Today's My Birthday and I'm Celebrating Sherrilyn Kenyon Style

On this day, many, many, many, many moons ago, in a land far, far away, across the oceans, high up in the mountains, I made my crying appearance into this world. And so the fairy tale of my life began...

A friend of mine posted this picture of us on Facebook this past Sunday. I thought this was a funny coincidence. You see, that picture was taken on my sweet 16th birthday, 24 years ago. I'll let you do the math. I can't believe so much time has already gone by. [very heavy sigh]

The chica in the red dress is me. We had the '80s style going, didn't we?

On to the celebration part! For my birthday I am treating myself with a trip up to the Dallas Barnes & Noble to see Sherrilyn Kenyon on her Bad Moon Rising Tour. [insert snoopy dance] Yep, I'm taking a half a day off from work and I'm also dragging my son along because I don't want to make the trip all by my lonesome.

I'm taking my copies of Acheron, Bad Moon Rising and Dark-Hunters, Vol 1 manga to be signed. Also, while I'm there, I'm going to get an extra signed copy of Bad Moon Rising to bring back for a celebration here tomorrow.

Hopefully, all works out at the signing, I've never been to an author's signing before. This will be my first and I'm just a teensy-weensy bit nervous. I'm planning on arriving about an hour or so before it begins because I have no idea what the crowd might be like. I'm crossing my fingers that is plenty of time. I also plan on taking tons of pictures. I'm so excited!

If you've been to an author's signing before, tell me about it. I'd love to hear about your first experience at one.

Side Note: I noticed the hardcover edition of Acheron is only $5.99 on the Barnes & Noble website. That's cheaper than the mass media paperback, which is $7.99.


Leontine said...

Congratulations Donna kiss kiss hug hug as we do here in the Netherlands. Sherrilyn kenyon is a hoot and a very nice person. I met her a few years ago when she was in Germany. I just read all of her DH novels and was so in luuuurve with this series.

I hope you have an ab-fab time there and lets pop a champagne bottle when you get back to celebrate and toast on your ** birthday :D

Brooke Reviews said...

Happy Birthday! :D

I've been to a signing before, but nothing as big as Sherrilyn Kenyon! We went about an hour and half before it started, and that was plenty of time. We were also not at a very popular Borders. Dallas might be more crowded. :)

Amy C said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!!

Oh and what a wonderful birthday present you are giving yourself. Sherrilyn Kenyon signing!! I went to the one up in Canada last year for her Acheron tour. My first time meeting her and she is such a lovely lady. So funny! She even talked with Devin, and made a joke to him!

I'd say it's a good thing you are planning to get there an hour early! I can only imagine how many people will show up. Dallas is a pretty large city I would think.

I can't wait to hear how it all went and to see some of your pictures!! :D

Hmm, my first signing was with Jackie Frank, Stella Price, and Bianca D'Arc in PA two years ago. I went and stayed with Jackie for the weekend and drove down with her and two friends for the signing. It was fun!

Okay, so before you said do the math, I did the math! You do not look as old as the math says you are! No way!

Mandi said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!

You will have the best time! I've only been to one signing but everyone was so sweet. Take lots of pictures and tell us all about it!

Chris said...

Happy birthday! Have a great time - looking forward to your report!

Suzanne McLeod said...

Yay! Happy Birthday, Donna!!! Wishing you a wonderful day, and have much fun at the signing :-)

Suzanne xx

Jo said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun at the event!

The only signings I've been to have been informal ones at a night club (but duing the day), with a film shown after the signing is done. So I haven't been to a proper book store signing, so I don't know myself what they're like. The ones I've been to have been fun though. Enjoy yourself!

Blodeuedd said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Have a great day, and so much fun at the signing. That will surely be a blast

Pearl said...

Happy B-day Donna!
I hope you have an amazing day and great fun at the signing!


Donna said...

I would love a glass of bubbly, thank you Leontine! Many people have said how nice Sherrilyn Kenyon is, I'm getting excited!

Thank you Brook! Yeah, I'm hoping an 1 to 1-1/2 hrs is plenty of time. Crossing fingers.

Amy, you just gave me the biggest smile! Thank you!!! Bless you!!! I don't feel like I'm 40, really don't. Hope I feel this way 10 years from now. Are talking about Jackie Frank, as in Jacquelyn Frank, the author of the Nightwalker series? :)

Oh, I plan on taking tons of pictures and sharing with everyone. Thank you Mandi!

Thanks Chris, I will have a full report tomorrow. :)

I know it going to be blast at the signing, I'll probably have a silly grin the whole time I'm there. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Suzanne!

Hi Jo, I like the idea of the signings you went to. They seem more intimate, probably not very crowded, which to me would be a good thing. Thank you!

SusiSunshine said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Hope you will have fun at the signing.

Donna said...

Thank you Blodeuedd!! I'm planning on having a blast! Yep!

Hi Pearl, thank you! I hope you get back to feeling 100% soon, take care.

Donna said...

Hello Susi! Thank you!! ^_^

MrsMixx said...

Happy Happy Birthday!
Hope you have fun at the signing =)

Christine said...

Happy Birthday, Donna! Welcome to the 40s club. I just joined last fall and well... what are you going to do, you know? LOL

I think going to a Kenyon signing is a great way to celebrate your birthday. I've actually met Sherrilyn Kenyon four times already and she is just the sweetest, most gracious woman. You will love her ... and then love her books even more. It's true.

I admit I was very disappointed when I learned she wasn't going to be in the NY/NJ metro area for her Bad Moon Rising book tour. But I'm glad you'll be seeing her tonight.

When I met Sherrilyn at the NYC signing for Acheron, I would guess there were about 150 people there. The store will give you a number ticket so the line to get your books signed runs smoothly, so obviously if you're there early, you see her sooner. I was one of the last to see her in NYC and didn't leave the bookstore until at least 10:30 pm. Something to think about if your son might get bored and you've got a long drive home. She gives away prizes and still interacts with the fans waiting during the signing but she always takes the time to talk with each and every fan until the very end. She's so great.

I've also been to a book signing for JR Ward when Lover Revealed came out (that was my first book signing) and two weeks later with Lisa Kleypas when Sugar Daddy came out --both at my local NJ Barnes & Noble. I also attended a literacy signing at the NJ RWA conference in 2007 and met a lot of great authors there. I was so lucky to have these opportunities!

Have fun tonight and thanks so much for the opportunity to win Bad Moon Rising. Such a generous giveaway.


Lea said...


Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you enjoy a wonderful day and enjoy the book signing SLK book signing, what an awesome way to spend the day...

I've never been to an author's signing before and will look forward to hearing about your experience.

I love the retro picture by the way, what a lovely young lady...

You enjoy your birthday Donna!!

All the very best.


Anna said...

Hi Donna,

Happy Birthday to you! Mine is tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

Stacy~ said...

Happy birthday! I hope it's a spectacular day. Can't wait to see the pics from the signing :)

Angiegirl said...

Happy birthday, Donna! That sounds like a perfect way to celebrate. I've been to several signings and they are always a blast. Sometimes you wait in line for awhile, but then you get to talk to other fans like you and that's always interesting. Sometimes you get to talk to the author for a minute or two and I'm always a bit flummoxed but enjoy it nonetheless. Have a great time and I can't wait to hear about it.

Donna said...

Thank you pattepoilue! I will!

Hi Christine, thank you for sharing your book signing stories! Enjoyed them. You are so lucky to be in area that offers so many chances to meet authors.

Lea, thank you! I'm going share it all tomorrow. That picture is crazy old, I still can't believe that so much time has past since it was taken. I remember when it was taken like it was yesterday.

Oh, Anna! Happy Early Birthday! I knew your birthday was coming up but I didn't realize our birthdays were back-to-back. Awesome!

Hi Stacy! I already trained the kiddo on working the camera last night. LOL! Hopefully they turn out well. Thank you!

Hey Angiegirl, when I saw the email blast for the Bad Moon Rising tour and notice one of the dates was my birthday and near me, I just knew I had to go. Thank you!

bloggeratf said...

WOoooooOOOOOOooooooo! Happy Bday and have fun at the signing.

Michelle Greathouse said...


Happy Birthday!!!! :)

I hope you have a wonderful day and terrific fun at the book signing.


Anna said...

Thanks Donna! I thought it was pretty cool they were back to back too. Have fun at the Sherrilyn Kenyon signing. :)

Leanna Renee Hieber said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA! Hope your day is deservedly magical!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Donna... remember you are in your prime right now and you do not look like your age. I was thinking late 20's early 30's. No Joke!
Have a great day and can't wait to hear all about your fun first book signing adventure. I've never been to one.

Keri said...

Happy Birthday, Donna! Have fun at the book signing. I wish I could go, I would love to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thanks for sharing and the pic was adorable.
I know you will have a great time at the signing.
Love and best wishes to you & yours,

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Happy Birthday Donna! I've been to several book signings but they were all for the same author (Anne Rice). They were tons of fun - everyone is in a good mood and you meet all kinds of people while waiting. Have fun!

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun way to celebrate - I've always wanted to go to a signing.

Donna said...

Thank you for all the birthday thoughts! I loved reading them all. You guys are all so wonderful! Thank you again!

Erotic Horizon said...

A day Late...

Happy Birthday my dear and you could not be doing a cooler thing...

All the best...


ediFanoB said...

Please apologize. I totally missed this post.

Happy belated birthday!

May all your dreams come through....

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