Spotlight & Giveaway: Angelology by Danielle Trussoni

Angelology by Danielle Trussoni

Angelology by Danielle Trussoni
Book 1
Format:Hardcover, 464 pages
Published: 03/09/2010 (Penguin Group USA)
Amazon | B&N


A thrilling epic about an ancient clash reignited in our time- between a hidden society and heaven's darkest creatures

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.” – Genesis 6:5

Sister Evangeline was just a girl when her father entrusted her to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in upstate New York. Now, at twenty-three, her discovery of a 1943 letter from the famous philanthropist Abigail Rockefeller to the late mother superior of Saint Rose Convent plunges Evangeline into a secret history that stretches back a thousand years: an ancient conflict between the Society of Angelologists and the monstrously beautiful descendants of angels and humans, the Nephilim.

For the secrets these letters guard are desperately coveted by the once-powerful Nephilim, who aim to perpetuate war, subvert the good in humanity, and dominate mankind. Generations of angelologists have devoted their lives to stopping them, and their shared mission, which Evangeline has long been destined to join, reaches from her bucolic abbey on the Hudson to the apex of insular wealth in New York, to the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris and the mountains of Bulgaria.

Rich in history, full of mesmerizing characters, and wondrously conceived, Angelology blends biblical lore, the myth of Orpheus and the Miltonic visions of Paradise Lost into a riveting tale of ordinary people engaged in a battle that will determine the fate of the world.


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Author Danielle Trussoni

Places you can find Danielle: Web Site


  1. Angelology
  2. Angelopolis - TBA


Thanks to Penguin Group (USA)/Viking, I have a signed copy of Angelology by Danielle Trussoni to giveaway to one lucky commentator. Here’s how to enter:

  1. In the comments, tell me why you'd like to read Angelology.
  2. Leave your email with your comment if it isn't part of your profile. Email is the best way to notify the winner.
  3. Open to the US and Canada.
  4. Deadline to enter this giveaway is Sunday, March 14th at 8 AM CST.
  5. Penguin Group (USA) will be mailing the signed copy of Angelology to the winner.

Good Luck!


Leontine said...

Are you reading this book for review too Donna?? I'm in the last hundred pages and completely immersed in this tale!!

mysoulscreams said...

Would love to win and read this, Ive felt as a child always close to angles, I loved to read this because theres so many shows and movies out about Angles now walking the earth, that this book seems more deciated and more intresting to read.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I enjoy reading about angels, however this book seems to offer so much more than a great read. It sounds like it's going to engross readers into actually thinking and putting things together for themselves. I'm definitely up for the challenge.

&& I just swoon when I see those wings Donna!!

Jason said...

I've always loved reading about angels! Thank you for this chance to win!


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I would love to read this book because angels are FREAKING SEXY and I've been hearing great reviews.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Heather (DarklyReading) said...

I would love to read this book - I love reading books that have a new take on well known stories or mythology (like DaVinci code) and make an exciting new read.

Christa said...

I've been searching down books dealing with angels/demons lately. I just love seeing sword-weilding angels instead of cutesy babies with wings. : )
Plus I love anyone's take on the Genesis 6:5 passage. I mean, there are so many ideas that can stem from it!

I'm so excited to read this book!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Smokinhotbooks said...

Usually I'm not a fan of UF books with biblical angels I kind of prefer something different. But this one looks really interesting with the Paradise Lost aspect!

KT Grant said...

Ever since I've read about this book, I want it. Hopefully Danielle can make the fallen angels work because some other books I've read about fallen angels hasn't read well for me.

Love the cover also.

D Q said...

I've heard good things about this book. Would love to read it. Great cover.

lalalalalalala said...

I love angels!

VampFanGirl said...

Why do I want to read this: Hello? Its about angels that's why. *wink*

Great contest Donna. I can't wait to read your review of this one too.


Erotic Horizon said...

That cover is fantastic....

I hope you are enjoying it... I await all your thoughts on this one...


Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

Why I would love to have this book.. well, frankly, I'm obsessed with books dealing with angels, be they regular, fallen, or even the desccendants of angels. Almost ten years ago, I read a teen fiction series dealing with nephilim and fallen angels, and I have been in love with such things ever since. This book looks right up my alley, and I can't wait to read it. Here's hoping I win!!

All the best,
Morning Glow
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

Carol said...

First, I love the cover. Secondly, I love the angel concept and the interweaving of the Bible and Milton into the story.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

Danielle said...

Two of my favorite and formative books as a child: Many Waters by Madeline L'Engle, and Archangel by Sharon Shinn. Notice a theme? Have always been fascinated the idea of nephilim/seraphim.

And yes, give me sexy angels over broody vampires any day!

Van Pham said...

I would love to read this book because it sounds really interesting and have been hearing a lot of great reviews.

thanks for the giveaway

van p.

Yan said...

I must admit that I've been fascinated by angel books since later last year. It's the thing of forbidden temptation you might say? I love the intensity of the cover!

DawnsReadingNook said...

I would love to read this one. It sounds fascinating and a bit different.

love2read28 @ gmail DOT com

booklover0226 said...

I would like to read Angelology because I enjoy reading novels about angels vs. demons, good vs. evil. Plus, this book sounds like it has a lot of intruige and mystery.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

IsabeLeeta said...

Is it not obvious why I want to read it? Angels! Good ones, bad ones, FALLEN ones... stuff of legends.

And they are beautiful creatures that lack humanity, yet they figure so strongly in human lore, because in the end, they were the first children.

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

It would be a first... I need a change. Thanks!

Bill ;-)

billsmith2003 (at) gmail (dot) com

Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

Darlene said...

Hi Donna, all posted at Win a Book for you:)

tetewa said...

This is my kind of read, sounds good!

heatwave16 said...

I have always loved books/movies about angels, and i'm excited to see more books starting to come out.

Plus, I've read some great reviews about this book.


Unknown said...

I'd like to read it because it seems like a different spin on supernatural and I also like reading about angels.

Persephone said...

Anything about Nephilim piques my interest. I definitely want to read this.

Unknown said...

Something about angels and dark creatures from heaven intrigues me. I actually really enjoy the use of religious imagery for entirely fantastic purposes (like in this book), even though I'm not religious myself.

Email is in my profile. Thanks!

baileythebookworm said...

As an atheist who is fascinated by expressions of theological mythology, Angelology looks like an interesting read. I love theological discussions and finding out the "whys" of belief, even if they're expressed in metaphor or fiction. This looks like a really interesting book.

baileythebookworm at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book because it blends two of my special interest areas (angels and classical literature references) to generate a great story.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Beth said...

I love to read fiction that draws on myths and biblical stories.

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Love a book that is rich in history and has settings from New York to Paris. Sounds like a fascinating read.

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I love trying new authors and books. This one looks and sounds amazing. I would love to win this!

Rosie said...

I would love to read this book because it would be a new type of book for me. I usually veer toward the vamps, but now angels seem to be the in thing. Thanks!

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Neat article about this book in People Magazine this week! ;-)

I already entered....

Bill ;-)

Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

BookMarc Blogpants said...

Every book site I seem to look at has a review of this novel at the moment and, what's more, they're all good reviews with some even labeling it as one of their favorite books ever. That's enough incentive for me to want to read it.

Amanda Leigh said...

I've been hearing some wonderful things about this book! I'm interested in seeing what direction mythology and the bible will play in this book as well. It look very interesting.

justpeachy36 said...

I love anything to do with angels. So, I just think this would be a good one to read.

Please enter me in the giveaway.

whitewolfreads said...

Angels seems to be the new vampires so who am I not to jump on the trend bandwagon? LOL!

spettolij AT gmail DOT com

misskallie2000 said...

I have always been fascinated by angels, myths and bibilical stories. I would love to read this book and winning Angelology would be terrific.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Hi Donna!
Great giveaway.

I just want to see if it meets all the expectations.

layers of thought at gmail dot com

distractedmusician said...

I've been hearing such great things about it, the blurb makes it sound so appealing, and I love the mixture of history, myth, and angels. Such a fantastic combo!

alannakurt at gmail dot com

Thank youu!

Unknown said...

Hi Donna!

Another book to add to my list, hmmm, going to have to buy longer paper. I love stories dealing with angels, fallen angels, battles and struggles within, vying for power, even control of the heavens and Earth. Okay, I'm stopping there, lol. This book appears to fulfill some of the need, it's become a popular theme I've discovered recently.

Count me in!

Dottie :)

Heather Y said...

This is the 2nd blog giveaway I've entered for this book now... I definitely want to win it. The premise is so very different from anything I've seen before! Thanks for the great giveaway!

heather y

Rae Reads said...

I would love to read this book because it sounds interesting.

BookMarc Blogpants said...

I want to read it because I need to feed my mind as much as I feed my body!


Miss Haley said...

I'd like to read this one because i've seen a ton of great reviews for it. Also, I LOVE angel books!

Diana Dang said...

I would love to read more about angels!

Linda Kish said...

I would like to read it because it sounds interesting.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anne said...

I'd like to read this because it has been getting good reviews. Plus I live in upstate NY, so the fact it is at least somewhat set here interests me.

email is in my profile.

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