New Book Releases for Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and YA Paranormal – December 1, 2009

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…Today’s new releases make it hard to save money for the Christmas presents that should come first.

If you have a book review for any of the new releases listed here, link it in comments and I will be happy to add it to this post. Or if I missed a new book release, please let me know so I can add it also.

December 1, 2009

Scorched by Sharon Ashwood

Scorched by Sharon Ashwood
Book 2, The Dark Forgotten Series
Paranormal Romance

Ex-detective Macmillan always had a taste for bad girls, but his last lover really took the cake—and his humanity. Now half-demon, Mac's lost his friends, his family and his job.

But Constance, a strangely innocent vampire trapped in the supernatural Castle prison, needs his help. Her son has been kidnapped, so suddenly Mac has a case to work—one that embroils him with a mad sorcerer, an even madder city council, and a winged love god. The trail leads deep into the supernatural prison, and Mac soon learns that cracking the case will cost him his last scrap of his humanity.

Fiery, vulnerable Constance will do anything for those she loves, including Mac. He'll be damned if he turns his back on her… and a demon forever if he doesn't.

- Reviewed by

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Book 1
YA Paranormal

NEWS FLASH: I just read that Warner Bros. has acquired the rights to Beautiful Creatures to be produced into a featured film. They also mentioned this book is the first in a five book series. [Via Dread]

There were no surprises in Gatlin County.
We were pretty much the epicenter of the middle of nowhere.

At least, that's what I thought.
Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.
There was a curse.
There was a girl.
And in the end, there was a grave.

Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.

Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.

In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

- Reviewed by

A Mermaid's Ransom by Joey W. Hill

A Mermaid's Ransom by Joey W. Hill
Book 3, Daughters of Arianne Series
Paranormal Romance

A story of two lovers who could not be more different.

Daughter to an angel and a mermaid, Alexis has grown up in peaceful waters. So when her nightmares begin, the mer-angel has little idea what to make of them. In her dream is the loneliest man Alexis has ever met-and she's strangely drawn to him. Until the night her dream comes true...

Born of a vampire and a Dark One, Dante only knows brutality. And although he's the leader of the underworld, he longs to escape it. How better than to hold for ransom the Prime Legion Commander's daughter? But there's one thing Dante never planned on-the way Alexis steals his heart.

- Reviewed by

Born of Ice by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of Ice by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Book 3, A League Novel
Futuristic Fantasy

In the Ichidian Universe, the League and its ruthless assassins continue to keep rule. But at what cost? Welcome back to the future…and a whole new world.

Devyn Kell spent his life in service to the League until he learned of the double dealing and backstabbing that was costing innocent people their lives. Refusing to play those politics, he became a Runner—someone who makes sure planets get the weapons, medicine and supplies they need to survive. May the gods have mercy on any who get in his way, because he definitely won’t.

Alix Garran is a woman on the run from a past she can’t escape. Signing on to work for Devyn as a System’s Engineer, she finds a cause she can fight for—and a man she can respect. But as Alix’s past catches up to her, and Devyn’s old enemies turn lethal, they have to fight together…or fall alone.

-Reviewed by

Demon Bound by Caitlin Kittredge

Demon Bound by Caitlin Kittredge
Book 2, Black London Series
Urban Fantasy

Thirteen years ago, Jack Winter lay dying in a graveyard.  Jack called upon a demon and traded his soul for his life… and now the demon is back to collect its due.  But Jack has finally found something to live for.  Her name is Pete Caldecott, and because of her, Jack's not going to Hell without a fight.

Pete doesn't know about Jack's bargain, but she does know that something bigger and far more dangerous than Jack's demon is growing in the Black.  Old gods are stirring and spirits are rising--and Jack doesn't stand a chance of stopping them without Pete's help. 

- Reviewed by

Blood Vice by Keith Melton

Blood Vice by Keith Melton
Book 1, The Nightfall Syndicate Series
Urban Fantasy

Mafia hit man. Vampire. The criminal underworld just got a whole lot darker.

Business has never been better for hit man Karl Vance. Boston is awash in mafia blood, and Vance has a certain fondness for blood. He’s a master vampire—one of the most powerful of his kind. Having sworn to never again feed on the blood of innocents, Karl preys instead on Boston’s criminal underworld. Which makes him a valuable asset to those who deal in death.

Maria Ricardi intends to use that asset to its full extent in order to gain power within her patriarchal crime family. Vance thinks he’s been hired to keep track of the family’s princess, but she’s got a plan to get her hands dirty and earn the respect she deserves. And she’s not above using their instant attraction to get what she wants.

That driving ambition draws the attention of a rival clan’s newest and most dangerous “consultant.” Alejandro Delgado, Vance’s centuries-old nemesis. Delgado zeroes in on the one chink in Vance’s armor—his fondness for the headstrong Maria.

When she becomes enslaved by Delgado’s unnatural kiss, only one thing is certain. Vance has to decide which he wants more. To settle the score—or rescue her soul.

- Reviewed by

Hunter's Need by Shiloh Walker

Hunter's Need by Shiloh Walker
Book 11, The Hunters Series
Paranormal Romance

Duke is bitter. A shapeshifter betrayed by the psychic powers of Analise Morell, he cannot forgive her for putting him in the clutches of a feral vampire, but he also can't shake his desire for her. And when she needs a Hunter, Duke must face his demons-and hers.

- Reviewed by

Once Bitten by Clare Willis

Once Bitten by Clare Willis
Paranormal Romance

Is it more than just a one-bite stand?

Angie McCaffrey has endured her share of liquid lunches and boardroom shmoozefests to win new advertising clients. But her latest account a cosmetics line for wannabe vampires involves some unusual customer research at San Francisco's hippest private nightclub. The "undead" patrons are about as genuine as Macabre Factor's press-on fangs, but one thing is very real the skin-tingling connection Angie feels with her clients' mysterious friend, Eric Taylor.

Still, there are a few problems with this hot new romance. 1) Eric is rumored to have dated Angie's scheming boss, Lucy. 2) Lucy, missing for days, just turned up dead and bloodless. And, oh yeah, 3) Angie has suddenly developed a teeny aversion to sunlight. Is Eric a real vampire, a killer, or both? Angie's got a lot riding on the answer her heart, her life, and maybe even her soul. . .

- Reviewed by

Confessions of a Demon by S.L. Wright

Confessions of a Demon by S.L. Wright
Urban Fantasy

After accidentally stealing the life force of a dying demon, Allay became the only human-demon hybrid in existence. Demons feed on human emotions, so Allay decided the safest way to satisfy this need-and still retain some semblance of her humanity-was to open a bar. Here she can drink from, and ease, her patrons' pain, which has helped her to stay under the demon radar...until now.

When Allay is attacked and nearly killed by another demon, a human comes to her rescue. Theo Ram is tall, handsome, and mortal-and Allay feels a connection to him she didn't think she'd ever know. But that bond is tested when the demon community in New York begins to rise up, and two opposing clans fight for power. Now Allay is caught in the middle, and she must decide where her loyalties lie.

- Reviewed By

-- Summaries are from unless otherwise stated.


Anonymous said...

Great list. Some of these look excellent.

Blodeuedd said...

Some of those look really interesting :D

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Excellent post!
I totally missed Keith Melton's BLOOD VICE.
All the best,

Erotic Horizon said...

Cool list this week..

I will be checking out some of those this week...

Enjoy your week my dear..


Amy C said...

I don't read any of those UF's but I do like alot of the covers!

The second R Garland Gray book comes out today in her Scottish Clan futuristic sci/fi romance series. She's one of those authors that I have to buy :).

Chris said...

*covers eyes*

At least I've read Blood Vice...

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

I told myself I'd stay away from this post, but couldn't do it. There are quite a few that I'm going to have to read!

Sassy Brit @ said...

Several great books to read here. And I've only just discovered you!


Glad I did. :) I'm following now.

Sassy Brit

Donna said...

cassandrajade - Thanks! Agree, I've ordered Scorched.

Blodeuedd - Yes they do. I'm thinking of getting Once Bitten.

RKCharron - Thank you sir! Blood Vice is a terrific read.

EH - I hope you have a great week also!

Amy - I've never heard of R. Garland Gray. I need to go look that one up. Thanks!

Chris - *grins* I'd like to know what you thought of Blood Vice.

Colette - Tempting aren't they!

Donna said...

Hi Sassy Brit! Glad to see you here. :)

SusiSunshine said...

Oh no I forgot to order Demon Bound. Damn! Thanks for the reminder and I love these list. I would be totally lost without those.

Smokinhotbooks said...

Donna I just spent $30.00 last week on book *cries* why do you do this to me???? The new Kenyon book and Joey W. Hill look promising :)

Donna said...

Susi - Glad this post helped you remember! I have the first book in Black London series but I've gotten sidetracked and I haven't read it yet. Hopeful I will soon.

KC - I've been eyeballing Joey W. Hill's Daughters series for awhile. Plan to give it a try one of these days - soon.

VampFanGirl said...

I'm reading Joey Hill's book right now and O-M-G! I think this is the darkest hero she's ever written. What I'm liking most about it at the moment is that its proving to be a fast read. A lot of Hill's books are much slower paced but this one's raging. Lovin' it!

Thanks as always for the info!

;) VFG

Donna said...

VFG - That's good know! Daughters of Arianne Series is on my radar to check out.

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