You know, I've went from not knowing one author to meeting five authors in the same month. It's been my very own whirlwind tour of authors during the month of August!
I had a nice time at ArmadilloCon, it was what I would call a very sedate affair, low key. I've only been to one other Con and that was Comic-Con San Diego last year, it was a mad house. In comparison, this Con was very quiet and I have to say I enjoyed not feeling rushed. I met Ann Aguirre, Kimberly Frost, Jeanne Stein and Mario Acevedo at different signing sessions. Of course, I was clueless as to what to say and felt like I was blubbering most of the time but I think I did a good job of not making too much of fool of myself.
Ann Aguirre and moi! I think I blubbered the most with Ann because I admire her for so many things besides the books she writes and if you read her blog you will know exactly what I'm talking about. She has a wonderful way of expressing herself. I asked Ann to sign my Team Chance t-shirt and The Jax books, t-shirt signing came out so pretty. Later after the signing, I ran into Ann in the hallway and she introduced me to Sharon Shinn. Ann said she is an awesome fantasy writer, and Mandi at Smexy Books earlier this week said the same thing, so I have happily added a new author to my list of must reads.
Just for the record, I've read a lot fantasy but mostly in the worlds of Dragonlance and the Forgotten Realms. But in case you haven't noticed, Urban Fantasy as become new fascination for me this year.
I bought a copy of Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost there at ArmadilloCon and asked Kimberly to sign it. It's a book I've been wanting to read for while, ever since Amber at Amberkatze's Book Blog had Kimberly as a guest. Kimberly told me that on August 25th she going to launch a big celebration for the release of her second book Barely Bewitched on her blog, so mark your calendars.
Jeanne Stein and moi! Jeanne was all smiles! I didn't have a book for her to sign because I had won all four books in the Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles, signed by Jeanne in a contest at The League of Reluctant Adults back in February. But I did have a postcard I received in the mail with the cover art for Retribution, so I asked her to sign that.
Jeanne Stein, moi and Mario Acevedo. When I explained to Jeanne why I was having her sign a postcard, she got really excited to meet someone who visited her and Mario's blog and won at a contest there, so she wanted a picture of all of us. She said she wanted proof of a visiting fan! Mario and Jeanne, I can tell are as fun in real life as their blog posts are. I enjoyed meeting them both.

Hi :)
Thanks for sharing. I loved the pictures and the links. I hadn't heard of Sharon Shinn before but I'm adding her too. Great recommendations!
It sounds like a terrific time.
Love and best wishes,
twitter: @RKCharron
Hi Donna...
I so should be sleeping, but I had to check out your post. Looks like you had a lot of fun. :)
Hi Donna,
Thanks for the round-up of your latest convention and the pics. Sounds like time well spend with wonderful authors.
Looks like so much fun :)
meeting authors, buying books, what could be better
That sounds so great.
Thanks for the pics.
Have a nice Sunday!
Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. :D
I must have a look at Sharon Shinn's books. Tis been a while since I read a fantasy book, other than Anne Bishop.
What a fun day! I have Would be Witch in my tbr..I need to get to it! I am off to check out Jeanne Stein and Mario Acevedo!
So glad to hear you had a great time, Donna!
That looks like so much fun. Mario is adorable! :P
What great fun! I'm glad you had a good time and thanks for sharing. I was thinking of you while listening to the orientation lectures yesterday morning.
Great pictures! Isn't Ann a sweetie?
RKCharron & Lou, looks like we'll all be doing the same thing concerning Sharon Shin. :)
You must be a big time night owl, Anna! Thanks!
Hi Leontine, I went pretty much as a reader-fangirl, this was more of a writers convention. I enjoyed it.
Hi Blodeued, Agree! :)
Hi SusiSunshine, Thanks and you enough your Sunday as well.
Same here Mandi, about Would-Be Witch, I love the cover on this book.
Thanks Amy! I did have a good time.
Brook Reviews, Mario had a twinkle in his eyes the whole time, I bet he is a blast to hang with.
Hi Heather, Thanks! Maybe you'll be able to go next time, just have the school plan around your schedule, right? ;)
Katie, Yes, Ann is sweet! My son thought she was the nicest person we meet yesterday. And yes, he came with me, he didn't want me to go by myself. He is such a great kid. :)
Yep, I usually do most of my reading at night. :)
Lovely post. Great seeing you meeting the authors and having such a great time. Always a thrill getting a book signed. I second the Sinn recommendation. Here Twelve Houses series in particular is fabulous.
How cool for you!! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics.
Donna - how cool to meet these authors! I like Ms. Aguire's and Ms.Stein's books, will certainly check out Ms.Shinn. Great pics!
Anna, the night time is the best time for me to read also, I don't get disturbed as much. But it also makes me tired during the week at work. ;)
Thanks Doug! I do plan on checking Sharon's books out, thanks for rec on the Twelve House series.
Hi Michelle Thanks and it really was cool!
Hiya Patti! Yeah, Aguirre and Stein are some of my fav authors too. I can't believe I had the luck of them both being at ArmadilloCon. Let me know what you think of Shinn.
Wow, and the month's only half over! :)
LOL! Chris! I know, right !?! And I promised my stepdaughter I would take her to Austin on the 29th to meet Richelle Mead...
It was a pleasure!
And that's so nice of your son to say. He's a total heartbreaker, as handsome as you are lovely.
Oh Ann, thank you for saying such a kind words!!! It really was awesome meeting this past weekend. :D
Looks and sounds like fun....
you go girl... let's see what next month brings..
OMG. Sharon Shinn! Yes, awesome fantasy author. You should read her books.
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