Angie Fox has posted the official book blurb for the third book, A Tale of Two Demon Slayers, in her Accidental Demon Slayer series, which is set to be released on January 26, 2010
Last month, I was a single preschool teacher whose greatest thrill consisted of color-coding my lesson plans. That was before I learned I was a slayer. Now, it’s up to me to face curse-hurling imps, vengeful demons, and any other supernatural uglies that crop up. And, to top it off, a hunk of a shape-shifting griffin has invited me to Greece to meet his family.
But it’s not all sun, sand, and ouzo. Someone has created a dark-magic version of me with my powers and my knowledge—and it wants to kill me and everyone I know. Of course, this evil twin doesn’t have Grandma’s gang of biker witches, a talking Jack Russell terrier, or an eccentric necromancer on its side. In the ultimate showdown for survival, may the best demon slayer win.

Have you read this series? I haven't heard much about it...
I'm looking for the first book, should have picked it up when I saw it. Second sounds just as great.
Dottie :)
I haven't picked this series up yet. But I gotta tell you I love that little dog lol
Hi Mandi, I have bought the first two books, they are sitting next me on my nightstand. I've read a lot of good reviews on this series. I hope to dive in soon. I'm making some changes on how I've been managing my time, to allow for more book reading time. Reading 1 to 1-1/2 book(s) a week, just isn't making me happy. :(
Hi Dottie, I've had that happen to me a few times. Now, I just go with first instinct and snag it up. :)
Hi Mishel - I agree, the pooch is cute. You don't see many cute dogs on Urban Fantasy/PNR covers. They are usually fierce looking.
Great cover, I so like them, they look so fun. I will be getting her 2nd I think it was and I can't wait to read it
I've heard so many wonderful things about this series Donna!
The premise is so much fun and the cover art is amazing. I haven't had time to get to Ms. Fox's work yet but hope to eventually...
Thank you for the heads-up.
Hi Donna - I just saw this title a few days ago and hadn't had a chance to check it out. Sounds like it will be as fast moving and fun as the previous releases! Thanks for sharing! :)
This series has been on my wishlist for sometime. I must soon unload them on to the TBR pile. :)
Hi Blodeuedd, I like the book covers on this series, they just look like fun.
Hi Lea, I've also seen a lot a great reviews on this series. I need to just dive in.
Hi Kimberly, this is series that's high my list to read this year. I'd like to do it before the third one comes out.
Hi Lou, I had this series on my wish list until the second book released, I went ahead and bought the first two books. I was getting antsy. :)
Hi Donna :)
That dog is too cute on the cover!
Hi Amy, yeah it's a cute pooch. :)
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