaborate with her. This was her first published work and what a ride she's had! The first four books came out six years ago, and we had left book four on a wild cliffhanger. Then our editor left Simon and Schuster and the series got "orphaned," as we say in publishing. Eventually the books were repackaged and reissued and they sold so well that S&S asked us to finally write that fifth book, where we could answer all the questions we'd left for readers to stew about...for six long years. We were ecstatic. Then we started hitting the New York Times bestseller list. We were even MORE ecstatic!

WICKED is a young adult dark fantasy series about witches and magick, revenge and retribution. POSSESSIONS is more purely horror--an isolated, haunted boarding school, ghosts, possessions--but like WICKED, there's a mystery that arcs across the entire series (I have sold four POSSESSIONS novels so far.) To get in the mood for POSSESSIONS, I watch a horror movie every day and listen to scary music soundtracks the whole time I'm writing. By the time the sun goes down, I'm a basket case and I have to sleep with the hall light on and I for sure can't look in the bathroom mirror!
For WICKED, it's usually epic music like LORD OF THE RINGS and movies like THE CRAFT or LADYHAWKE.
BUFFY (and I include ANGEL) was a dream come true. I had heard about the show and a writer friend introduced me to an editor who was bidding on the rights. I was so nervous that when I went to Dark Delicacies, the fantastic horror store in Burbank, California, I bought the soundtrack to the BUFFY movie.
That editor didn't get the rights, but I quickly found out who did. With various coauthors and by myself, I've written 31 BUFFY and ANGEL novels and nonfiction books, and a lot of novellas. I would write BUFFY tomorrow if the publishing program was revived. I loved working on THE WATCHER'S GUIDE(S) and interviewing the cast and crew. I loved going on set and watching production...and getting to go on location as well. I loved talking to the writers, of course, and Joss, of course. One of my favorite interviewees was Director of Photography Michael Gershman, who gave me wonderful parenting advice--read to my daughter and cut her lots of slack. Hands down, the kindest man on either set was Marc Blucas, who played Riley Finn, Buffy's boyfriend--a thankless job, arriving in continuity after Buffy's two intense loves, Angel and Spike.
SMALLVILLE was another wonderful gig. I used to watched SMALLVILLE with the sound turned off (which I do with all the shows I write tie-in material for) and just marvel at how beautiful everything is--the production design is colorful and luminous. The actors are ethereal, the sets, magical and bright. When my first SMALLVILLE book, HAUNTINGS, came out, (there's that love of ghosts again!), DC Comics sent me a birth announcement. I framed it.
DreamWorks Studios has acquired the rights to your Wicked series co-written with Debbie Viguié. Congratulations! How did you feel when heard this wonderful news?
DreamWorks. There's a dream come true! We had met our film agent, Michael Prevett of Gotham Group, at the San Diego Comic-con, shortly before Debbie and I left on our author tour to promote WICKED: RESURRECTION. We have a relationship with Michael through our literary agent, Howard Morhaim. Michael told us that the Benay brothers were working on a pitch and suddenly things felt more real. Then he started telling us where they were pitching. We said no a few times--which was nerve racking--and then, once we got to yes, we called each other up after the big conference call (Debbie lives in Hawaii and I live in California) and started laughing. When the news hit the trades, it felt as if I could trust our good news. It felt real then. It's still pretty new and it still amazes me.
Do have any actresses/actors in mind who would make good candidates for the starring roles in Wicked?
We have wish lists of actors and actresses we would love to see in any role in the movie. Mine has to include Adrien Brody, Viggo Mortensen, Zachary Quinto, Danielle Panabaker, Emily Browning, Zoe Saldana, Bryce Dallas Howard, Eva Green,Emily Blunt, Evan Rachel Wood, Keira Knightley, Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. Debbie wants Molly C. Quinn as either Nicole or Amanda, and Jensen Ackles as Eli. I love, love, love Richard Dean Anderson. I usually watch between five and ten episodes of “Stargate SG-1” a week.
I read in your bio, that early on you were studying to be a ballet dancer, what made you decide to be writer instead? And what influenced you to write in the paranormal genres?
Even when I was a ballet kid, I was interested in the paranormal. I loved to read creepy comic books and watch scary movies. My mom sat with me and we watched the original FRANKENSTEIN together. Every once in a while she would offhandedly say, "I wonder where the camera is in this shot." She died two weeks before I turned ten so I had to have been very young when we watched it. I would never have let my daughter see something that scary at such an early age. I also liked magic kits and puppets. Theatrical, eerie stuff. I came wired that way, I think.
Ballet--I'm short and I have short legs for a dancer. I was really worried about ever getting very good roles if I stayed in dance. Then I banged my knee up on a radiator doing the tango at ballet school in Germany. It hurt so badly that I couldn't lift my leg to climb up into the streetcar to go home, and I walked about five miles. I decided that was a crazy way to make a living and quit school. I had always had encouragement to be a writer, and I was always writing little stories, but after ballet, I wanted a normal life and a normal job. But when I went to UC San Diego, I wound up taking a lot of independent studies writing classes with Dr. John Waterhouse. He encouraged me to send out my stories. They all came back rejected. After I graduated, I applied to graduate school, and he wrote me a letter of recommendation, saying that he thought I could become a professional freelance writer if I wanted to. That shocked me and made me rethink my decision to steer clear of the arts. I still have that letter.
What's your writing environment like? What inspires you while your writing?
I listen to music constantly while I write. As long as I have headphones/ear buds, I can write anywhere. I usually write in the downstairs bedroom of my house--it's like a bunker--or on a white-tiled table in my family room. But I've written in my car waiting to pick up my daughter at school; at the dog park--anywhere. I need the music to cue me in, though. And in the morning, I have to have my coffee. I go to bed at night savoring the anticipation of that first cup in the morning. So that inspires me! I also watch a lot of movies--horror movies and fantasies. Or sometimes, if I'm researching a place, I'll watch a movie set there strictly for the setting. And of course I read. I use my own emotions--imagining how I would feel in a given situation, whether it be afraid, happy, nervous, etc., and try to get that down on the page.
What's coming up for you in the book world?
I write a lot of stories about supernatural beings. Right now, Debbie and I are finishing the first draft of CRUSADE, a dark fantasy trilogy, which has the tone and flavor of WICKED, but is about a band of vampire hunters...after the vampires have revealed themselves and turned on us. Our hunters are based in Salamanca, Spain. I have a wonderful friend who lives in Madrid helping me with the Spanish. CRUSADE starts coming out next fall.
I'm still writing POSSESSIONS novels. I write a comic book called THE DOMINO LADY, about a noir character created in the 1930's. One of her weapons is her sex appeal. Men are mesmerized by her curves. I also love to write short fiction and have written, or will write, a number of stories about Sherlock Holmes; and some paranormal romance short stories, mostly about vampires, in books such as THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF VAMPIRE ROMANCE and its sequel.
What are you reading now? What do you read for your own reading pleasure? And what are your favorite genres/authors?
I am also on the faculty of the Stonecoast MFA in Creative Writing Program, administered by the University of Southern Maine. It's an excellent program and our students are amazing. I spend a lot of my reading time reading their work. Much of it is professional calibre and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have a huge stack of TBR young adult novels and am really looking forward to plowing through them, hopefully at Christmas. I have so many friends who are writers that I hesitate to single anyone out as a favorite to read, but Stephen King is still my King. I love Edgar Allan Poe and Shirley Jackson. Huge talents. I spent an entire day of a whirlwind four-day sightseeing trip to Washington D.C. visiting Poe's grave in Baltimore.
If you were interviewing yourself, what question would you ask yourself? How would you answer that question?
If I were interviewing myself, I would ask myself if I will ever be satisfied with my work. There are moments--sometimes hours or even days--where I really feel like I'm in the zone. Writers usually call it "flow." And now and then I'll read something and be happy with it. But most of the time I'm not satisfied with what I've done. The answer is, that it doesn't matter if I'm satisfied. It matters that I tried my best.
Do you have anything you'd like to share with us?
I want to thank everyone who has ever read a book of mine, and everyone who's been kind to me along the way of my writing career. Writing can be a lonely, frustrating profession, but I'm not lonely or frustrated. I have wonderful friends and the world's best daughter, ever, who is supportive and proud of me. We've written two short stories together that have been published, and we've done book signings and appeared on panels at conferences together. And no one has patronized her or treated her like some goofy little kid. That delights me. Watching Debbie Viguie's career flourish delights me. It really means a lot to me when someone emails me or leaves a comments somewhere on the net that shows interest in what I do, whether it is as a writer or as a teacher. I'm very grateful for the career I have, and it wouldn't have happened without a lot of random acts of kindness.
Thank you Nancy for taking the time to answer a few of my questions.
Places you can find Nancy Holder: Web Site | Blog | Twitter
For a chance to win the following five books by Nancy Holder and a tin of Wicked green apple mints:
![]() | ||||
Wicked 1: Witch & Curse | Wicked 2: Legacy & Spellbound | Wicked 3: Resurrection | Possessions | Pretty Little Devils |
- Leave a comment or question for Nancy.
- For an extra entry, spread the word about this giveaway: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. - leave a link in the comments.
- Leave your email with your comment ONLY IF it is NOT part of your profile.
- This giveaway is open to Everyone.
- Giveaway ends on Friday, November 27th at 8PM CST.
- The giveaway prizes will be mailed to the winner by Nancy.
Good Luck!
Interesting interview. Never read a book by this authour but I'm tempted now....
The books sound interesting. I've read Nancy's Buffy books and enjoyed them.
Wonderful post and interview. :) Nancy, you are a new author for me and this sounds like an awesome series. :)
I have read that many authors listen to music while writing - are you inspired by a particular genre, or an eclectic mix?
Also, congratulations on the DreamWorks project - how very exciting!
Best to you,
kweenmg at yahoo dot com
Wonderful interview! Nancy, do you prefer writing your novels like Wicked or writing the TV-based books?
Contest posted on my sidebar:
What sort of music do you like to listen to while you write, Nancy?
(No need to enter me! Trying to dig out from under my TBR pile...)
wonderful interview - and I interview a lot of people !
I tweeted about this.
Nice interview
Cool, I have seen these books around and would love to give them a go.
Hi, Nancy! Congrats on Dreamworks acquiring your rights. That's so awesome! I can't wait to read your books! :)
Oh! I've always wanted to visit Poe's grave. That sounds very creepy cool. :)
That was a great interview. Being a writer is one of my dreams. I bet it can be lonely work...but worth it. Looking forward to the book. Thanks.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
While I haven't read any of the "Wicked" or "Possessive" series (I do have one or 2 books in the "Wicked" series)I have read and loved the "Gifted" series. And OMG, I just saw on FantasticFiction that you have done two books in the "Saving Grace" series. I love that series and Holly Hunter. I am going to add them to the top of my Wishlist right now(Christmas is coming!)
Please count me in =)
I have the first wicked books but I didn't have the chance the grab the other ones =)
I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tynga/status/5768146057
THanks for the great opportunity!
I've read the first Wicked book and enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Possession is on my list and the new series sounds interesting too.
Please count me in for the giveaway
I tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/5768537256
These books look great! Definitely count me in for this contest! The covers look amazing!
Congrats Nancy, your books are going to be films! I hope it goes well :)
And you write while you see tv? I would get too distracted!
+1 tweeted
I heart Ladyhawke big time. One of my favorite movies from the 80's.
Nancy, which book of yours is your favorite?
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
Great interview, Nancy. Thanks for stopping by. I'm so excited to read Possessions . . . love the whole story concept!!
Wow, Dreamworks. That's just great! And I have to admit I'm such a great Buffy and Angel fan- I loved these books.
And I'm happy to meet another SG-1 fangirl. I so love Jack!!
So I have an unusual question: What's you favorite episodeof SG-1? Mine is the one with the Fruit Loops(and I so hope they are called the same in the US-sorry I'm German)
Thanks for the great interview!
I tweeted about the contest here:
I absolutly love your books!! I am so happy you got to publish Reserection!! I just finished it and thought it was wonderful!!
Please enter me in the contest. My cousin would adore the witch series books, and I haven't yet read the other two books!!
You are a new to me author. Your books sound wonderful, tho and I can't wait to start reading them.
Hi Donna!
Thank you for the excellent interview with Nancy Holder & thank you to Nancy for sharing. I loved learning more about Nancy and her writing. And WOW what a giveaway! I mentioned it on my blog (Tues Nov 17th Post)(Tomorrow). It's awesome that Dreamworks is going to be doing her novels. Will Nancy & Debbie have any say in the script process?
All the best,
Great interview Donna, I had no idea Nancy wrote in the Buffy world ( and Smallville too)!
I posted this on the Contests & Giveaways section on my sidebar
Great review Donna! Gah I must check this author out!
Great interview. I have been thinking about picking up some of her books and I really want to do.
Congrats on the Dreamworks deal. If you could pick the place that they would film what is the ideal spot for you?
Linked on sidebar here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
Linked in post here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2009/11/contests-found-this-week_15.html
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Great interview! I have been wanting to read these books for awhile now.
Great interview! I'm looking forward to reading this series, I've had several people recommend it to me.
Congratulations Nancy on selling the right to Dreamworks and i love the actor Jensen Ackles! Can you and debbie be involved in the progress of getting your books on screen? That would be so awesome IMO :)
Oh wow Nancy that is awesome about Dreamworks! I have book 1 of Wicked but waiting to get all 3 so I can read all together. :) I have only heard awesome things about them though!
+1 Hey Nancy...You live in San Diego right now and I'm from SD. I love that and I think it would be awesome to read a book from an SD resident!!!
+1 Sidebar (http://myteatimeisbooktime.blogspot.com/)
Awesome resume, man. I'm quite jealous.
No need to enter me. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you ladies!
Great interview, I've never read anything by this author yet, but win or not I'll be picking up a few of them at least.
I've read a few of the Buffy books and Nancy is an excellent writer. She just keeps going and going, I can't believe how many books she already has out, just amazes me. Great work Nancy and Congrats on the Dreamworks, good luck with that, not that I think you're going to need it.
I would love to read these books, I've been wanting to get the Wicked series anyways. Definitely count me in this contest.
I am new to Nancy's books and would love to win.
Hi Nancy ,
It's nice knowing another new author for me. i love to read your books ! they sound great!
- what's your favorite quote ?:)
uniquas at ymail dot com
I've seen your books in stores and have wanted to read them for awhile now. So if I don't win, I will probably end up buying them anyways!
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Nancy, it sounds like you've written some spellbinding books.
I would love to be entered in this draw. Thanks.
I haven't read any of your books yet, but they sound really interesting! Please enter me in contest :)
I would like to enter. I havent read any of Nancy's books yet.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jullysay/status/5820107286
These books sound really good. I am familiar with Nancy's books. I have read the one's she wrote for the Buffy series. I'm looking forward to reading these new series. :)
Count me in. I've added the contest link to my sidebar.
A good interview as the author was prepared to tell the readers about herself as well as her work
Nancy comes across as a very nice person.
I have not read any of her books so please enter me in the giveaway.
Thank you.
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Such an awesome interview! I never knew Nancy Holder also wrote Buffy/Angel/Smallville tie-ins, that's so cool!
Great interview! And I loved your books about Buffy;)
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/AnyaKapllani/status/5825641683
Thank you, everyone, for your comments. I'm so glad you Buffy readers liked my books, and I'm glad that another writer was inspired by my interview. This is such a great website.
Wicked--I listened to a lot of classical music for Wicked, especially harpsichord and Elizabethan music. And of course, if you read Resurrection, you can imagine what my favorite song might be! As for where I would like to see Wicked filmed, it would be so amazing if they could actually go to France, London, Mumbai, Australia, and San Francisco, but we'll have to see what happens.
For Possessions, I have lots and lots of movie soundtracks I listen to, as well as watching the movies: RINGU/THE RING; JU-ON/THE GRUDGE; and a lot of work by the Spanish composer, Alejandro Amenabar. I loved what Chris Beck did for Buffy. As I am a former dancer, music is very, very important to me.
I appreciate the interest of readers who have never heard of me. Thanks so much for giving me a shot. I hope you enjoy my work.
Blessed Be,
I haven't read any of these but I've read some of your other books and really enjoyed them. Can't wait to see your books as a movie.
These sounds like a great story. And something I could share with my boys
I've also blogged about this giveaway here.
Great interview! I'd love to read Nancy's books!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
1. Leave a comment or question for Nancy.
Interesting interview. Never read a book by this authour but i would love to begin if i win..
I just love the Buffy books. Please count me in.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I'm a huge Buffy and Smallville fan and thank you for your insights into writing. I'm slogging through nanowrimo right now and any encouragement is great.
Please sign me up for the giveaway too!
Ooh! Great interview! And the author is so pretty!
I love Buffy, Angel, and Smallville so I can't wait to read the author's books!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
Nancy--I always knew that if you were working on a Buffy/Angel tie-in that it would be an auto-buy (more often then any other contributing author). I have them all stashed away in a plastic bin, waiting to be re-read XD
And actually I just finished up your story in The Eternal Kiss. I keep hoping to find out more about Antonio and Jenn!!
Oh, I would like to read more books by the author of Buffy&Angel tie-ins. I am also a big fan of paranormal/urban fantasy books and we don't have many of them here, in Israel.
And this series sound fantastic...
Interesting interview, please count me in! I would love to read these books.
I love Buffy, Angel & Smallville!!!
kimikaio @ yahoo.com
i love these books..
I really like what you answered to the question about interviewing yourself: "The answer is, that it doesn't matter if I'm satisfied. It matters that I tried my best."
Tweeted this contest: http://twitter.com/vallifc/status/5990228136
good interview, i like how Nancy said that she listens to music constantly. i too feel that way when trying to get some creative juices following,,,:D
1. Question is, what type of artists due you listen to? is there a single lyric that gives you the most inspiration?
2. tweeted about comp.
3. wateva_08 at hotmail dot com
thanks :D
While I have heard great things about the books I have not read them, I would love to try them out though! Great interview also!
The Wicked series has been on my wishlist since long ago. :)
I'd like to win.
My e-mail address is in my profile. Thank you.
These books look like a really great, thrilling read. Also, I'm very captivated by the design of the covers - they are stunning!
ronitie.85 at gmail.com
sounds like a great reading thanks minsthins at optonline dot net
Great interview. I am so happy when I find a new author--new to me that is. The Wicked series looks great. My son and I are actually watching the Buffy series now. I will have to check out these books.
Been trying to win this pack on a few blogs. Please please please!
parajunkee @ gmail.com
I have been dying to read the Wicked series! I have heard many great things, thanks for the awesome contest.
Nancy, which of the 5 is your personal favorite cover? I think they are fabulous!
Added contest to sidebar: http://wickedwalker.blogspot.com/
I have seen the Wicked series everywhere, but keep forgetting to put it on my list of books to buy!
Great interview Donna!
Count me in!
Would love to read this.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Great interview I would love to have a chance to read your books^^
Thank you
What a great prize. I have been wanting to buy the Wicked series, I love the covers and the other books look great too. Thanks for the interview and hosting the giveaway! :)
Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/BookChickCity/statuses/6105582349
I think Wicked curse and wicked witch is an awsome story i really cant wait to read the rest . I am a hardcore reader and I just am so at a loss of words when it comes to a good book like this one . I hope to be able to read more soon !!!!!!!
Completely new author for me! Interesting giveaway, and I'd like a chance to read those books.
please include me in your giveaway :)
rubs.escalona [at] gmail.com
Wow, she's written a lot! I didn't realise there were any books out based on Smallville - big fan of that show! Will have to check it out. I've just started reading Possessions and very interested in reading her other novels! I'd love to be entered into this.
Great interview and giveaway - thanks!! :)
I've seen the Wicked books around, but haven't tried one out yet. After reading the interview I'd love to check out these books, both series.
Congrats on the film rights. I love when books are made into films - most of the time.
Wonderful Interview! I would love to read these books, they sound really good!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/SimmieTaye/statuses/6108941508
What is your most treasured character?
carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com
You are quite nice for making this giveaway!
Continued luck for all your future works!
As a writer, which work are you more proud of?
jafantunes AT sapo DOT pt
Do you have any kind of ritual for writing?
o_rei_de_havana AT hotmail DOT com
Crusade sounds like a blast.
A bit like John Carpenter's Vampires, where he also follows the life of a group of vampire hunters.
"Adrien Brody, Viggo Mortensen, Zachary Quinto, Danielle Panabaker, Emily Browning, Zoe Saldana, Bryce Dallas Howard, Eva Green,Emily Blunt, Evan Rachel Wood, Keira Knightley, Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman"
Great list of actors!
Hope that at least one of them accepts to be in the adaptation!
Best wishes!
I haven't read any of these books yet, but am definitely interested. Love the interview & covers!
I really liked the interview.
The questions were very good and the answers were very open and nice.
Here is my email for the giveaway: 39 DOT 5susy AT gmail DOT com
Best regards!
I wish the best of luck with the adaptation.
In recent times I have not seen a great film from DreamWorks except for Revolutionary Road.
I hope it is this one that changes that!
goncalo DOT mil AT gmail DOT com
I am amazed at the amount of work Nancy does, and all so good.
I had no notion of it!
joanapatriciadias AT gmail DOT com
I enjoyed this interview very much!
A very interesting author I hope to be reading very soon thanks to this giveaway!
This series of books sounds great! I would love to win the giveaway!!
Well, I didn't know this series, but now I really want to try it out!
mauagd AT gmail DOT com
Hi there Nancy!
Did it ever happened to you to get tired of one of yout characters?
Oh, I am a fan of the Buffy series, but only read some comic books, never the novels.
I guess I will be changing that!
Good interview!
I just love reading about the writing processes of authors.
I try writing myself but I have to do it on stolen time from everything else and doesn't always work.
Maybe I will have to take a leap of faith and choose writing as my way of life.
Thanks for the giveaway as well!
joaomiguelrocha85 AT gmail DOT com
Oh, Nancy is very nice!
Not only did she answer the interview in a very detailed way but she gives away some books!
augustod56 AT gmail DOT com
I liked the interview, but I have got to admit that I didn't know the author before this point!
Shame on me.
But if I'm lucky that will change soon! :D
Good interview!
It's good to see authors interacting with sites when it's the most popular way of reaching their readers.
I was very happy to discover a new author by searching some information about Angel.
Oh, oh, oh!
Please count me in for the giveaway!
I would love to read these books!
Most of them are on my Wish List, but I don't really have the money to buy everything I want!
I hope I get lucky, but whoever wins is a lucky reader, so that's good!
filipemaria90 AT gmail DOT com
A friend just warned me about this giveaway and I must say that doing it worldwide is very nice of you!
I read the interview and can't really remember of something more to ask, so I think it is pretty good!
Here is my email: migueljardim85(at)gmail.com
So many people before me!
Well, I'm not very lucky for this kind of things, but I will try my luck.
It's random, so we never know, right?
Good readings to all!
alexsweetbabygirl [@gmail.com]
nice interview! It's so cool that Nancy has written for Buffy - I love that show!
Please enter me in the giveaway :)
Lovely interview! I knew about the Wicked series, but wasn't aware Nancy also wrote books for TV series! Sounds like she has been very busy!
Nancy, Possessions sounds quite interesting! What was your inspiration for writing it?
Lovely interview!
Here is a link to where I tweeted this contest:
I'm glad about a giveaway about this writer. I read her books about Buffy. I love them.
My email is rj_laura05@hotmail.com
Good idea to making her an interview.
It is very good post. I like tv serials most. And it is one of the very good. I as good as Saving Grace tv show. Saving Grace is my favorite tv show. I love to watch saving grace every time/
One month ago one of my friend recommended to me a great source from where I Watch TV Shows Online. Trust me this is one of the best show having great stuff.
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I love hearing from everyone. Tell me what your thinking.