Author News:
Today is release day for The Cold Kiss of Death (Book 2, Series) by Suzanne McLeod. I'm reading The Sweet Scent of Blood (Book 1, Series) right now, so far it been an enjoyable read, full of magic, light and dark. Characters step out of the pages from right out of the fairy tales, living in modern day London with people fully aware of them. I'm talking about witches, fae, goblins, brownies, leprechauns and more. Vampires play a big part in the story too. I hope to finish it by this weekend or sooner.
Marjorie M. Liu has Chapter One of The Fire King (Book 9, Dirk & Steele Series) up on her blog.
Nalini Singh posted the book cover to the Thai version of Caressed by Ice. Isn't beautiful?
Interesting Tidbits:
- Temple Library Reviews has Chris McGrath for this week's Artist Corner. Chris McGrath has created the book covers for authors such as C.E. Murphy, Jim Butcher and Vicki Pettersson.
- Fantasy Book News & Reviews recommends The Sword-Edged Blonde by Alex Bledsoe as a book to read.
- Ilona Andrews posted a cornball video by the band Rooney, singing Are You Afraid. They are vampires in the video, very cheesy as Ilona says.
- The Book Smugglers is hosting a YA Appreciation event on their blog from July 19th through August 16th. They have extended an open invitation to anyone to post their review of a YA book on August 15th. Head over to find out the finer details.
- Book Blogger Appreciation Week is September 14-18 1009. This is the second annual BBA week and anyone can participate. There is a lot going on, so go over and read about it. You don't want to miss out on the fun.
- Most of you may know this already but just in case you didn't, Ryan Reynolds will be playing the part of Green Lantern in an upcoming movie by the same name. BSC Reviews has the details.
- Lea over at closetwriter has the most interesting post on planting cactus by elementary school kiddos. This is post you MUST go see. You'll be glad you did.
- Geekologie has a post on Twilight fans and their tattoos. Myself -I think it's on this side of extreme. If I was going to get a tattoo, it wouldn't be one these.

Hi :)
Thank you for sharing.
This was a fun link-filled post.
I love your site and am now a member.
Love from Canada
My book in the same post as Ryan Reynolds! Yay! I hope you enjoy the rest of the read :-)
S. xx
Thanks again for all the links Donna!
You are truely amazing!
Hi RkCharron - You're welcome and thank you! Hope to see you around in these parts. ;)
Hi Suzanne - LOL! I really hope I get some quiet time tonight so I can finish your book. I really am enjoying it. Thank you!
Hi Lea - You're absolutely welcome! (^_^)
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