This week, I didn't do a very good job keeping up with blogs, several things going on. My husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary, my step-daughter had her end of school year events and one of my husband's nephew's graduated from high school. So we spent a lot time away from the house. It's catch up time!
Author News:

- Anya Bast has a free story up on her website, Micah's Magick. Be warned it contains spoilers, do not read it until after you have read Witch's Fury.
- Ann Aguirre has the copy up for Hell Fire, the up coming second book in the Corine Solomon series, in a blog post "Sexy back cover copy".
- Lynn Viehl has an interesting post: The Twenty Most Annoying People You Meet at a Writer's Conference. It's funny and eye opening.
- Bree has a fun and informative post on the d20: My Kingdom for a Natural 20! If you don't know what a d20 is, go on over and found out. :D
- Jeri Smith-Ready tweeted about this video on the Twitter. It is frakkin funny! Video is a parody of Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart.
- Borders SciFi has joined the blogging world and now has a blog, Babel Clash. Check it out.
- Fantasy Book Critic has a review up for The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. I cannot wait to read this book!
- Jo over at Ink and Paper has created a new blog, Ink and Paper Specials. She plans on having a month long discussion on Sex in Teen Literature.
- Katiebabs, Kmont & Tracy are having a round robin discussion on the J.R. Ward's Lover Avenged. Follow the trail through their blogs, it starts here.
- Midnight Moon posted this video Sebastian's Voodoo, it is a phenomenal 4-1/2 minute video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
- Anna's Book Blog is having a huge blog birthday celebration! Anna's blog is now 2 years old. Happy Blog Birthday! The first contest is a load of signed books and swag, you need to see for yourself the wonderful goodies. Deadline for this contest is before midnight, June 6th. The second contest she is giving away three signed copies of Tails of Love by Sue-Ellen Welfonder. Deadline is June 11th.
- Suzanne McLeod is having a 6 : 6 : 6 Book Bonanza :: Giveaway. A randomly picked commenter will win a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death and a signed copy of The Sweet Scent of Blood, if they haven't read it, and their choice of one of the other five books. Head over to her blog to the choice of books. Deadline to enter is June 11th.
- Janicu's Book Blog is giving away an ARC of Soulless by Gail Carriger. Deadline to enter is June 12th.
- Vampire Wire is having a "Blood Ties: Season One" DVD & Books Contest of Hawtness! Deadline to enter is Saturday night, June 13th.
- Book Blather is giving away a signed copy of Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr. Deadline to enter is midnight CST, June 12th.
- Vampire Genre is giving away two copies of MaryJanice Davidson’s latest hardcover release, Undead and Unwelcome. Deadline is June 12th.
- Babbling About Book, and More is giving away a copy of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent and Intertwined by Gena Showalter. Deadline to enter is Sunday, June 7th.
- Rachel Vincent pairing up with Bitten by Books will be hosting a contest June 22nd through July 6th. Grand Prize will be a Kindle 2 and 10 consolation prize copies of Prey. Make sure you mark your calendars.
- BUT RIGHT NOW, Rachel Vincent has a giveaway on her blog for a complete set of Shifter books, signed! Deadline to enter is June 10th, midnight.
- Darque Reviews is giving away 3 sets of the first three books in the Marked series by S.J. Day: Eve of Darkness, Eve of Destruction and Eve of Chaos. Deadline to enter is before June 30th.
- Rachel Caine will also pair up with Bitten by Books on June 30th. Prizes will be signed copies of Carpe Corpus and a Sony eReader.
- Deadline Dame Jackie Kessler is giving away a signed copy of Black and White in celebration of the book's June 2nd release day. Deadline is Sunday evening on June 7th.
- Literary Escapism has author Chloe Neill as guest and is giving away a Cadogan House tote bag, Some Girls Bite magnet, “I Heart Cadogan” bumper sticker, and an autographed Chicagoland Vampires bookplate. You have until midnight June 9th to enter.
- Michael Connelly is giving away "The Michael Connelly Limited Edition Reader Digital Book" from Sony. Deadline to enter is June 12th.
- C.E. Murphy is giving away an ARC of A Fantasy Medley. Contest ends on June 9th.
- SciFiGuy.ca is giving away 5 copies of Naamah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey. Deadline to enter will be done in stages, with winners announced on Thursdays:
- 2 copies – Thursday, June 11
- 2 copies – Thursday June 18
- 1 copy – Thursday June 25
- SF Signal is giving away 2 copies of the vampire novel The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Deadline is midnight CST on June 9th to enter.
- BSC Reviews is giving away 3 copies of the official novelization of Terminator Salvation by Alan Dean Foster. You need to enter before June 12th.
- Geeks of Doom is having a contest for a 'Land Of The Lost' Prize Pack. Deadline to enter is 9PM EST on June 10th. Here is what they are offering up:
One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive:- One (1) Land of the Lost ‘Chaka’ Backpack
- One (1) Land of the Lost Poster
- One (1) Land of the Lost T-shirt
- One (1) Land of the Lost Women’s T-shirt
- One (1) Land of the Lost Hat
- One (1) Land of the Lost Carabiner Compass
- One (1) Land of the Lost ‘Chaka’ Backpack
Great links, Donna! I'll be checking several out! :) And thanks for mentioning Sex in Teen Lit Month over on Ink and Paper Specials! :)
Wow - you do awesome rounding all the info up. I am going to link to this post in my blog today.
Jo & Mandi, Thank you! Hope you find something to enjoy here. (^_^)
Hi Fantasy Dreamer!
Thanks for all the contest info, I may enter a few!!
Dottie :)
Happy Anniversary. :)
Great round-up! Now I have to go over and read Lynn Viehl's post to see who those people are. lol Thanks so much for the DR mention in giveaways!
Thanks Kimberly! I'm always happy to mention your reviews and contest.
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