New Releases, Author News & More - 9/15/09

New Releases Today: If you have a review for any of the new releases, I would be happy to link it in this list. Just put a link in the comments of this post.

September 14th
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough
- Reviewed by
September 15th
The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
- Reviewed by
Bauchelain And Korbal Broach by Steven Erikson
- Reviewed by
Forest Born by Shannon Hale
- Reviewed by
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Limited edition reissue in hardcover
- Reviewed by
Bite Marks: A Vampire's Testament by Terence Taylor
Ground Zero by F. Paul Wilson
- Reviewed by

Author News:

  • The Book Butterfly interviews Michelle Rowan, author of Demon Princess: Reign or Shine.
  • Undercover Book Lover interviews Merit from Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires Series
  • Chloe Neill asks: Are you ready for the first chapter of FIRESPELL? - Then be sure to sign up for Chloe's newsletter before Thursday, October 1st. Chapter one will be in her October 1st newsletter and will not be posted on her website until October 15th.
  • Suvudu interviews Chris Evans, author of A Darkness Forged in Fire and The Light of Burning Shadows
  • Alyssa Day has an eye opening post at Between Fire and Ice: A love letter to readers: Top 5 things (most) authors want you to know
  • VampChix interviews Maggie Shayne, author of the vampire series Wings in the Night.
  • Trueromance interviews Marjorie M. Liu, author of the Dirk & Steele and Hunter Kiss series.
  • Carrie Ryan interviews Maggie Stiefvater, author of Shiver.
  • Erica Hayes, author of the soon to be released novel Shadowfae, posted a free short story Hellcursed on her website.
  • Cat Adams posted that if your planning on attending Authors After Dark Paranormal weekend (October 23-25 2009 at the Holiday Inn, Suffern NY), due to a glitch in the hotel's system, registration is open until Sept, 20th.
  • Chris Howard is running a promo for Saltwater Witch, to get more people reading his online graphic novel of the Seaborn. Some gorgeous art is the prize, head over and check it out.

Interesting Tidbits:

  • Jackie at Literary Escapism will be interviewing Chloe Neill on September 29th and she is giving everyone an opportunity to submit questions: Is there anything you would like to ask Chloe about her Chicagoland series?
  • Lexie at Poisoned Rationality has created a great list of future release that extends to next year.
  • The Fiction Vixen found a blog tool that rates your blog: "What's your blog rated?" I ran my blog through and was surprised by the results:
    OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
    This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
    • dead (7x)
    • dangerous (5x)
    • death (4x)
    • sex (3x)
    • zombie (2x)
    • ass (1x)
    Um, yeah. Okay. Moving on...

Giveaways Around the Virtual World: Right now there are a ton of giveaways/contests going on around the blogosphere in celebration of BBAW, I have a few listed here but for a full list head over to the BBAW website.

As always, I hope you find a new a book or an author that you've not heard of before listed here. Good Luck! The ongoing contest list is on my blog's sidebar.


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for an excellent blog post.
Thanks for taking the time to create the great links!
All the best,

Leontine said...

Donna, love to lurk at these posts of your, trying to find me something new :) I am lurking at my mailbox to see if The Lost Symbol will grace it. Not that I am not previously occupied but I want to have it so I can start it when ever I want, which will be ASAP. A Dan Brown book has not dissapointed me and I have read every single one of them. let's hope with the extra time he spent on this book that it will be worth the readers time!

Mandi said...

Awesome post. I don't know if there is anything coming out that I HAVE to have today, which is probably a good thing since I placed two orders earlier this week ;)

SciFiGuy said...

Terrific post as always. Loved the Fiction Vixen link :)

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Great post - very informative. Thanks for putting it all together!

Carolyn Crane said...

Wow, thanks for this! This is hugely helpful. And the heads up on the Chloe Neill Interview. I didn't even know that blog - eclectic/undercover reader

Carolyn Crane said...

Can I also say, I love that you have that stop tag up there.

Donna said...

You're welcome RKCharron!

Leontine, I was thinking of trying this one. I read DaVinchi Code and loved it but I DNF on Demons & Angels. My dad loves Dan Brown, so it gives a book or two we can talk about together.

Same here Mandi. Sep. 29th is going to be massive and put a dent in my wallet. ;)

Doug I did too! I love coming across posts like that.

Patti, you're welcome!

Carolyn, you'll find a lot of variety over at Eclectic/Undercover Book Lover. She used to have two blogs but decided to combine them to save time on admin-ing two blogs. Jacqueline has something over there for most anyone.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Great post!
Loved the Blog Rating thing!

Here's mine!

Blodeuedd said...

That was cool, my blog is PG
* dead (4x)
* sex (3x)
* death (2x)
* kill (1x)

Hm a death theme there

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Great post! Always love the updates :) I have a lot of clicking to do now, lol.

Enchanted by Books said...

Thanks for posting about all these great contests and the free read from Erica Hayes!! I appreciate it! :)

Donna said...

Jessica - Maybe I'm just to liberal but I really don't see my blog as R rated. It doesn't bother me though, it was fun to see what the rating site would generate.

Blodeuedd - PG is not bad at all, if I had to rate my blog I would give it a PG-13. ;)

FOTS - Hope you find something interesting. :)

Rachael - You're welcome. I can't wait for Shadowfae to release, I'm really excited about it.

SusiSunshine said...

I totally love these posts. No releases for me today but that's ok cuz I have already so many for the next two week.
Thanks for making this post.

Donna said...

Susi - I didn't get any of the new releases from this week either. Saving the $ for Sept. 29th!

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