New Book Releases for Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and YA Paranormal – December 8, 2009

16 Days till Christmas! Are you ready? I’m not! I know I’ll end up doing the Christmas present scramble at the last minute. Every year I promise I’ll do better about Christmas shopping but I think I get worse instead. I hope all of you are doing better than me in the Christmas shopping department.

If you have a book review for any of the new releases listed here, link it in comments and I will be happy to add it to this post. Or if I missed a new book release, please let me know so I can add it also.

December 8, 2009

Muse and Reverie by Charles de Lint

Muse and Reverie by Charles de Lint

Muse and Reverie is an all-new collection of short fiction in Charles de Lint’s “Newford” universe—the fifth such collection since 1993, and the first since 2002. Previous collections are Dreams Underfoot, The Ivory and the Horn, the World Fantasy Award-winning Memory and Dream, and Tapping the Dream Tree.

The city of Newford could be any city in North America, bursting with music, commerce, art, love and hate, and of course magic. Magic in the sidewalk cracks, myth at the foundations of its great buildings, enchantment in the spaces between its people. In this new collection, de Lint explores that magic and those spaces, shedding new light on the people and places that readers of novels like Moonheart, Forests of the Heart, The Onion Girl, and The Mystery of Grace have come to love.

- Reviewed by

Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton

Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton
Book 8, Meredith Gentry Series
Urban Fantasy

You may know me best as Meredith Nic Essus, princess of faerie. Or perhaps as Merry Gentry, Los Angeles private eye. In the fey and mortal realms alike, my life is the stuff of royal intrigue and celebrity drama. Among my own, I have confronted horrendous enemies, endured my noble kin’s treachery and malevolence, and honored my duty to conceive a royal heir—all for the right to claim the throne. But I turned my back on court and crown, choosing exile in the human world—and in the arms of my beloved Frost and Darkness.

While I may have rejected the monarchy, I cannot abandon my people. Someone is killing the fey, which has left the LAPD baffled and my guardsmen and me deeply disturbed. My kind are not easily captured or killed. At least not by mortals. I must get to the bottom of these horrendous murders, even if that means going up against Gilda, the Fairy Godmother, my rival for fey loyalties in Los Angeles.

But even stranger things are happening. Mortals I once healed with magic are suddenly performing miracles, a shocking phenomenon wreaking havoc on human/faerie relations. Though I am innocent, dark suspicions of banned magical activities swirl around me.

I thought I’d left the blood and politics behind in my own turbulent realm. I had dreamed of an idyllic life in sunny L.A. with my beloved ones beside me. But it becomes time to wake up and realize that evil knows no borders, and that nobody lives forever—even if they’re magical.

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Fallen by Lauren Kate
YA Paranormal

There's something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price's attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He's the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce--and goes out of his way to make that very clear--she can't let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, Fallen is a page turning thriller and the ultimate love story.

- Reviewed by

The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance by Tricia Telep

The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance by Tricia Telep
Paranormal Romance

This exciting collection contains 25 short tales of adventure and love. Join the dashing characters as they slip through the ages, finding themselves transported back to settings including medieval Scotland, sixteenth-century England, and the nineteenth-century American West—or sometimes forward to the present day and even the future.

Burning Shadows by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Burning Shadows by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Book 21, A Novel of the Count Saint-Germain
Dark Fantasy / Horror

Two decades strong, the Saint-Germain cycle is one of the most compelling works of dark fantasy and horror of our age. Historically accurate, these deeply emotional novels have a devoted readership.

In Burning Shadows, Yarbro looks at the legendary Huns from the perspective of the people who faced the brunt of their attacks. The vampire Saint-Germain seeks sanctuary at an isolated monastery, unwilling to abandon the hundreds of terrified villagers he has led in flight from the Huns. A few Roman soldiers and some village Watchmen are the monastery’s defense force—and they are undermined by the religious fervor of some of the monks, who argue that since everyone’s fate is in God’s hands, it is foolish to defend themselves. In the hothouse atmosphere of the high-walled monastery, Saint-Germain must take special care when slaking his vampire thirst, for discovery of his True Nature will result in his True Death.

- Reviewed by

-- Summaries are from unless otherwise stated.


Leontine said...

oh crap, Donna, just 16 days *eek* I so have got nothing x-mas decorations, no shopping, no cards to send out. Where is my mind??

Loved lurking through your release list again though it is a somewhat meager release day.

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

I've given you an award over at my blog.

As for the Christmas shopping - I've only got half of mine done! Like you, I promise myself to be better but fail miserably!

Chris said...

I was scoping out the de Lint over the weekend - hope the library has it! Love his Newford books.

Blodeuedd said...

The time travel one sounds cool, and that guy yummy ;)

Donna said...

Leontine - Ah, I'm not the only procrastinator! *grins* But we did get the Christmas tree and decorations up this past weekend. Just need to buy presents to put under the tree.

INCIDeNT - Thank you! I'll be by later to pick it up. :) Your way ahead of me in Christmas shoppping, I haven't bought one present!! :(

Chris - I've been wanting to try de Lint. I will hopeful this coming year. I always see so many great references to his work.

Blodeuedd - It does!! I was looking on Amazon and for some reason it said there was a 2-4 week delivery time!?! Not sure why...

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna :)
Thank you for sharing these great books released today. I like the Summary you included with each. Thank you for taking the time to post this.
Happy Holidays,

VampFanGirl said...

No! No, I'm definitely not ready for Christmas. Yikes!! I swear, the 24 days leading up to Christmas are fastest of the entire year!

Hmmm...I must admit that I'm panting after FALLEN. That one does sound really good.

Thanks again the for the update Donna!

Hugs, VFG

Donna said...

RKCharron - Thank you, I'm glad you like the new release post. :)

VFG - You know, your right those are the fastest days of the year. I guess because there is sooo much to do in such a short period of time. I've been eyeing Fallen myself but I'm still on the fence about it. I'm going to see what peeps say after today's release.

Smokinhotbooks said...

Donna I'm sneaking over here instead of writing my boring proposal. I've heard good and bad things about Fallen, the cover is so pretty I just want to buy it anyway.

Abigail said...

I just won a copy of Fallen and can't wait to read it.

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