Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Giveaway #1: Eve of Darkness

~*~*~*~*~*~* This contest is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*

In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM), I'm giving away a copy of Eve of Darkness by S.J. Day! Being of Asian heritage myself, my mother is Korean, I wanted to celebrate this month in a special way by giving away a book.

Why did I pick Eve of Darkness? Well, I have a couple of reasons. For one, the book's author and main character Eve, are of Japanese heritage. The other reason, I wanted to pick a book that was recent and within the genres I read. Since Eve of Darkness is an Urban Fantasy and, I had recently read and loved it, made this book a perfect pick.

There will be another book giveaway in celebration of APAHM later this month, so be sure come back.

Contest Rules:
1. Contest ends on Saturday, May 16th at midnight CST.
2. Winner will be picked by a randomizer and announced on Sunday, May 17th.
3. You will need to check back to see if you have won. A new winner will be picked, if the prize is not claimed within 7 days.
4. Contest is open to U.S. & Canada residents only.

How to Enter:
For each entry, please post in a separate comment - makes it easier to count ;-)
1. Tell me what Asian influences you have experienced or like. It can be anything you can think of such food, art, clothing, etc. Or tell me why you want to read Eve of Darkness.

Optional - worth 1 extra entry each:
2. Spread the word about this contest by tweeting it on Twitter. Be sure include my Twitter ID @FantasyDreamer, so I can see it. Come back here, in a new comment, post you did this.
3. Spread the word about this contest, where ever it is appropriate, in as many places as you want. Come back here, in a new comment for each of the places you spread the word, post a link that I can verify.

Good Luck!

My Review of Eve of Darkness
S.J. Day's Website

Book Blurb:
Cursed by God, hunted by demons, desired by Cain and Abel... All in a day's work.

For Evangeline Hollis, a long-ago fling with a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks just became a disaster of biblical proportions. One night with a leather-clad man of mystery has led to a divine punishment: the Mark of Cain.

Thrust into a world where sinners are drafted to kill demons, Eve knows her learning curve must be short. A longtime agnostic, she begrudgingly maneuvers through a celestial bureaucracy where she is a valuable but ill-treated pawn. She's also become the latest point of contention in the oldest case of sibling rivalry in history...

But she'll worry about all that later. Right now she's more concerned with learning to kill while staying alive. And saving the soul she'd never quite believed she had.


spacecrazed said...

Posted to Twitter, which is linked to all my other Web 2.0 stuff. The book looks intriguing and I look forward to reading it. As to Asian influences, at the moment my biggest one is spicy Thai food although I've studied Mandarin Chinese, and several Asian martial arts. Sushi and I became friends a long time ago as did Taiko. I'm very interested in different cultures and love both reading and writing speculative fiction.

Anonymous said...

Davidbtwit from Twitter. Living in Seattle for 25 years I have had a pleasent awakening to Asian culture. First fell away prejudice and sterotyping and then learned to appreciate culture more and more.


Anonymous said...

Being half-Korean myself... I enjoy the food. I love it whenever I get to visit my mother, or she comes to visit me, and I get to eat like there's no tomorrow, lol. Seeing as she had no patience to teach me, I'm sadly at a loss when it comes to cooking Korean food. My favorite is kim bop.

Donna said...

spacecrazed - I love Thai food! At my house on Thursdays, it is affectionately known as Thai Thursday. Pad Se Ew & Pad Ke Mao rock - extra spicy! \m/

Davidbtwit - I'm glad you find the Asian culture so pleasing. Thank you for seeing through the big P and stereotyping, that's a major accomplishment in my book. =D

Ali - Kim Bop is one of my favorites too, along with cucumber kimchi! I can make a few things myself but it just doesn't taste as good as when my mom makes it. I think impatience runs in little Korean women, my mom is the same way. I had to push and plead to get her to teach me the little that I know now. ^_^

Anonymous said...

omg, I love cucumber kimchi *bg*
I don't much like the cabage one.
Yes, impatience is a trait in all of them, I think... I'm only impatient half the time, lol
All this has me wanting to invite her to Houston this summer so she can teach me to cook, lol. But, then I remember the temper and the way they have of taking over your life and I'm second guessing myself, lol.

Bridget said...

Just a note to say welcome to Win A Book! Just posted this contest on Win A Book.

Booklover1335 said...

Living in the midwest I don't have access to many local Asian influences, except for chinese food (which I love btw), but one of my favorite authors is Amy Tan. Love her work!

Janicu said...

Hi, found your blog via Win a Book. Really like it and will be following it now.

I'm half chinese and I grew up in southeast asia so I'm not sure if I can explain my asian influences in one comment! Um.. I guess favorite thing is curries, especially the hot stuff and Sri Lankan curry. Mmmm.

Kitten22 said...

This looks great! Please enter me!

Sushi is my favorite Asian experience. In a real sushi restaurant, not that nonsense at the grocery store!


Anonymous said...

My favorite Asian experiences are of course, the food! and I love the art and clothing, plus I also like the languages and music.

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Lady Roxi said...

Love to have this. Sushi of course is my favorite. I also have an oriental dragon and tiger tattooed on my back.



Valerie said...

I'm seriously obsessed with Japan! Clothing, music, food, etc!
My ipod is full of Korean, Japanese, Russian, etc music!
So I'd love to read this book
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com

Belinda said...

I love the food. The spices and blends are amazing.
1bmore @ gmail .com

Fedora said...

Asian influences? Being Asian, I think a far-reaching one is food--it's a vital part of life! Can a meal be complete without rice? ;)

And we're influencing our kids' lives with language, whether they like it or not ;)

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Sara M said...

I would like to read this book because, as an agnostic, I would like to see how the religious themes in the book flow. Plus, I love urban fantasy.

Plus, I don't think the genre has enough diversity when it comes to main characters, so it'll be fun to read a story with a main character of Asian heritage.

As for Asian influences, my family has a tradition of going out to a nice Chinese restarant on Christmas Eve.

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I'm in :). I used to be big into Anime for a while, but that has since sort of died down. I still love the stuff, but I could never get into the whole Anime culture, so I sort of shied away from it. I also find myself really fascinated by the Samurai. They have one of the most beautiful cultures in history, in my opinion.

Thanks so much for the cool giveaway!

Unknown said...

Now for boring stuff.
I blogged about this here:

Unknown said...

More boring stuff.

I tweeted about this using the @FantasyDreamer (I'm @shaunduke and I think we follow one another, although I can't remember).

Unknown said...

And lastly, I stumbled this post and reviewed it, since that's another way to spread the word. My stumble is

Thanks again!

Valorie said...

I would love to read this because I have the second book and would like to read the first one before diving into book 2.


Valorie said...

Gave a tweet (@morbidromantic).


Pissenlit said...

Seeing as how I'm Asian, it's a bit odd answering this question...however, with a few exceptions, you can't really go wrong with the food! Oh boy, despite it being the wrong time of day, I could really go for some dim sum right now.

A Reader said...

I like shopping at Chinatown whenever I'm in NYC orSan Francisco. Also my nickname is kimchi eeven though I've never tried it.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I want to read Eve of Darkness because it looks interesting and I'm addicted to books and reading

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Belinda M said...

I would really like to read the book Eve Of Darkness because it sounds like the kind of book that would be hard to put down. I read a blurb on it and it sounds great. Also I just love to read, I can't think of a better way to end off my day.

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:"

Nikki in Niagara said...

I'd love to read this book because I love paranormal books and the Biblical twist really intrigues me.

bloggytreasures said...

I had never tried Asian cuisine until I became an adult. I absolutely love it now. I like trying new things all the time. Sushi is next up.

I tweeted it too!


HockeyVampiress said...

Ohhh Asian influences... well sorry to say that in food wise anyway I am allergic to many asian foods. I can't do spicy and have a violent MSG allergy. But there was a friend I had in highschool that worked in a Chinese restaurant and he brought me several cookies every day if he worked that nite...I found out later it was cause he was "in love" with me and thought I knew it...Apparently fortune cookies mean I love U? I don't have to many other influences in my life in that respect except for some very cool knick knack dolls that I inheirated that I absolutely love... As for the book I would love to read it and it has been on my list of to find books for a while... I will post link on blog and twitter the link!! Thanks Shell the Hockeyvampiress

Anonymous said...

Eve of Darkness sounds great! I've had it on my wishlist for a while.

Caffey said...

I'm looking forward to all these books! I love that the 2 or is it 3 are coming out in a row! I've read alot of the excerpts and was pulled right in! When I read my first Urban Fantasy, I didn't think I'd read outside of romance, but then once I read, I realize that it may or may not have a romance in it, but it has the paranormal and fantasy themes I love reading in romance. I'm totally hooked. Day too has some awesome historicals!

When I was in college studying towards my degree in social work, we had a class on different cultures because it was important for me to understand that for the family traditions, and culture, etc. One thing we did was to visit different agencies related to it and too restaurants! I went to restaurants and my favorites were from the Asian and Hispanic food. Ever since then, I too introduced my hubby to that food and he likes too! I loved that they did have alot of seasoning and veggies. I love veggies! So I loved to get that with Chicken. And since too I love to spice up my rice! So it was a wonderful experience that I've used since. And I usually eat alot of Bland food but I change that when it comes to adding veggies and spice!

I'd love to be in contest. This was a great question for the contest! Thanks

Donna said...

I've loved reading everyone's answers! All of you are just great. :) Thanks for stopping by here. Just one more day...

Caffey said...

Hi again!
I got the promo on my blog here for this contest!

Caffey said...

Its now up on my blog too, Promo of Contest here. I proud, I'm finally understanding how to do a bit more (no not everything) on my blog

Its on my blog at

Unknown said...

I LOVE Asian food. I can never get enough. YUM!


Unknown said...

Tweeted - bridget3420


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