If you haven't read Hellcursed, don't take my word for it, go check it out for yourself.
Shadowfae is the debut urban fantasy novel in the Shadowfae Chronicles by Erica Hayes, that will release on October 13, 2009.
Synopsis for Hellcursed, prequel to Shadowfae, from Erica's website:
It's 1863, and headstrong ex-convent girl Jade has renounced the church that tried to curb her independence. Now, she travels the world seeking adventure and the pleasures of forbidden ritual.Synopsis for Shadowfae, from Erica's website:
But she's tricked by a treacherous sorcerer, and now she's forced into a darker kind of slavery. She's a succubus, with a powerful demon lord her master for a thousand years.
At least, that's what he thinks. Jade accepts no man's domination, least of all a demon's. She's determined to thwart her fate.
But she's yet to discover the true meaning of demon thrall...
Steal souls.
Live in hell.
Never die.
Live in hell.
Never die.
In a city infested with psychotic fairies and run by sadistic vampire mafiosi, life as a soul-sucking succubus rarely involves lacy lingerie, hot guys or great sex.
Enslaved by a demon lord, Jade must spend her nights seducing vampire gangsters and shapeshifting thugs. After two hundred years as a succubus, she burns for freedom and longs to escape her brutal life as a trophy girl for hell's minions.
Then, she meets Rajah, an incubus who touches her heart and intoxicates her senses. Rajah shares the same bleak fate as she, and yearns just as desperately for freedom. But the only way for Jade to break her bonds is to betray Rajah—and doom the only man she's ever loved to a lifetime in hell.

Oh Donna, you wicked wicked very bad, wicked girl you!!!! I read about this book a few weeks ago and as I wanted to order it I noticed it was TPB, which costs 12 euro's, which is a lot for a and I let my sensible side rule. So I did not investigate further but now that I am reading your post sensible side has left the building; it went so fast I could not even grasp it to hold on to the sense. This book is so up my alley that i just needed to click, really, the compulsion was not to be denied.
So thanks Donna *wink* Addiction is purring as we speak...
Hm, I do wonder, I am rather intrigued, but no I shouldn't. I am trying to only add pure fantasy to me TBR list now, but perhaps in the future ;)
I read Shadowfae and ooohboy.
That's all I'll say. ;)
Leontine - just the short short and chapter one has gotten me hooked!!! I just hope the rest of the book pans out. I love TPBs but they are pricey so I understand. But this book just begs to be bought. :)
Blodeuedd - I dare you to read the short story...:)
Wendy - Oh you lucky, lucky lady! So jealous right now! Are you writing a review?
Me want. Jealous. :P
Haha ok, I will give it a go ;)
I just gave you an award over at my blog :)
Donna, I couldn't resist after reading excerpt and at Book depository Store it was "only" 9 euro's so cheaper than I thought :)
Hey Donna:
This does sound excellent, since I've got time off the dreaded day job next week, I will likely read the free short story.
This looks awesome!! I had not heard of it!
Hi :)
I am eager to get & read SHADOWFAE.
Erica Hayes is a wonderful wordsmith.
She is also on Twitter: @ericahayes
Thank you for including the great trailer too!
All the best,
Yup! (& I might run a giveaway for my ARC *wink wink* lol)
Katie - yep! seeing the green-eyed monster right now too.
Blodeuedd - Thank you!! And let me know if you liked the short story, fair warning it truly is hot!
Leontine - YES!! I can't wait till Oct. 13th, just glad it's the end of September.
Lea - betcha like it. ;)
Mandi - it is awesome. I'd like to know what you think of the short after you read it.
RKCharron - Thanks! I'm following her now on Twitter. The short is delicious, isn't it? Need more :D
Wendy - *drools* for the ARC!! I'm going to keep my eye out for the review & giveaway.
LOL, no worries. I'll tweet about it once the review and giveaway's up. :)
Awesome find Donna! ME. WANT. NOW!!!
;) VFG
I want to read Shadoefae SO bad too!!! I was excited to hear about the free short story and will check it out! I'm glad to hear it's that good. :)
Wow. I want these books like now. Donna you have these ubersenses when it comes to find great books. I bow my head...Thanks for letting us know.
Hadn't heard about this one, but it sounds good! Will add it to my wishlist. Thanks! :)
Wendy - Setting up Wendy alerts now. *g*
VFG - Same here :)
Rachael - it is good! I hope you do get a chance to read it. I know I plan on get Shadowfae in a couple of weeks.
Susi - You and me both. Aww, thank you! I love sharing finds like this.
Alexia - Definitely check out the short story. It is hawt!!
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