BBAW Giveaway - Your Pick: Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning

~*~*~*~*~*~* This giveaway is now closed ~*~*~*~*~*~*
This week is Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW), this means there's going to be a lot happening around the blogosphere during this celebration. What you need to do is head over the BBAW web site and check out what they have planned for each day September 14 through September 18.
I just finished reading the books in the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and I absolutely loved this series. That leads me to the giveaway. I had a different giveaway planned for BBAW but I feel so strongly about the Fever series, I decided to have a giveaway with it instead. Here's your chance to start this great series or continue it from the last book you left of from.
Side Note: Darkfever is currently available as a free ebook download at Suvudu. So if you read ebooks, download it and ask for the next book. Just a suggestion for those who haven't read this series yet. :)

The Giveaway:
  • Winner's choice of one book from the Fever series.
  • There will be two winners. US winners will receive their book from and International winners will receive their book from The Book Depository.
The Rules:
  • Tell me which Fever book you want in the comments.
  • Do this only if your email is NOT part of your blogger account, please leave your email in the comments.
  • Open to everyone.
  • Giveaway ends on Thursday, September 17th at 10PM CST.
  • Winners will be announced on Friday, September 18th.
From Karen Marie Moning's website: The Fever books are dark, gritty, first-person mystery / suspense / thrillers with a healthy dose of eroticism, set in an urban fantasy world in Dublin, Ireland.
Click on the book covers to read about each book at the author's website.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd love to give this series a try. I've been meaning to forever. In fact, I read some excerpts from Bloodfever, but realized it wasn't the first and stopped!

A great idea for a giveaway!

jeanette8042 said...

I really love this series and have read all except Dreamfever so I would love to win it!

Blodeuedd said...

Cool :)
I really must ask for the first, Darkfever, that is sure the only way for me to start this series

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

I love this series and would love to win "DreamFever" the only one I haven't read.

Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for offering this!

I'd like to start at the beginning.

I'm not sure if you get my e-mail, so I'll include it here:
i dash comment at deleons dot com

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! I haven't read this series so I would love to start at the beginning. Darkfever for me please!!

Pearl said...

Just wanted to say what a great giveaway this is!
But don't enter me b/c I have all the books, just am postponing starting in them because I am waiting for the release of the last book in the series.

Stacy~ said...

I am so crazy about this series, but I haven't bought the 4th book because it's in HC and the other 3 I just got in PB. I would love to get Dreamfever though, and find out what happens next.

Have a wonderful day :)

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Wow, Donna, this is a great giveaway! I too love this series and can't wait for the final book.

Don't enter me, I have them all, thanks!

Michelle Greathouse said...


Wonderful contest. I have read all in this series except DreamFever and it is on the tbr shelf. :)

Don't enter me in this contest - just stopping by to show blog appreciation. :)

Have a wonderful day.


cfisher1504 said...

I love this series!! Dreamfever!!

Jamie said...

I would love to try out this series. I have heard alot of good things about it. So please enter me in for Darkfever please!!

tetewa said...

I'm always looking for new series to read, I'd like to get the first in the series!

throuthehaze said...

I would love Darkfever

Tynga said...

I just started the series and I like it! I would love to win DreamFever!
Thanks a lot for the giveaway =)

Anonymous said...

I've heard great things about this series,I'd like to win the first book in the series,Darkfever.


Beth (BBRB) said...

I'd love Bloodfever.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

If I win I would love to have Darkfever.

Lucy said...

Sounds really good!
I would like to win the first book of the serie, Moning!

Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

What a great giveaway!! I would have to say Darkfever too. I downloaded the ebook, but things just don't seep in as well if I read it in ebook format, as opposed to holding the actual book..

Morning Glow
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

The Scarf Princess said...

I have read the first book through Suvudu, so I definitely want the second one Bloodfever.

Jo said...

Ohh, I'd like to enter to win Dark Dever please, Donna! These books sound awesome!


chey said...

Great contest!
Bloodfever would be my choice.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I have Darkfever (yay) already but haven't started it yet so I would love a chance to snag Bloodfever =)

Thanks Donna!!

CrystalGB said...

I would love to read Dark Fever.


Anonymous said...

Hi I'd love to read Darkfever. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I've heard good things about this series. If I won, I would like Darkfever to begin the series.

Debbie's World of Books said...

Been hearing so much about this series! Please enter me for darkfever. thanks. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Jenny N. said...

I would love to enter. I have not read this series so I would choose Darkfever.


Lou said...

I read DarkFever on my Ipod touch last week - free from Suvudu - and I was instantly hooked. :D

Please enter me for BloodFever. :)

Thanks, Donna. Amazing giveaway.

Natascha said...

I would love "Darkfever", the first book.

Pamk said...

I would love to win Dreamfever cause it's the only one i've not read. crossing fingers and toes cause i'd really like to win this one since my budget is lacking the funds to buy it right now.

Unknown said...

I love this series. Please enter me for Dreamfever.

Cherie J said...

I would love to enter for Dreamfever. Thanks for the contest!


Sophia (FV) said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to have Bloodfever. I've read all of the books in ebook format but this series is something I'd love for my bookshelf.

kalynnick said...

I would love Dreamfever.

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

Thanks Donna!
I downloaded the first in the series so I would like the second "Blood Fever"

Smokinhotbooks said...

ooo if I didn't already have all of these books I'd be all over this giveaway. I'm highly impatient and cannot wait for Shadowfever, it's killing me that there is no concrete release date!

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

You are awesome for doing this! Really. :) I'd love to have Darkfever. Thanks so much for the e-book link to it.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I've downloaded Darkfever.
If I won I'd love Book Two: Bloodfever.
All the best,

Llehn said...

I would love Bloodfever please.


Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

Oh my gosh, this is my favorite series. I can't wait for Shadowfever--it's agony! If I win, I would like Dreamfever. Thank you!


Trista said...

This series is so awesome! If I win I would love a copy of FaeFever! Thanks!! :)

Beth said...

Please enter me. Thanks for the giveaway.

JoJosBookCorner said...

i've heard this is a great series. am so gonna try it . of course would like to start with the first !!!!

PerpetualMist said...

Please enter me, perpetualmist at gmail dot com

I would love to win "Darkfever", as I do not read ebooks.

Thanks for the contest.

Marie said...

I would love to try out this series -- so I would start with the first book -- it sounds great!

Simply Stacie said...

I'd like to read Darkfever.

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to start this series, so Darkfever would be my choice.

Bella said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much! I am up to Faefever, so would love to have that!

I love this hole BBAW gig and finding new blogs like yours!



Sita said...

I would love to win Dreamfever, the only book in the series I don't have. I really enjoyed the first book and can't wait to read the rest!

Pissenlit said...

Oooh! This series is on my TBR list. Put me down for the first book in the series, please and thank you!

Alexia561 said...

Have heard good things about this series, but haven't gotten to it yet so would love to jump in and win Darkfever!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Beth said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me for Dark Fever.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

mrsshukra said...

Dreamfever would be my first choice!


Bingo said...

I have heard so much of this series and would love any of them but guess if I have to pick on, DREAMFEVER
What a great giveaway...thanks!

kdhaney (AT) gmail ((DOT)) com

Shawna L. said...


If by a chance of luck that I was to win this book giveaway. I would choose DREAMFEVER!!!!!

Thank you for your fantastic book blog & for keeping us followers up on all the latest books. I just love all you do and have done to get the word out their about old & new books.
Your Reviews are just perfect and I find myself looking on your blog first to see if you have reviewed it before I go out and buy it. So keep on doing what your are doing for ALL of us book readers!!!

Smiles ;o.) Shawna

SusiSunshine said...

Hey Donna, great giveaway you've got here. I would love to get a copy of Darkfever. I already have the ebook but I love to have it as a real book. Thanks for the chance.

Froggy said...

I would love to start this series. I would like the first book Dark Fever if I win

I also linked this in my sidebar under contests!

Thanks for a chance to win,

Sheere said...

I'd love to win Darkfever!

Sara M said...

I'd love to win Darkfever since I haven't read this series yet.

Sara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com

Paradox said...

Darkfever please! I've been meaning to start this series!

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Stephanie said...

Oh....this series looks really good! Since I haven't read any of the yet, I think the wise choice would be book 1!


Stoland at ameritech dot net

Shaymless Aymless said...

I have Darkfever in the TBR (dunno what I'm waiting for to make me read this). I suppose if I'm luck I'd want the second book (Bloodfever).

Anonymous said...

I would love to start this series, so Darkfever it is!

Kristen said...

Your review convinced me so I'd like to enter for Darkfever!

Ivy said...

I would love to enter for Bloodfever :D

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