I had a fantastic time! Sherrilyn Kenyon is so sweet and beautiful. I was so nervous when I walked up to her at the signing. I think she seen the scared rabbit look in my eyes because the first thing she did was open her arms and told me "Come to here!" She gave me the biggest hug. Sherrilyn Kenyon is AWESOME!
I met up with Heather Long for the signing. I met her through Twitter, so I wasn't too clueless thanks to her. I had fun sitting with her and chatting with her daughter. Heather is also having a give away on her blog for an autographed copy of Bad Moon Rising. Woohoo! Double your chances!
There were people from all age groups and walks of live at the signing, I'd say over 200 people showed up. Very interesting mixture of fine folks. There were just a handful of girls, who dressed up Simi-like, not as many as I thought would. It was fun watching some of the guys getting rawdy about winning the Dark-Hunter merchandise throughout the signing, especially the shirts. Don't see that everyday.
Sherrilyn started out with a Q&A session, I should've wrote down what was said but it didn't occur to me to do so. I was too in awe of the moment to think logically. She answered questions for both the Dark-Hunter series and the Lords of Avalon series but since I haven't read any of the Lords of Avalon books those Q&As went over me head. Here is what I remember:
EDITED: This Q&A contains spoilers if you have read this series or your not up to date with all the books.
Does Sherrilyn see the Dark-Hunter series ending?
No. She will keep writing the books for as long the editors will let her. Even though she does know how the series ends, when the time does come.
Will Simi ever get her own book and find her guy?
Yes and Yes. We've already met him in Dream Warrior. - But remember Sherrilyn introduces a lot of new characters in this book. So your guess is as good as mine.
Why does Simi like barbecue sauce so much?
Sherrilyn joked about one of her brothers who puts barbecue sauce on everything. This is who she got the trait from for Simi.
Will Ash and Tori every have any children?
Yep! With a little help. - Reading between the lines from one of the gods.
Will she expand on Kyrian and Amanda's baby Marissa in future novels?
Yes, after she's grown up.
Will there be more about Nick Gautier outside of the Chronicles of Nick?
Yes, in the upcoming Dark-Hunter books.
Will Nick and Ash ever be friends again?
Sherrilyn wouldn't answer this question. She said jokingly that the answer would give too much away and then who would buy the book?
Does she ever get writer's block and what does she do when this happens?
Sherrilyn said she never gets writer's block, that she always has a story going in her mind.
How long does it take her to write a book? <- Heather asked this question She said it only took her 3 weeks to write Fantasy Lover. But on average it takes her 3 to 6 months to write a book.
Does she have to write proposals for her books?
No, not anymore, her editors give her free rein.
What about the Nevermore series?
The first book is to release next year around October. - I've been looking forward to this new series, the intro is very enticing.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now. I'm pretty tired and I'm typing this at 1:30 in morning. So not responsible for typos. [sleepy grin] Thank goodness, I had the foresight to take off work tomorrow - I mean today. I knew I would be wiped out. But it was all worth it!
Dianna Love was also there doing the raffle for prizes throughout the signing. Dianna wrote Phantom in the Night with Sherrilyn. Dianna has a great sense of humor, she helped make the time pass by. All in all, for a first signing, I felt it went pretty darn well. I'm very happy that I went to Bad Moon Rising Book Tour.
Sherrilyn with her beautiful smile!
Check out the Dark-Hunter tattoo!
My son Garrett, kept me company, somewhat. He was planted downstairs on his Mac most of the time, playing WoW.
Sherrilyn & Me - would've been better if my hair wasn't in her face. Do over!
The Giveaway:
- Tell me which Dark-Hunter book was your favorite and why.
- If your email is NOT part of your blogger account please leave it in the comments.
- Open to everyone!
- Contest ends on Wednesday, August 12th at 10PM CST.
- Winner will be announce the next day.
The giveaway prize is everything in this picture! Bad Moon Rising is autographed.
Sherrilyn Kenyon's New Website: http://sherrilynkenyon.com/
Sherrilyn Kenyon's Twitter: http://twitter.com/_sanctuary

So much fun to meet a great author! Congrats!
Don't know if this counts for the contest, and I haven't read many of these books yet, but I loved the one with Sunshine in it. She was a great character!
*wanders off to see if that book is still kicking around the piles*
Awesome!!! Thanks for including all of the Q and A stuff! I'm so glad you had such a good time!!
Don't enter me, I have the book;)
Fabulous post! So glad you had a great time. I'm not caught up on the books yet, so sadly I got some spoilers, but oh well, it was bound to happen, right? I need to re-read them.
Sounds like a wonderful time. Thanx for the great pics :)
Hi :)
Sounds like a terrific time was had!
Thank you very much for sharing.
Loved the pics, you look great.
My fav Dark Hunter book so far is SEIZE THE NIGHT because I fell in love with Tabitha Devereaux.
Love and best wishes,
Wow! Looks like you had a great time!
How sweet of your son to go with you!
My favorite Dark Hunter novel is NIGHT PLAY.
Bride and Vane are so great together and Vane is one of my fav heroes and definitely my favorite Werehunter!
Donna!! Sounds like you had a fabulous time! ANd truly, what a great first signing to go to...Sherrilyn Kenyon!
You don't have to enter me in this. I had already ordered a copy from that free shipping site you mentioned the other day! But I will answer your question. My favorite DH book is actually 3. I love Night Pleasures, Dance with the Devil and Seize the Night. I love how each of the heroes are connected with their past and how it all unfolds in each book!
What a cool moment! I don't think I would have been thinking logically to write down the Q &A's either. My Favorite Sherrilyn Kenyon is Dream Hunter, book 1 because it's what got me started on the entire Dark Hunter/Dream Hunter series.
Wow that is a hard question because just about every Dark Hunter book I read becomes my favorite. I am only about 3/4 the way through the series so I still have some to go. I guess if I would have to choose I would have to say Talin's, Wren's or Ravyn's because I loved each one of these characters so much. I am sure I will have a new fav as soon as I finish my next one..lol.
I'd like to say Night Pleasure cos it was my first real book, but I have a love of bad boys so I have to go with Zarek's story, Dance with the devil. He is so wicked, oh yes, I fell at once.
I am so in, I need to read more, I haven't read anything after his story
Looks like you had a great time. Good for you! I'm glad it went well.
I loved Night Pleasures, I think because it was my first of her's. But Kyrian of Thrace is a hard man not to fall for!
Diana Love and Sherrilyn Kenyon are practically an item, wherever Sherrilyn goes her firend almost always travels with her :D Thanks for the wonderful Q & A and my favorite DH, there are so many to choose from but Unleash The Night is one I can re-read on any given day. Why? because Wren and Margeurite make for incredible romance and the fact they go back in to the past gives the story a fantastic turn!!
Thanks for this incredible giveaway Donna *hugs* I hope you have had or will have a wonderful b-day!
It sounds (and looks) like you had a great time!! :)
Hmm. Hard to pick my favorite! Probably the second half of Acheron. :)
So glad you had such an awesome! She sounds like a lovely lady!
I haven't read any of Sherrilyn Kenyon's novels, but I am intrigued by them. Can I still enter?
WoW is an evil addiction. Make him quit before its too late...
Looks like you had a great time! Good Q&A, thanks for the info. I think I have two favorites, Night Play - because Vane loved Bride even though she wasn't Hollywood's "ideal" figure, and Unleash the Night - because I just fell in love with Wren!
I recently found out they have a tour here in N.O. that includes some of the spots Ms. Kenyon mentions in her books. I haven't been yet but plan to!
pspinney AT cox DOT net
Wow I'm so jealous you got to meet her!!!! I love the Dark Hunter Series and this looks to be a good book :)
My two favorite Dark Hunter books are NIGHT PLEASURES because Kyrian and Amanda have always been my favorite characters (it was also the first Dark Hunter book I read) and ACHERON because all of the amazing mythology and backstory had me breathless.
I posted a link to this on my blog: confessionsofawanderingheart.blogspot.com
I had the greatest pleasure of meeting Ms. Kenyon when she came to NYC. She is one of the nicest persons I have ever met - she stayed to sign everyone's books.
My favorite book - that is hard probably a tie between Kyrian and Amanda (you got to love meeting by handcuff) and Vane&Bride (Vane is just plain hot - I melted when he asked how to date Bride!)
I'm so glad you had a good time. :) What an awesome birthday!!
You are so sweet to offer this wonderful giveaway. My favorite book in the series has to be Acheron. That book ran the entire range of emotions for me. I was shocked, angry, sad, disturbed, mad, mad some more and then outraged. LOL But it all ended well - for now. :)
kweenmg at yahoo dot com
Awesome post. My favorite book was Fantasy Lover. Julian is a hottie.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
My favorite was Acheron. That book made me cry and laugh. What more can I ask from a book.
zmtc21 at yahoo dot com
Dance with the Devil. Zarek is one of my favorite heroes of all time!
Congratulations on meeting Sherrilyn Kenyon. She sounds so nice.
My favorite Dark Hunter book has been Acheron.
Loved meeting you yesterday! Thanks for the nudget so I went. My favorite book was Night Play with Vane and Bride. In fact, after getting it signed last night, I am now re-reading it for like the 12th time! Cassidy said to tell you hi :) (P.S. Don't enter me, but wanted to swing by and show my support!)
A friend of mine got me into reading again many years ago when she introduced me to The Dark-hunter series! I went to one of her signings a couple of years ago and met her and had her sign my book! She is a funny wonderful author and love all her reads, wished I could have gone again this year but missed out!
Congrats on meeting, Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Nice pics and thanks for the awesome contest.
My favorite book is Dance with the Devil because Zarek is one of my favorite DH's.
Terri W.
Hi Everyone, enjoying everyone's thoughts on their favorite DH book(s)! Just Great!
Treina, I'm so sorry, I should have put a spoiler alert in the post before the Q&A. Did't think! Bad Donna! Bad! Please forgive me!!! *on hands and knees*
Thank you Amy and Mandi, I had a fun time and can't go wrong with Sherrilyn Kenyon as first author to meet. :)
Elmer, Thank you!!!
OnlyTheBestSciFi/Fantasy very funny! LOL! He plays WoW in small doses, he's not near as addicted to the game as I've seen others.
Heather I'm so glad to have meet you yesterday. It made the signing that more special. You're so nice! And your daughter is such a treat. Love her outgoing personality.
Wow! You meet Sherrilyn Kenyon! I'm not jealous (not much anyway ^_~).
My favorite book to date has to be Unleash the Night because I have serious tiger fascination and besides Wren's totally hot stuff!
*crosses finger and hopes to win book*
Hard to pick a favorite; They're all so good! I guess I'll pick Night Play simply because it's the first book I read by Sherilynn Kenyon. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Glad you had a great time! I met Sherrilyn and she is great fun :D
I think I am torn between 3 guys. Acheron, Vane and Savitar they each bring something different and I cant wait for Savitar's book.
Sherri is an awesome person who puts everyone at ease immediately. I'm glad you got a chance to meet her, she's a very special person. Hope you make to K-Con one year! Awesome that your son came with you, do you think you'll get him to read the series?
Marie "VoodooGoddess"
I LOVE Sherrilyn Kenyon. I've never gotten the chance to meet her, though. The only time she's come close I was out of town. You're so lucky! Anyways, hmm, my favorite DarkHunter would have to be.. Valerius. Of course, I love the rest of them too, but there's something about Val, so Seize the Night is my favorite by far. I hope I win!! But good luck to all, of course!
You sound like you had a blast! What an awesome birthday,oh and Happy Belated Birthday! My favorite DH is Ash love his words of wisdom throught out the series.
Hi Donna...
Thanks for all the juicy info.:) Looks like you had a wonderful time.
No need to enter me either. I've loved all of the books in the series. But Night Pleasures and Night Play are my top favorites. :)
I haven't read the books yet but now that I know about it, I will keep my eye out for it and start with the first one!
I'm absolutely dying that you met Sherriln Kenyon. I'm screamin my head off like a Jonas Brothers' fan for you. I loved your Q and A. Just finished reading Bad Moon Rising, it was awesome!
BTW my fav Kenyon book is Night Play.
Now I feel like a total noob. Never read one of her books. *blush*
I think she totally slipped under my radar. But it sounds nice. While thinking about her I remember reading a book by her: Just looked it up. I read Bad Attitude so I think the my fav cuz it's the only one of her I read. Perhaps I should start this series. Sound really interesting.
Unleash the Night was my favourite.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
Ah that's amazing. She sounds so sweet! I'm so glad you had fun. Lol and I just love the picture with your hair in her face. Ha ha, so cute!!
I think my favorite DH book is Night Play because I love Bride <33
But it's definitely hard to choose.
What's your favorite Donna??
I really would love to meet Sherrilyn someday =) *crosses fingers*
Thanks for sharing the Dark Hunter love Donna. You're totally awesome <3
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
My favorite was Unleash the Night, Wren Tigarian was so hot!
eva.silkka at gmail.com
My favorite Dark Hunter book is Acheron. I liked finding out how he gets Simi and what his deal with artemis was.
Congrats on getting to meet Ms. Kenyon! She seems so nice. I'm so jealous, but grateful that you're letting us share in your big moment!
And my favorite is Acheron. It was interesting seeing everything he went through and overcame to become the man he is today.
What a great prize!!! My fav is Night Pleasures.
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
My favorite is Night Play, loved Vane.
Zarek, Dance with the Devil is still my favorite. Seize the night and Wren in Unleash the Night after that.
Your pic looks great with Sherrilyn! Thanks for sharing all those great pics. I think for me its FANTASY LOVER because that's what started the whole series for me!! I love to get to re-read that one!
Thanks for being here today your book sounds very good.
Please enter me in for the drawing thank you
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com
Hi Donna, great post, I know my sis met Sherrilyn when she was in Germany a few years back and had a brilliant time too! She sounds like such a great person to meet.
My favorite Dark Hunter novels apart from Fantasy Lover (which got me hooked on the series) and Acheron (well you know because it's Acheron! brilliantly written) I'd have to go with Kiss of the Night - Wulf Tryggvasen's story.
This book is treading in the grey area between Daimons and Dark Hunters and showing not everything is always what it seems.
I absolutely loved it. Especially the longer time-span it has as it develops over a few months time and I loved the cross-over with Night Embrace in I think it's chapter 2 or 3.
I remember by the time I had to dive into this book I wanted a change of paste and read about a werehunter but the book just pulled so I picked it up and kept reading till I read the last word on the last page feeling a bit disappointed that I already finished it - so romantic, action filled and great read!
~ thinks about heading offline and read Kiss of the Night *sigh* got all in the mood for it again! ~
ashleagh (at) realmsonourbookshelves (dot) com
Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to reading Sherrily Kenyon's books yet although I have been meaning too and have it on my 'check out these books' list. :)
My favorite is NIGHT PLEASURE because I just LOVED the hero in the book.
Unleash the Night is my favorite. Wren was such a tortured hero and clearly the underdog. loved him.
lynda98662 at yahoo dot com
First off this is the first time I've found your blog and it's lovely hon great work! I found it on a friend's site because she announced this wonderful contest!
This is a very hard question for me because I love the series so much but I think if I just have to choose one it would be Night Pleasures. I just loved Kyrian and after all he suffered I was really wanting to see him end up happy! :) He was such a tortured soul bless him you couldn't help but root for him!
my email is jennj28(at)yahoo(dot)com
Hi Donna - No entry for me, just wanted to say how great it was that you got to go! Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. :)
My favorite is ACHERON because it's the only one I've read! What a shame, right?!
Great post! My fav book in the series is Acheron 'cause the first half of the book is backstory. It really wraps up a lot of loose ends from previous books.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
I can't believe you're making me choose. Hmmph. :P
Okay, Dance With The Devil. xD
Hi Donna!
I'm so glad to see you enjoyed yourself on your birthday signing. I just knew you'd love Sherri! =)
Thanks for the tidbits and the pictures are great.
I have four or five favorite Dark Hunter books, but I think I'd have to say Acheron is my favorite because it really tied the series together with Ash's past and the Dark Hunter mythology, it had so much emotion and depth, and still a lot of fun in the second half with the love story between Ash and Tori.
Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!
My favorite is ACHERON. Great giveaway!
thanks for sharing.
My favorite dark hunter is Talon in Night Embrace. With a pink towel who could resist. ;)
I really liked dance with the devil. Alot of people were saying how good Zareks story was and they were right! - Cardwellmail@aol.com
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