Lenore : Noogies Color Edition by Roman Dirge Giveaway ~*~ This giveaway is now closed ~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*
Lenore : Noogies Color Edition by Roman Dirge is a newly released graphic novel, which is a collection of the original Lenore comics in color for the first time.

Thanks to Titan Books, I have three copies of Lenore : Noogies Color Edition (Hardcover) to giveaway. 


  1. Leave a comment about Lenore Comics or tell me what book you think would make a good comic.
  2. For an extra entry, spread the word about this giveaway: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. - leave a link in the comments.
  3. Leave your email with your comment if it is NOT part of your profile.
  4. This giveaway is open to the US and Canada only.
  5. Contest ends on Saturday, October 24th at Midnight CST.
  6. Lenore : Noogies will be mailed from Titan Books to the winners.

From the Titan Books:

Take a trip into the dark, surreal world of a little dead girl with a knack for (often) unintentional mayhem in this remastered, gothic classic, newly-coloured and presented in glorious hardcover!

Lenore might only be small, but her talent for mischief — and occasional wanton destruction — is anything but. Featuring stories about limbless cannibals, clock monsters, cursed vampire dolls, taxidermied friends, an obssesed would-be lover and more fuzzy animal mutilations than should be legal, never has the term ‘something for everyone’ seemed more sinister and bizarre.

A massive cult hit on both sides of the Atlantic, Lenore is one of the funniest, darkest, cutest, creepiest characters on the marketplace today.

Amazon.com | Barnes & NobleThe Book Depository US | The Book Depository UK

About the Author

Roman Dirge created Lenore in 1992 for the San Diego alternative magazine Xenophobe. In 1997 he launched the Lenore comic in the US, which quickly became a publishing phenomenon. Currently Roman is working on new Lenore adventures, as well as new character Samurai Sloth.

Roman Dirge on Twitter.

Wow! He has over 75 tattoos. (from Roman's bio on his web site: Spookyland)

Video: The Return of Mr. Gosh


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I love the name Lenore.
(Go Poe!)
The Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin would make a great graphic novel.
All the best,

Chris said...

No need to enter me on this one. :) Her barrettes are clever!

Nikki in Niagara said...

I haven't read any of the Lenore comics but have always wanted to since I remember some people talking about them on an art forum a few years back. But I couldn't find any locally (small town) and actually forgot about it until I saw this post. I would really like to win this! Please enter my name!

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/lilelizajane/status/4889092602

Email is in my profile.


Jen D. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in.

I think Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series would make a really good comic.


Anonymous said...

I've wanted to read Lenore for a long time, but never did!

I think I'd kill to see Mistborn in comic form. :3

jeanette8042 said...

I love love love the cover! It makes me want to open it and see the rest!

Misty said...

This looks so cute. And I love the name Lenore. It makes me think of Poe, but for some reason, I always end up with the Annabelle Lee poem in my head...Weird.


dag888888 said...

How about The Vampire Diaries?


Unknown said...

I love it!
I know a couple of teenager girls that would too.

Smokinhotbooks said...

Don't enter me into this one b/c I would feel greedy as I just won Lovely Bones from you. Love the Graphic Novel cover - the mismatching eyes are my fav

Heidi V said...

I used to use a Lenora avatar in a forum she was just so darn cute!

I always wanted to read Death Bed to see what her pets had to say about her always killing her them.

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/index.php/book-giveaway-lenore-noogies-by-roman-dirges-ends-10-24-2009/

Zia said...

Oh man I love Lenore and Ragmuffin! One of my favorite comics!! I love Roman's work.


brizmus said...

Cool giveaway!
I don't know why, but I can totally see the brief, wondrous life of oscar wao making a hilarious comic!

s7anna said...

She looks soo grimly cute!!! I love it!!! I really want try out the series now...had no idea that it was so big a craze!

Lora Leigh's breeds series would make for an awesome comic series...probably borderline manga with all that hot and rampant sex!!! :P

Posted about it on facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Anna-Shah-Hoque/767402866

Happy Reading!!!
Anna Shah Hoque

Jenny N. said...

I haven't read any Lenore comics but I really like the cover artwork so am interested in seeing more from the book.


Rebecca N. said...

I love Lenore comics! I have some Lenore stuff in Second Life :) Very cool! I wish I had a Lenore doll to give to my kids!

Thanks for the coolest of cool giveaways!!

imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

Rebecca N. said...

I Tweeted!

imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com


Unknown said...

Hi Donna!

I have read Lenore yet, but it looks great.

The books (series) that I think would make an excellent graphic novels are Mario Acevedo's Felix Gomez Series. Excellent series to move to graphic novels.

I posted your contest on my sidebar.

Dottie :)

★ April Buchkoski ★ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
★ April Buchkoski ★ said...

Ahh... Lenore....
I miss her mischief! I haven't seen her in forever. She doesn't call or write...

Thanks for the giveaway!
We likes, I wants... Gimmie!
Er... please?

Thanks again!! >^..^<
Oy! I forgot my email the 1st time. Heh. --- aliasxxvi[at]yahoo.com

Asylumgirl said...

I think Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series would do well as graphic novels.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I've read a few of these years ago, and would love to get my hands on the set.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Oh, definitely throw my name in for this. It's right up my alley.

Have you read the Dungeon series, by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim? Oh, I love it -- I suspect you would, too.

And thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

Janicu said...

I think Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere would be a good GN. IS IT in GN form somewhere?


Linda Henderson said...

I don't have any of these yet but th book looks great. Would love to win it.

seriousreader at live dot com

Seanna Lea said...

I have to say, please pick me!

I started reading the Lenore comics from the beginning, and then fell out of the collecting comics habit so a graphic novel is really a great idea!

I've read a couple of the graphic novels of books (Guilty Pleasures and the Color of Magic), so I think that an action book works a bit better. Colors in the Dreamweavers Loom by Beth Hilgartner would be a good novel to try. It is a quest novel, which is a good format for that kind of thing.

I've added this contest to my twitter (http://www.twitter.com/qarylla).

Anonymous said...

Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels book series would make a good comics.

I blogged about this contest at my LJ: http://okibi-insanity.livejournal.com/9624.html


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